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About nachoted

  • Birthday 03/15/1983

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  • Location
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

nachoted's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. felicitaciones es un proyecto muy bueno, y da gusto que alguien se anime a hacer algo tan grosso, y tambien estimula un poco el orgullo que seas argento, felicitaciones de nuevo y segui posteando fotos que estan muuuy buenas y podemos ver como va progresando. congrats its a very good project and im glad that someone takes the chances of doing something like that, also helps that you are from argentina. Congrats again and keep posting pictures so we can see your progress
  2. so far every macross product have a love triangle, some very well executed others not so much The larger series(sdf and M7) for some period the triangle expand to a cuadrangular(sorry but the english word for a 4 sided poligon escapes me right now). dont forget that always macross has been a "drama" about the characters and how the enviroment affects their life, thankfully the sorroundings are valkyries, space and war. sory for my english it isnt my native tongue
  3. as always the quality of the models is great. A question how are the models that the group invented progression? (i mean the resources colector and others)
  4. good job that sv-51 look awesome and some times look like it could turn on a dime.
  5. excellent work guys, keep it up and we'll be enjoying this mod in no time(or that is what i like to think )
  6. any news or progress or video for the two weeks that passed since your last report
  7. I think it is because that anyone who wants to realese m7 has to pay to victor music an awfull lot of money. This made this project economically not possible
  8. One of the few from south america Little detail both from south america are from argentina and their first name are IGNACIO(me and Ignacio Ocamica)
  9. any progress?
  10. first congrats IAD second thats an awesome sv-51 and third a more important PLEASE POST MORE VIDEOS
  11. does anyone know the industry nickname of Ichiro Itano?
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