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Everything posted by crackpot

  1. Exactly but this figure makes him look otherwise. I know these are the best articulated figure for SDFM available at this time but the headsculpts just doesn't seem to capture the faces correctly. Something is off. All the male bodies seem too skinny as well.
  2. Why does he look like a bishounen character?
  3. The only issue with that is if somebody buys that item while you're waiting for a response which has happened to me at least twice. So I don't even bother asking anymore.
  4. Might be interested with the missiles.
  5. Lol! Bandai actually had the gall to release it with left over Jetfire parts?
  6. The logo is on the lower right corner.
  7. It's obviously a Frankensteined set. Original DYRL VF-1S with Transformers Jetfire fast packs.
  8. 2 more to go...
  9. The looseness of the hip joints of the renewals can be remedied with some liquid floor polish or varnish. So if the hip joint is their only selling point for this reissue, it's not worth it for me to get the others. If they improve the upper body and head with locking mechanisms to hold its place, then I'm all in.
  10. It's supposed to have made the hip joints better. In what way, it has to be seen. I see this as possibly Bandai testing the waters to rerelease Frontier valks with the same changes and so far, it seems to have sold well unless this is just a case of FOMO. Either way, if the supposed changes doesn't really hold up well or isn't considered a significant improvement by the buyers, the next attempted Frontier reissue will be a flop. There are other areas that the Frontier valks need improvement but got left out.
  11. To wrap it up.
  12. This is becoming the store that must not be named. Ha ha ha ha ha!
  13. Roll the dice. I haven't had issues with them with my orders but it seems some have. You can still get your money back if ever they don't deliver.
  14. I don't think he even PO'd the DX Kakizaki with them and got it somewhere else because it wasn't the lowest price. If the trend continues, I doubt he'll continue getting Macross stuff there. Right, @Slave IV?
  15. Lol! Take it as constructive criticism. Your website needs improvement by a lot. While you guys are here, what happened to the Metal Build Blue Frame 2nd and Alternative Strike Launcher pack? It never showed up for pre-order here.
  16. Bluefin's website did crash before and their website is crap to begin with and is very slow. This time, p-bandai USA is hosting the PO. So while crashing is still possible, at least it's not as bad as Bluefin. I don't see this selling out quick. The Blue Frame 2nd didn't sell out quick on p-bandai Japan. This is just as obscure as the other Astray Frames.
  17. Maybe he hates both ;P
  18. Nope. Those were the other retailers. I didn't say this either. The idea of them buying somewhere else was in reference to the marked up PO units they're selling. I think CDJapan stopped carrying TWE after the VF-31A fiasco. Probably realized it wasn't worth the headache. Yes, AE does carry TWE but from what I noticed, the units available seem to be on the low side.
  19. My thoughts as well. I don't think anybody received a December order from them. Doubt they have a commercial agreement with Bandai for TWE as well. That'd probably cause a stink with the other retailers and otherwise we'd see Amiami and/or HLJ carry pre-orders for TWE items.
  20. I didn't know the reference but it's a good idea not to get triggered immediately with such things.
  21. crackpot

    Macross figures

    Got shot down before it went to production. :P
  22. You can never be too sure.
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