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Everything posted by LePoseur

  1. Funny Cosplay threads can't go without an appearence by Acguy In case you've never seen it, here's the Flash opening..
  2. You guys might be too slow. Saw this on a Japanese message board the other day. They seemed rather entertained by it, if not completely baffled about why some foreigner would dress that way.
  3. Ask and you shall receive. Here you go. Now behave. BTW, Sorry, thought I already had this in one of the earlier posts... guess not. Plus, just some navigational help. Her pictures are under photo and then the following subsections choices: Top page : Game : Fighting Games : Comics : Uniforms/originals : Casual Clothes Hope that helps.
  4. Sorry, not the character, the woman.
  5. And one more in a different outfit. Just so you think she's not a one trick pony. Now to give the bandwidth a break for a while again. Good night folks.
  6. By popular demand, rutaku makes her return.
  7. Not that I really care all too much, but I'd put the Hirosue picture down as an ikora at best, unless anyone has more than one shot of her like this. Popular talents don't usually cosplay, it's mostly those on the fringe looking for a niche or some way to stand out from the hordes of other talents. If she really did pose like this, I'd be very, very surprised. And Yoshi, sorry, nope, that Kasumi is a one shot.
  8. DOA girls on the move. Pout for me.
  9. Just a few more... again, some else who's name escapes me at the moment.
  10. Now this makes me sad, but I've frogotten this lady's name. I had here website save, but have long since lost it. (anybody know?) She seemed to stop doing Cosplay in the past few years, but this is circa 1999.
  11. And what would you like for Christmas, little boy?
  12. I'll do a run on a cute series I guess... Here's one I've always thought was cute, don't know who it is though, don't even know what the character is.
  13. Not to rain on anyone's Hirosue Ryoko parade, but that cosplay picture is not her. It's actually a pretty prolific AV star who became popular because she looks a lot like her. In fact, her stage name, 広末奈緒 (Hirosue Nao for the Kanji impaired) plays off that. Anyhow, here's the video that promotion shot somes from. I think she's cute, but her videos are more than a tad on the boring side... too bad. BTW sorry about the lanuage used on the cover Shawn. Mods please feel free to delete if there's a problem. At least she was clothed enough so I could show you the picture.
  14. Because he's an ass. and because the crying fanboys will buy it anyway.
  15. Actually my chase figure replaced the "normal" hair Minmei. Which was, of course, the one I wanted, but yeah, that's basicly how it works.
  16. One last one before I let Shawn's bandwidth take a break. This is Shiho. She's not doing much any more, and her site is never really updated, but she'd had some great stuff. This is from her Ragnarok stuff. Man, if my priest looked like that, I'd be in church daily.
  17. Next up, I just picked this one up, so I don't know who it is, but I'd say it's proof that Ayane is not the hottest DOA girl.
  18. one more before we move on... Not only is she cute, but awesome costume work.
  19. a few more of her BTW, this is her with Kurano Arisa, who's somewhat of a megastar in the local scene. Check out her website to see a ton of pictures of her.
  20. Well OK, thought I'd contribute a bit. First, here's miya-san someone I think is one of the best cosplayers here in Japan, plus she's uber-cute (at least I think so). Too bad she's real slow at updating her webpage (and also, it's small so she keeps removing pictures from it... the china dress ones where awesome. ) edit* was feeling guilty about the size so I shrunk them in half. Sorry if you missed the full sizes.
  21. Congratulations Graham! Now you might have to overcome that 1/55 dispise so the little guy has something to play with.
  22. Well done there Graham. Congrats and best wishes.
  23. I did see a raw for Innocence a while back. Of course it's a raw so there are no subtitles... but if you want it, it could be you're not looking too hard. But the quality was crap, like a handheld 80's camcorder in a half lit theater. As for Appleseed, nothing... Not even news of the DVD besides "It's coming." Well duh! Guess there's no chance of getting one before it hit American theaters. Speaking of which I hope they leave it undubbed. I thought Deunan's seiyuu was great, Bri less so, but no problems, and honestly I can't remember Hitomi's (I think it's a trauma blocked memory ). But Deunan's was a solid match, and I think it'd be a shame to lose it in favor of a whiny all-anime-women-talk-this-way American dub voice.
  24. And check out that funky Rick Hunter ( or is it Jason the neighbor kid?!?) trying to get some action on the box art. I guess when you look at it in that perspective, HG's original art has been improving... slightly.
  25. LePoseur


    Man, awesome list. Should add shreading boxes in public bathrooms so you can sneak the toy in without her seeing any evidence in the garbage. In a related note, I had to stop doing this once Japan Railways removed all their garbage cans from Shinjuku station because of worrying about terrorists. Hope they don't have a bunch of footage of me dropping package after package in.
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