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Everything posted by crackpot

  1. I think it's more on the scalpers that bought them are having a hard time moving their purchases. The amount of Hikaru 1S on YJA was very abundant that I think anybody that really wanted one and willing to pay more, got it already from the previous listings.
  2. Regular DHL from Germany is/works with their postal service hence the restrictions as they will utilize commercial flights for shipping.
  3. Are you referring to yourself?
  4. Wouldn't the bot not really work with Amiami and HLJ because you log in again always when checking out unless that's part of the programming and I don't know anything about coding?
  5. Yup. 2. Could have gotten one more but my attention was divided with other stuff up for PO.
  6. Was it though? I think this went better. Having Roy show up on AJ Global helped a lot. Hikaru didn't show up ever.
  7. We're talking about Bandai here. They will go after their asses unlike Takara/Hasbro.
  8. Hopefully you get your order this November. Rule of thumb when ordering online, if you can, use paypal with a credit card. Never use your bank account or funds because if you get screwed, you can a file a claim with paypal first then if that fails, do a chargeback with the credit card. It's harder to recover money from paying with a bank account.
  9. And some unwanted extras.
  10. They removed you because that's one less person trying to PO.
  11. You think it's over? No rest. Get ready for TV version of the supers and missiles.
  12. Nin Nin is a mixed bag based on other's experiences but I've received my orders from them. Kinda risky right now but keep your POs because you can get your money back within 6 months. The running theory with these stores that put up more PO's in increasing prices is that they buy up stock at retail from other stores (local or inaccessible to international buyers).
  13. Have a pineapple salad.
  14. Congrats to @Slave IV.To celebrate his success and the first cart jacking of the night, I will repost these:
  15. Hey! They're the first to open the pre-orders but they'll be surely the last one to ship out.
  16. I knew it! You own the store. Lol!
  17. Don't get too drunk. Lol!
  18. Too many stupid people here in the US. It's reaping what it sowed.
  19. EVA? Lol!
  20. frakk Bandai! There's a new 15 inch Evangelion line coming for pre-order tonight as well. @sqidd https://tamashii.jp/special/dynaction/
  21. Hopefully it's just a misunderstanding and it's just an announcement for the product. Somebody from the Soul of Chogokin thread said it was tonight but I don't think it's been confirmed anywhere else.
  22. Is it? There's a logo for Tamashii web exclusive though.
  23. DAMN IT! SOC Voltes V is tonight also?!
  24. Here's from me wishing well to all of you preordering tonight:
  25. I'd say the same thing so that the members here won't flood my inbox asking where their orders are. Smart move but we're on to you.
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