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Everything posted by LePoseur

  1. Yeah, the Mac Plus Valks was my intro to MW. Believe it or not, I avoided the forums for quite a while, then lurked, then finally made an account to break the TRU 1/60 cannon fodder news. Been hooked a while it seems. My wallet (and wife) might never forgive me.
  2. LePoseur

    Britai attacks!

    Man, that was classic, but don't stop with just those links, keep hitting the next page button and there's a ton more. Segal! haha, oh man. The whole Rainbow bridge thing was awesome as well. Thanks Shawn
  3. That's the Tachikoma I have on my desk at work. Too bad it needs a clear stand to keep the back end up, but it's still cool. I pulled Motoko off it though, as I hate that outfit, plus the last thing I need at work is for my boss to ask why I have a tiny half naked plastic woman on my desk. They're fun, but they're only 300 yen here so don't spend too much. Of course, the full size Batou is worth every yen, but besides him and the Tachikoma, I wasn't too excited. I did end up getting him and the car in my grab (stupid mystery boxes) but that was cool enough in its own way. Good luck with your set. BTW I haven't seen any from the set you got, so I don't know what they're like, but I'm gonna stake out the 7-11 on Monday.
  4. While I'm not sure, they look like the second series of the ones I mentioned in the SAC thread. If they are, they're not bad, but shorter that the Macross figures, about the size of a star wars figure. The vehicles are smaller, of course, with the tachikoma's staning about two inches tall. Of course, if this is different, or even if it's the second series, they could have increased the size a little. Interesting, I'll keep my eyes open at the 7-11 near work and see if I can score some.
  5. Neat, but not as cool as the VW transformer clip that ran a few months ago. Man, when they really can make things like this (without CGI that is) it will be a lot cooler.
  6. A general rule of thumb about OVAs: Only fanboys buy them... in fact, only fanboys really know of their existance. OVA's are made (now-a-days) for an existing fan base and never with any real hopes of expanding one. If you want to expand a franchise you need to be on TV, in a new run Manga or have a popular video game, as OVA's exist well below the normal cultural radar. Should this take away from anyone's enjoyment of Macross Zero? Yeah right! Like I should even have to answer that. Oh, and F-ZeroOne, great points that I should have included. Thanks for bringing them up. After the end of the 1/55 reissue line, things have slowed down quite a ways, but it was crazy there for a while having a whole little "Macross section" in the hobby shops, wasn't it? Of course, a lot of people might have switched to internet/takyubin purchases like I did, but reguardless, things have slowed down noticably since then.
  7. LOL, BoB sorry if it looked like I was jumping on you, far from it. I was more aimed at the American POV that seemed to come in and dominate the thread. Not surprisingly, you view and mine on the Jackson thing are almost identical, and I feel for you for being stuck in the possition of having to worry about what to do with someone else's kid. That's never a fun place. And just for the record, enlarged testicals can be freaky.
  8. You know, I find it odd that people can be so uptight about anatomy. Look no further than America's big Superbowl scandal for examples (which I found to be completely without taste, but because of its execution and not the actual exposing.) Echoing ewilen's comment above, I think the world might be a much better place if we all grew up on farms.
  9. Battlestar! Man JsARCLIGHT, no need to get dirty. But yeah, you're pretty much spot on. Macross is nowhere, and I mean nowhere, near Gundam level in the public's mind. I mean, Gundam is still pretty limited when you're talking about the population as a whole, but when talking about the video-game playing/anime watching fanboy segment of the population, Gundam is king (at least in the boy world). Mentioning Macross on the other hand puts you dead center in Otaku-land Don't think that Macross toys don't sell though. Of course, nowhere near the levels of Gundam or any other franchise aimed at kids, but enough of a nostalgia niche market for Yamato to keep making toys for a while. Yamato seems to have a pretty good handle on the size of their market (Max versions excepted ), unlike Bandai, whose reissues of the old 1/55's languished in stores for quite a while.
  10. Congrats Kevin. Just don't name 'em after any Macross characters OK?
  11. The R2's for Stand Alone are not subbed. The "new" release of the first movie (released the end of last month) is crap... well, not crap , but the sub they use is. It's worse than Mangle's for sure. I bought it hoping to ditch my Mangle copy, but they over generalize, sometimes flat out change lines. Not cool. Whoever did the translation was too stiff and must not have known the history/background for it. The second movie, Innocence" is just coming out and is not on DVD yet (of course). Fansubs of all TV episodes of SAC that have aired (1st and 2nd seasons) are availible on the net. Fansubs after episode 19 of the first season are the way to go, as the HK bootleggers didn't have anyone good ones before they pressed their discs. Making the last few episodes sub par to say the least. In other news, 300 yen candy toys (sans candy this time) are out as well. The Tachikoma guards my desk at work, while Batou came home with me (see picture below.) This concludes the Ghost in the Shell/Shirow News broadcast for today. P.S. Sorry for the blurry picture. I was gonna take a better one, but I gotta recharge the camera's battery first.
  12. Yeah, you'll have to rip an mp3 off whatever Flashback you have. The good thing is there's no overdubs from the TV show or movie to spoil it. Odd, I've always prefered the flashback version of Love Drifts Away ("Floats" is an equally acceptable translation, but I like "drifts" better), I guess who ever picks the tracks for the BMG cd's doesn't think so though.
  13. Yup, just reserved mine for 9999 at TRU-J. I'm actually supose to be on a bit of a toy diet, but man... it's Miria. I hope the wife understands.
  14. LePoseur

    Yamato rumors

    ewilen, as for the Japanese you pretty much got it. But like Graham says, I wouldn't put too much faith in what someone at a Toy Fair says. Besides, before they are officially announced, most toy makers (hell, most manufacturers of any kind) have a ban on giving out any details. The fact that Yamato is tightening up on this (Graham being sworn to secrecy, no pictures at the toy fair anymore, etc.) just makes me doubt him even more. I'd say, just by looking into my Magic 8 Ball... Green Quad... Luck is not in your favor. GBP... Try again later. Max and Miria without the FAST Packs... Decidedly no.
  15. as saying that there's been an appeal of the lineart copyright case to the Supreme Court. Let me see if I can get the attention of someone who actually knows Japanese... At least in that sentence there's no mention of an appeal. In fact the verb 確定している (or "kakutei shiteiru" for the Kanji impared) is usually translated as "set in stone" but in this case I'd go for reaffirmed or upheld. In fact, I thought I even translated the press release that came from if it is the one from quite a few months back... oh well. Again, nothing new. Tatsunoko Pro owns the footage to the TV show and Big West owns the characters/designs/likenesses; and like the Duke said, this has nothing to do with DYRL except in HG's twisted logic.
  16. Hey, I'll join in on a Victory love-fest. Awesome show. Too bad I never watched it when it was on TV. I saw a snip of one episode while I was flipping channels and saw the flying tires. The "LAME" alert went off in my head and the was it. Years later though and I love it. As to the merchandise, most of it was crap. The MS in Pocket's were horrible. In fact the only thing decent was the huge V Gundam. Still, at the time I was cursing it (as it was all I could find in stores) and complaining about how they didn't have any old stuff. I sure wish I'd bought one now. Hey, I was a stupid college kid... what did I know.
  17. Awesome work FR!!! One point though, you might not want the peg holding them one to be eraser too. I'd go with a double male plug (either wooden or metal doll stick) and carve a hole in the hands to match it. Otherwise you might go to pull 'em off one day and end up with the pegs still in the arms.
  18. LePoseur

    1:48 TV hands recast

    If we're talking Paypal put me down for three sets. Otherwise I'll have to find some way to get the money to ya. Now that the hands are out of the way, anyone wanna recast (or sell me) some 1/48 TV pilots?
  19. One nit pick. Nishikawa and and opperator. Tachikomas can be by them selves, at least size wise. Actually, stick Nishikawa with one of those glassy-eyed female opperators and you see how well a scraggly bearded middle-aged man doll can sell. Bring on the toys! And real ones, not like those crappy "Oh look! I can move my arms... a little" Appleseed ones. Bah!
  20. What I don't get is why they have so many discs when Alien was only a two movie series!?! Must be a lot of bonus material, huh? and when will they ever get around to making a third one? Man, so many questions... Edit in... Jolly Rogers, your sarcasm filter seems to be on the fritz. Have you tried DLing the new 2004 codec?
  21. Re-DLing the first one to a different location to see what I get. As for leaving it on, I can't remember how long it was but I always leave my torrents open until I at least get a share of 2, and more if I can, so that should be ok. I'm still leaning towards some kind of codec mismatch as I had to run an XP file check to replace some corrupted files I got courtesy of a virus I picked up over the holidays (and media player was one of the corrupted ones). I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that that repair function hosed the codecs I had on my computer already. anyhow, any link for the second episode? D-yam! I love my new fiber optic. Episode 1 in under 10 mins! Cool! Now if Bandai would just release an R1 for me that fast.
  22. BTW, I was having codec problems with that release. Anybody know what it is? As far as I know I'm current on DivX (5.1.1), XviD (Koepi's 01-25-2004 release) but I was still getting the green pixelation over any non-moving section of the screen. I ran Nemo's Codec pack just to clean up anything I missed and that didn't work either. Any guess on what I'm missing? Edit, OK the klcodec220f let me watch the opening, past the credits to the first heli sceen but then the movie crashes. might have to re-grab it.
  23. Last Exile was a very, very good show. Gonzo in top form. (sigh) If only all TV shows could be of that kind of quality... and be able to maintain it throughout the entire run. Too bad I totally skipped it when I could have taped it off TV and had to track it down later after a friend told me how good it was.
  24. LePoseur

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Late to the party as usual, but D-yamn! that's nice Jung! Again, everyone before me has said so, but... I just can't stop looking at it. Superior work... truly.
  25. And if on cue... Slashdot has a story up about the FBI raiding a guy's place in SF suspected of being involved in the code theft. I'd always been in the "True Story" camp as a similar hack job was done on another recent FPS my wife was working on at the same time, but the fact that they are into legal action and police work would lead me to think it would be very... em... "disingenuous" for them to go that route if it really was faked.
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