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Everything posted by LePoseur

  1. In my opinion Japan idolizes youth too a most alarming degree. I'm not talking about anime, or pre-teen singers let alone kiddy porn, but in daily life in general. I constantly hear people talk about lossing their youth as if it's the end of life. Every year as part of their work I ask every student (as well as their parents) to rank the decades of their life in order of what their believe will be the happiest ones. The majority pick the two from 0-20 with everything else trailing behind. That wouldn't be as bad if it was just the students (I mean they are all only 18-19 so what else do they know) but by and large, it's the parents as well. Most of them can't believe it then when I show them the data for North America that shows the 30-40 and 40-50 as the most commonly picked years. It's just really depressing to see a a bunch of 19 year-olds convinced that the rest of their lives are just gonna suck. It's not just that though, there are many more examples that I'd type if I didn't have to catch the bus to work. Crazy I tell ya.
  2. I'd up the covers I was working on, but then again, I'm using dual Amrays so I only have five cases. Still, if no one else is gonna do anything, I guess it could be better than nothing. They're mighty big though if I remember right. If nothing's up by this weekend, I'll go dig them out of CD storage. Here's a shrunk version of the first slip cover, with Minmay, group shot, Misa, and finally Misa (front) Minmay (back) rounding out the other four disc covers.
  3. I'd be glad to be proven wrong on this, but, at least in America, under the DMCA, I thought the modifying and or circumventing of any mechanical or electronic protection scheme (no matter how small or lame) was now considered a crime. Not to mention reverse-engineering, which is how chips allowing for region-free play can be made, is specifically outlawed. Again, as I say, I would like to be proven wrong. Anybody? Here's a link to the EFF Testimony in 2000 Actually only this sentence is really relevent from the above. " The licensing terms imposed on DVD technology prevent player manufacturers from offering people the ability to bypass the region codes. The same terms prevent players from making noninfringing copies on traditional VHS tapes or computer hard drives for personal or educational use. People who have attempted to eliminate these restrictions, by making competing DVD players from legitimate reverse-engineering rather than by signing a license, have been sued and enjoined -- under the DMCA -- by major movie studios."
  4. Well, currently I'm up to three legit releases for DYRL. The Perfect Edition LD, the English Dub LD and the R2 DVD. That being said, I don't think it's completely fair to come down too hard on people living in a different region coded area where the title is not availible and who can't understand Japanese when they buy a bootleg. Now if they still buy the bootleg when there is a release availible in their region, well, that's a whole 'nother story. Least we forget that owning a region free DVD player is also against the law, at least in most countries. And living in Japan, I'm no exception to that rule. In other words, my pot is just as black as your kettle.
  5. Sorry, I have all four R2's but no scanner. As for first printings and whatnot... that's all you get. Welcome to the world of Bandai's (in their opinion) second rung titles.
  6. Just the hardcore need apply. Yup, only openings and endings, video games clips, and a teaser for Macross Zero.
  7. Sometime in the Fall, at least, according to the end of episode 4. waiting... waiting...
  8. Fully agree. Besides Roy's little bit of having a cool "Roy Moment" this episode is all about character development and art in general (although the "artsy" yet budget saving, lets have them talk without moving their mouths scene did grate a little.) As for child porn... whatever I liked the fleshing out of Roy's relationship, the background we got on how the Anti-UEG even knew about this island, and Shin and Sara's talk. Seems Kawamori is not going to turn back from the environmental path he's been traveling down as late. As for Sara, her little scolding of Shin about the modern world's fixation on "convenience," while at the same time suppressing the desire to experience it for herself is one of my high points for the episode. All in all, I liked it. Too bad there's only one more left (unless you count Zero Zero, which I don't). I could really go for a post-Zero TV show, one that has it's last episode with Hikaru's fanjet coming to the launching ceremony.
  9. I wouldn't really say that they didn't care. I mean all of their post-SDF Macross shows have been licensed for international release, so they were obliviously aware of it. If you mean them staying away from HG, well... I think BigWest knew they had given the rights away and so felt that they should just ignore it. It wasn't until HG started claiming they owned Macross and all of it's derivatives, blocking the Mac+ toys etc., that BigWest started all the legal wrangling. Battles that I believe were never to win back the rights to the original (that would have just been icing on the cake) but to secure the rights of all the sequels. International sales have never been their top priority, that's for sure, but I wouldn't say they didn't care about them.
  10. Actually, I do have that LD, and plan to one day get around to ripping the audio for an ultimate DYRL DVD set... but that being said, it's not at the front of my project list, nor is it anything I'll tackle before we see if Bandai is going to give us a better R2 version than the craptastic one I have now. BTW I got mine off Yahoo auctions about a year ago for 1,500 yen (including shipping)
  11. Nice call Graham. You know, they could do it with a rubber towel to keep everyone happy. Prudes leave it on, everyone else peels it off. And this being Japan, I really could see it happening. Hmm... in difference to my crystal ball on the other page, I hope they don't stop until we get to have the full SDF bridge crew, the Mac 7 bridge (with a chase of Exedor's head) and a plain clothes, or better yet D7 version, Basara and Mylene (always hated their TV stage outfits). The problem is, I think they'll have to step up the releases (or ditch the clears and have 10 figures each time... ha, like that'll happen) or we all be dead before they finish. I mean, once a year is not too cool.
  12. Before all the Mac7-haters get their panties in a bunch, this is just some fan's web site and has little (read: nothing) to do with what figures will be picked. Notice the glaring ommisions of Mac Zero characters (already noted) or DYRL designs. But the big one is being that you are asked to rate how much of a Mac7 fan you are when you submit a vote. The other page is just an overview of the figures and (my favorite part) how to get what you want by shaking. (with a packing order chart and weights(!) ) BTW it's also awesome to see the Tuna from episode 4 being suggested, as I'd love to have one. The sad point is whoever visits this site likes it more than the Captain! My personal crystal ball sees them keeping the same mix of shows with DYRL Max, Miria (don't know which version... Mac7), Shin, Silvie (or whatever her name was from MacII) and Myung/or Sharon Apple(?). While that's not the ones I would pick, considering the two releases, with their choice of shoes and male to female mix, I'd say it's got a pretty good chance. Of course a new Hikaru or another Minmay could replace anyone.
  13. You know what I think? I think the should scrap the OTs and start fresh!!! New cast and everything!!!!! That's right, I said it! Actually I more agree with you than not. Keep most of the designs, settings and artwork for Episode one. Get Liam back, get Ewan back, get a new Queen, use Hayden for an aged up Anakin (I still think he'd have potential with a better director) Get a new director/screen-writer/producer and stick George as Exc. Producer. Make a swashingbuckling story based on the interplay between Anakin and Obi-wan becoming friends, kill Qui-gon in the middle, Let Maul speak and have much more time killing Naboo etc. Take the stick out of the collective Jedi's asses, make the council washed up and lame if you wish, but keep Obi-wan and Qui-Gon kicking ass. Make Ewan the "Han Solo" figure to better fit the image of him when he's talking to Yoda in Empire (Where he reminds Yoda that he was just as reckless and with much anger in him at Luke's age as Luke does.) and cut all the CG crap and just call it "Episode I Special Edition" with 100% new footage. I don't think too many people would mind too much.
  14. Cool Beans. When's the sign-up starting?
  15. Not to derail this thread, but the same page Shawn linked for the VF-0B has an awsome looking set of models from Bandai for Nausicca (with two more not pictured). Bottom of the page Wish the gunship was a bigger scale than just 1/72. But then again, like I need any more big models I have no time to build. Cool. But where's my Megazone 23 stuff Yamato??
  16. The old OVA. The new movie is pretty good, not perfect by any means, but still worth the price of admission.
  17. You know what? I could be high and Sara does come before Basara as that was the one fuzzy part in my recolection. Damn memory... I blame its decline on way back in college when I started to write down people's phone numbers rather than memorize them.
  18. LePoseur

    Part 2

    Nah, If I buy individually I shake, weigh and otherwise try to make sure I know what I'm getting - like how I got my Batou and tachikoma without having a bunch of stuff I didn't want. Of course I never buy more than one of a kind, so I never even thought there was anything wrong with it. This time around, I kinda wanted the whole set, so I just ordered a box from TRU-J online. Saved the trouble and the chance, but I'm with you in that I'd never buy any from a fanboy "speciality shop," but then again I could just be paranoid. Oh, and BTW Welcome to Macrossworld.
  19. I believe the order runs with the box facing you. (Back of box) Left side Right side (when facing the box) (solids) (Clear) Misa Misa Roy Roy Sara Sara Basara Basara Minmei Minmei/Chase (at least that's where my chase was) Left side Right side (when facing the box) (front) (You) Hope that makes sense, at least that's how my case went. Can anyone else confirm that? BTW Mine came from TRU-J"s online site so I assume there were no fan-boys swapping figs even though there was no plastic wrap.
  20. As for the Inbits killing off the whole fleet, including those who were, more or less, just along for the ride, I'd have to use the "contractors on the Death Star argument" from Clerks as an explanation. Even though I've never seen the movie, I thought that was a great little bit of dialog. Guilt by association? Too strict? Maybe, but I prefer the current ending to one where they would have just absorbed the nukes and left those maniacs who were in favor of that extreme plan to come down and rule the Earth. But then again, that could just be me.
  21. Not that I hated it or want to position my opinion opposite of his, but he's (apparently) not a fan of the manga and (again only my impression by reading the review) didn't seem to be able to understand the dialog. I like the movie, but it's major weak points are not found in the visuals but in the plot, at least for me.
  22. OK, OK, time to clear up some misunderstandings here. He did know he was being filmed. He volunteered for the job. He was damn funny. He's not really on TV any more. OK, the show was Dempa Shonen (there was also a Sunday morning spin off call Raihao Shonen) that used to be on Sunday nights around 10:30. They would take struggling young comedians (mostly) and give them a crack at fame (more like notoriety) by doing absurd stuff. The Deal was they would interview, knowing full well that the show was going to do something messed up to their life, but they'd never know what or if they even got the job until the "shockers" from Kamen Rider came for them. Some people had to hitch-hike across continents, others had to diet for money, paddle a swan paddle boat across the Japan coast and a lot of SE Asia, etc. Nasubi was a particularly good one where he had to win about 10,000 dollars worth of stuff from mail in contests and the like before he could go... then once he finally got it they asked what he wanted most. After saying Yakiniku (Korean BBQ) they flew him to Seoul to have some, then left him there with a dictionary and a new room until he could win enough stuff in Korea to pay for his return ticket. Good memories. Oh, one more thing, after the thing is explained to the guys they can turn it down. Few ever do, and of course they can quit anytime, (a few have done that as well)but then of course, all of TV land sees them do it. So most people stick it out. Few have really gone on to be much more than third string talents though, but the chance is always there.
  23. While I really hate the new designs, I think it's important to remember that the original Gunbuster was a parody - something many people, even fans, tend to over look these days. That being the case, I can see how these designs could be another parody of the current trends in anime. Unfortunately, as I don't really care for the subject they are parodying, I don't think I'll like the new OVA. BTW the R2 Japanese release of Gunbuster has no subtitles.
  24. I'd actually like to see this if it was a campy slasher flick. I'd even go see it in the theater if it was a Gladiator-style cage match to the last man standing. Awesome way to poke a little fun at themselves while bringing in the guy crowd. The pre-teen girl crowd would come to see it even if they just stared at the camera for 90 mins.
  25. Man, hopefully that picture is not the cover they gave it... yikes! Reminds me of the old Nintendo games where they'd ditch the normal-to-good Japanese cover and replace it with some boring crap. As for the movie, never saw the American version, but my wife refuses to this day to watch the original, even when it was on TV. Odd.
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