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Everything posted by valky-001

  1. valky-001

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Tough choices, the VF-0S to me are one of the most beautiful Valkyries line but the SV-51 is one of the only variables that gives a great fearless look of mecha.
  2. Which one was the one you were looking for?
  3. I like your Banpresto Strike Valkyrie it looks like if you added the heat shield and painted a bit of strip on its left arm and on the nose, by the way are its (NP-AR-1) missile armounring blocks in its DYRL style or are they the same TV Style?
  4. But most of all don’t forget to add the ability to flip up or down the battle mask.
  5. Don’t worry me amigo.
  6. They totally forgot to ad de Kellogg’s StarBots in here, best transformable flying free bots till now.
  7. I really don’t think so, the toy was upgrade to super valkyrie right before Takatoku’s closing and DYRL came out after Takatoku, I think in 1984 same time Mark was the new owner of the Takatoku henkei’s molds.
  8. Double A not to bad looking for a 30 and a 10 year old small transforming, cheap toys.
  9. There are always going to be people that are going to hate or bitch about anything, but I wouldn’t say everyone. For those collectors that love any good transforming valkyrie and understand the difference between something for under $40 and something around $300, will be pleased with this type of figures. Unless there is someone who is able to make a very small transforming valkyrie as same or better than a full 1/60 Yamato for under a price of $ 40 than they can just keep dreaming and hating, till that day comes.
  10. Well, I’m using this topic of Banpresto VF-1 20th anniversary, to ask a question and see if someone can post close-up pictures of the Banpresto Roy Strike Valkyrie if they have him out of box. I got 2 Super Valkyrie a brown color and a Roy color and are totally VT versions. Now what I want to know or see is if the Roy Strike Valkyrie has the (NP-AR-01) arms missile armouring blocks (TV) style or (DYRL) version. And the 1S head has the painted arrow black like (TV) version or yellow like the (DYRL) style.
  11. As far as I can say back in 2009 I really liked my Bandai 1/72 scale model kit VF-25S it made my Bandai DX VF-25S look like sh#%t. really waiting to see how will this one look, I have a feeling it’s going to be as good as the VF-25S Kit.
  12. I like this one.
  13. The upper legs don't match the color of the main body. The upper arms are painted. I'm inclined to suspect that this is a mix of a knockoff Super version that happened to be made in green, and a stock TT/Select VF-1S in original colors. When I was young, I used to mix white & brown knockoffs to get somewhat show-accurate VF-1As. The upper legs don't match the color of the main body. The upper arms are painted. I'm inclined to suspect that this is a mix of a knockoff Super version that happened to be made in green, and a stock TT/Select VF-1S in original colors. When I was young, I used to mix white & brown knockoffs to get somewhat show-accurate VF-1As. AcroRay I don’t think its green, trying to go more of a light marine blue ( same plastic color of the henkei SDF-1 arms and 2 towers )as a color of the super parts of the 82 TV macross of the legendary 001 VF-1S later switch to dark marine blue for the (DYRL) on his strike parts, I think you side you have a super zardak to, if you do, can you tell me why dose his body does not matches colors to. The body is black and all the arms and part of the legs and booters are more of a dark purple black. Takatoku dedicated his best to detail the henkei’s, trying to give them true colors of the identity of their pilots, Roy’s light gray VF-1S and Rick/ Hikaru more to an honor of a white zero fighter for his VF-1J, sometimes in designing or redesigning an item you don’t think everything true which may happened here, Rick’s/ Hikaru’s VF-1J is destroy, Roy dies and his VF-1S damage le survives, Rick/Hikaru is given Roy’s place as leader and his VF-1S to, the 001 VF-1S is repaired and upgrade for super parts and repainted to a lighter color to identity Rick / Hikaru,( zark cardboard art drawing has no pilot and zardak art drawing has rick / hikaru in the super vf-1 ) that’s why zark (not zardak ) stiker legs are lighter than the upper chest that has the black and yellow and matches more Roy’s light gay, which they forgot to switch that color when they past from clear stickers to full color stickers for the super vf-1. On what is dark purple on the recolored zardak is ligth blue marine on the original color super vf-1 upper arms are pinted same color paint they used to pant the uppers arms and legs of the red recolored zark, on the super parts with the arms are one piece in light blue marine, they must of said its easier and cheaper to cover with sticker that part than paint it. Same with the chin legs, that’s the reason of passing from clear stickers to full color stickers. But knock-off no there is no knock-off of a super henkei the last takatoku henkei type from macross can’t say much of the second to last henkei type takatoku dorvak calibur that beryl made it to marker in japan. Plus there is no knock-off from the 80’s henkei that cud manage clear decals with white painting. On the white I can’t really tell if they are original or a swap, the toy is really bet up and they are really fragile only a few limited where made in original color very little chances of surviving in the hands of a kid and still living up to today, this the first one I found with its decals, but not the only because theirs two more that are still living up till today with complit arms. I’ll see if he will be willing to pass me pictures. Valky, did you notice that the Super's undercarriage is modified so that you can mount the gun-pod underneath in Gerwalk and fighter mode? TT also retooled that element so you can actually put the gun-pod under the body, rather than placing it in one of the hands. Yep AcroRay that’s why I put them pictures to see who can knowdest it.
  14. The toy and neither the pictures are mine. But just to proof of a real Macross holy grail with lots of history and mystery. Ladys and Gentlemen’s, Zentradis and Macross fans. THE TAKATOKU HENKEI TYPE VF-1S SUPER VALKYRIE !!! In its original colors !!!
  15. Jvmacross where you the one who found in a special catalog of takatoku or who know what was it, that had the Super Valkyrie henkei type, I passed to a friend for translation but in Spanish, he likes robotech and macross but is not into collecting toys and does not know much about them . He translated menschening the upgrade I knew about the henkei, something that got me he side that was so post to be some type of specil limetid release that included a little finger of Linn Minnmay of 45 millimeters of tall, do you think is that Linn Minnmay from the Bandai and matchbox joke maching? He cu dent get everything to the side of the page it would help to see the entire page, I cannot say it is really that, since I’m not translating and he does not know about macross toys just a fan and cannot see the side (kanjis) don’t know what’s that.
  16. JVmacross just tell me when you want to see the ultimate holy grail and they will be on.
  17. JVmacross you will never see him in ebay or options and who has one will never sell him or let him go, it’s not the Bandai ostrich, this is way beyond that, it’s the ultimate holy grail for a macros collections, tray to finger out what I wrote and put on my topic Takatoku Henkei in (zardak), there I with put for you, for the very first time in macross world some pictures taken this year of the of and old takatoku henkei in its true colors with its real fainted decals.
  18. ohh yes ther was, a original color henkei typeVF-1S Super Valkyrie, from the very mold of takatoku, really dont think they end up there by takatoku, but by Mark of japan on a turn on direction choosing Italy why’ll he’s conflict with Harmony Gold in the USA, it must of being only a limited of first shipping.
  19. Well ok then lets live the investigation aside for now, and just look at the toy. jvmacross you wish is my command this are all the only original henkei macross visions that were sold in the USA under a different company and name, and pictures of Zadark that is an original recolored in black of the VF-1S Super Valkyrie henkei type from the Takatoku mold.
  20. Zardak yes, yes Zardak, man don’t know even where to start with him. Well first let me say that I got him new never out of his cardboard package a bit worn out and crinkled, not as fresh and crispy new like the package the sdf-1 came in, and his plastic bubble had a small carefully open crack with the cardboard on his left side, looks like someone carefully removed out his GU-11 gun pod thru their. Oh well, at list that’s a relief, that I can get him out of his package without breaking my heart for opening a rear vintage toy, because I really wanted to get my hands on this toy, one that I have being searching high and low thru everywhere. I carefully open a little bit more the crack on the package and squish out the toy, leaving the plastic bubble still strong on the cardboard without touching the small under writing and the side drawing, for proof and clues to revel his history. While checking out the toy I left the cardboard package on the bed, when I look back to check the cardboard I see my toddler that just turned 2 years old with the cardboard in one hand and the plastic bubble in the other hand. Oh well, I’ll do my best to show that part. For those who are from South America most part of Europe and the Far East especially where the birth place of Macross is from, Japan. Is probably thinking or saying, who or what the f@#ke is Zardak? Shot way, He is one of the very last babies of Takatoku the one that was so post to be #6, one that started production in japan but never got to see the sun light there, and the only one of the Takatoku Macross and other ones of its type that didn’t got to fall in the hands of the blacks markets of Taiwan, and then they tried to kicked him out of Robotech territory like it’s big sister was, but still manage to get in saying f@%K you to Harmony Gold in his very short life, ending his production in Korea.
  21. The only thing I can enjoy opening here, is opening the package got to hate it but love it
  22. Man I still think that Mazinga Z has the best anime enter song, and started in ( !! 1972 !! ) if that’s right this year is his 40th anniversary?
  23. When I was a kid I couldn’t even afford buying Gobots, back then $3 was still a lot for me, so glad and happy finding this ones in the stores, I had no idea of what was a K.O. back then. I remember buying a blue Head Block (Mixer), the Slicks with white paint and different tire marks, Spoons and Dive-Dive. Man I really wish I had a real time machine especially in that style, and one of a must be, would be taking a trip to the 80’s for toys shopping.
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