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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. and....i miss out again. Getting tired of this.... anyway, when NY re open, do you guys have the link? i am totally confuse here, they put 2 vf-25F
  2. What is AE? do you have the link?
  3. i am pretty much tired of this cr4p....enter ami2 on time and when add to cart and proceed, got kick out with not enough stocks bla bla bla
  4. I am at Singapore, haven't try to look at my local store though. But currently in the internet, there's no one selling
  5. Anybody know where to get VF-1J 30'th anniv? i was looking at ebay and HK collectibles but result are none
  6. marijuana

    VF-25F Renewal

    if you have any connection to taobao china. You can get it under 300+ a bit (depends on the exchange rate USD vs RMB china). Look the one that the seller from HK. or you could go either yahoo.auction (hongkong) or....yahoo auction Japan. I also have the same dilemma as yours. I am waiting this renewal F to be reissue, but i am not sure even next time when they want to reissue it. Is there any chance for us? looking back the experience of reissue VF-29 30'th anniversary, HLJ : sucks, ami2 : slim chance and even my local (singapore) seller already hands up and told me that they WILL NOT take any PO for macross line anymore because everytime they order, bandai never give them the exact order quantity that has already been agreed in the first place. I can understand if US side have a bit of problem getting this, but here i am (in asia) but still couldn't get it.
  7. i dun understand what exactly the reason Bandai re-release this products?
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