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Everything posted by valky-001

  1. Any new news on this kit, it’s one of the only reasons I log in here to check.
  2. If that’s what it means, then that’s real good news.
  3. I say yes there are still a lot of reasons for a renewal version for the 1/60 VF-1 to keep going for a perfect transformation, for example Bandai is now going to give us looking type of hydraulic pistons for leg delivery panels and retracting wings for battroide mode just some points of their 1/72 model kit VF-1. It’s like from now on any newer VF-1 would that’s trying to go for perfect transformation would have to involve a leg delivery panel, and swing bars are thing of the past. I know this may seem ridicules, bum and stupid, but can a lipstick help inspired in the advance for a perfect transformation of a VF-1 like the intake covers retraction and hand extraction with it hand cover retraction. All most taking on any container engineering with retractable lid for lipstick will make them parts of the vf-1 function like they supposed to, and help the way for a perfect transformation. What do you guys think will in work for the VF-1?
  4. Wow, seeing that post just made this day exciting to me, like OMG hydraulic pistons looking for legs delivery panels and as hydraulic locking pistons for chest plate with back plate, and retractable wings to solve the overhang main wings for battroide mode. I say Amen for seeing that the innovation of perfect transformation for our beloved Valkyrie is still moving forward.
  5. How long do we have to wait to see this finish? It’ll be more of a 31st anniversary rather than a 30th I’ll say.
  6. On what model kit are you tempting to do your project, I would love to see what you’re gathering.
  7. valky-001

    Its Official!

    Mostly only Roy’s VF will resell a bit higher than others and with its super packs for a lot more.
  8. aiorus_22 me gusto como resaltan mas tus 1/100 toynami VF-1 Roy en gerwalk y el repintado gris VF-1A.
  9. Yamato’s 1/60 UNASSEMBLED kit UNASSEMBLED is not a model kit, it the same UNASSEMBLED toy 1/60, if am not wrong first toy/action figure like we like to call it that’s sold UNASSENBLED and gives you the experience to ASSENBLED like before factory , it’s more like it satisfies the curiosity kid in us when we use to UNASSEMBLED a favorite toy to see how it functions and unpainted to customize it as you wish, But not a Model Kit. Now this Bandai VF-1 1/72 VF-1 model kit is not going to be the first VF-1 or transforming VF-1 kit which where ARII or Revell but are more like part former, or nether the first top detail view Valkyrie with an acceptable perfect transformation kit because the first one was the VF-25 model kit But this may be the first 1/72 scale (VF-1 ) model kit to have top details view with an acceptable perfect transformation kit. There’s no point in compering a model kit agents a toy/action figure and exposing them as one same kind, when one is an apple and the other is a pear, one is designed with the thought on more of the eyes on its close to details and lines view and the other with more of the thought of touch of playability close to imaginations level, to me there both different and there both good. Now if it’s a transforming model kit or a non-transforming kit, which is a sea of different mind. But in my case I just can’t stand any toy or model kit that was inspired base on transformation stuck in one single mode it’s like they never finish the toy or the model, if you going to make it then make it all the way. Yes but the olds and most VF-1 transforming kits where still incomplete part former half way, something still unacceptable to me. Until the 1/72 VF-25 model kits, given a better detail far down to the rivets and with and ingenuity art of transformation and at its best looks in all 3 modes. And now it’s time for the VF-1 and let’s just hope it’s the first perfect transformation model kit 1/72 for the VF-1 with detail down to the rivets. Durability and function, on a transforming model kit. I got my 1/72 VF-25S kit in the first preorders in 2008 and still have it without a single sign of crack, after it fell like 3 feet’s first and a piled of toys on top of him, like the Yamato’s VF-0S, SV-51, VF-1S, MP Cyclone and a some more with in a box. Don’t know if it was just luck with him, or maybe if you build it right making sure to feel that the internal parts move and shift soft as you build it, and handling it carefully when transforming it like smoothly changing gears in an expensive super car and not the everyday use car, then maybe the transforming model kit will last long.
  10. I thought Yamato was first a Japanese WW ll war ship
  11. This can maybe end up being the only new release transformable VF-1 or Valkyrie for this year, ether way I’m still looking forward in getting one.
  12. valky-001

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    If you can still buy that VF-0S or maybe the other one i would run for it, with all this drama going on who knows.
  13. Where there even any new variable valks of any kind in that wonderfest?
  14. Who makes them, and so they are only sold for wonder fest?
  15. Does anybody know what are this that looks like some type of 1/100 build kit. Yes it’s not as much as the Yamato or the last 1/100 VF-1, but to me it looks unique in its own way and if it has a perfect transformation rather than a part former, than it’s a desire to obtain to intergrade to my collection.
  16. No mucho, pero algo censillo cuenta por lo mientras para mostrar. Not much just a bit of my small collection counts for now.
  17. Is this only going to be fighter mode build kit?
  18. valky-001

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    In my opinion the Yamato’s 1/60 M Zero valk’s (VF-0 and SU-51) are more in close type to the 1/60 V2 VF-1, rather far than the 1/60 V1 VF-1. So if there is going to be a 1/60 V2 VF-0, than this is going to be far more better than the V2 VF-1 and more close to a 1/60 V3 VF-1 with a V2 SU-51 release lap between them both. One thing that I think can improve better may be the pilot’s style looks, for more of a slim body pilot that will make us think that this one’s now look like gummy bear pilots.
  19. Ahh isn’t good to dream of toys just like when we were kids, there are some that I would like to see remake with today’s advance engineering designing and some that may never have being made, be designed in to a perfect toy or complete transforming model kit. In the ones that may never haven’t been made in the first few, I can think of two that can intergrade in to the VF-universe mecha or collection, yehhaa from the video game Tech Romancer, a YF-38 Rafaga and maybe the heavy armor called Wise Duck. A YF-38 pretty sure any toy maker like Yamato, Bandai, Megahouse, Beagle, Toynami, Studio HalfEye, Banpresto, Kaiyodo, etc… would do a decent transforming mecha action figure, but more in my own preference I would want it in the way of a 1/72 scale transforming kit, like Bandai’s VF-25 kit mostly for its detail looks and not to expensive price, l would love to paint one like a VF-1A cannon folder colors with the U.N. Spacy logo and another one to Roy Focker skull leader colors with its skull and cross bones. In the ones for remake with today’s advance engineering designing out of the many first comes to my mind a HV-64 Ovelon Gazette from Dorvack with great detail, perfect transformation and grate articulations in robot mode, from any toy maker as long as it looks close to model stand in both modes or it can to be a transforming model kit.
  20. Yehp Jenius that’s what it is, just saw your review of the 1/72 Legioss in any moon. Weird (1/72) when I don’t think any 1/100 can fit in them tiny boxes.
  21. I was looking around ebay and found something interesting to me since sometimes I like small simple stuff and have a soft pot for Takatoku Henkei Macross stuff, and Robotech was my introduction to Macross when I was a kid so Mospeada mechas are cool as Macross. Look's like the seller has no idea of what he has only label it as Robotech and I have neither no idea. Only I can tell it’s really small and in the wrong box of a Taiwan henkei type VF-1A K.O. Somehow the toy looks original and like it really transforms something like a Mospeada Henkei Type Alpha / Legioss Anyone knows of it?
  22. valky-001

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    There must be something you’re not doing right, be sure to have the gun pod fully transformed and the back pack and legs in together tight by their pegs connections.
  23. All i can say is wow...
  24. valky-001

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Yeap not true the 0S has clearings too.
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