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Everything posted by LePoseur

  1. Yahoo Auction
  2. Stand Alone Complex was (is) pay-per view on Sky Perfect. The first season was then picked up by 日テレ (Nihon Terebi for the font impared) I believe, but it could have been Terebi Tokyo, anyhow, the point is it was on TV. As for the time slot, I don't remember, as I saw no point in watching what I had already taped from Sky.
  3. Yeah, I had a similar little ditty with security at Narita International last time I went home. They scan all your luggage before you can even get to the ticket counter, so when my check-in luggage was stopped, they asked me again, "Did you pack this yourself?" as my wife and I stood staring at this really nasty and dangerous looking collection of folded for travel Bandai reissues, a similarly folded Yamato 1/60 and a 60% Die-Cast Giant Robo figure. My wife's perfect timing with the question, "What is that?" allowed me to just answer "Toys." The guards all looked as like we had just given out the answer to a riddle, and let us pass. Now this was Japan, but I'd hate to think if it had been America these days. Somehow big Die-cast toys don't just spring into the imagination there like they do for Japanese men. I'd have been unpacking for sure.
  4. I was glad they are replacing Jabba in that messed up scene from the first one, until I saw a picture of the new version. Yikes... is that the best they could do? I think I prefer the first try. Hey, here's an idea, why not cut the whole damn thing out (especially since Han repeats almost verbatim exactly what he just told Greedo a second before the scene) and call it a cut scene?
  5. Man... Greg, I don't know what to say. Your story... man... My wife is 31 and diabetic and we are really thinking hard about having a baby. But I'd be shattered without her. Still, without a child I don't know if I could really put the peices back together again (or want to). Like the others have said, we're all here for you (for what it's worth), take your time, work through the pain and anger, but never lose sight on the future. Even if you don't yet see one for yourself, look to your daughter's. Take care, man... and hold on. My deepest condolences.
  6. Same Specs as me! Well hopefully the ATI cards can handle Doom3 - - since its optimized by ID for NVIDIA cards... HL2, on the other hand, is optimized for ATI cards That new/old counterstrike game looks awesome (except for the elimination of boosting). and oddly enough same as me. Did we all buy on the same day.
  7. That's not just any two kids mind you. At least one of them anyway. Or so I was led to believe.
  8. Bootleg pretty good image quality, horrendous subtitles. hunt around a bit and get the AnimEigo's for a bit more, especially if you have a region free player (then you can get the cheaper Australian version)
  9. I've bought more than one Valk, but always with future customizing in mind, or in the case of Skull One, to make one a Super Fast pack Hikaru TV version and one a Strike Roy DYRL version. I also went crazy when the super 1/55 reissues were on sale and bought enough so all my other valks would get armor. Then I became the sweet uncle and dropped all the Valks off with my sisters/friends kids. One place where I am guilty of multipules is Stormtroopers from Star Wars, no matter how I might have out grown the movies, I still like having a horde of stormtroopers around my house.
  10. Hell, for what it's worth, I'd give Emotion a free English translation, they'd just have to time it and press the discs.
  11. Couldn't agree more. But, if the DVD would have played just the opening theme and then ended I would have felt like I got a better bargin though. I'd like to think that the hour (yes, I fast forwarded to the fights... you will too) of my life I spent watching dumb kids at the beach and people (aliens) stand motionless for long periods of time is worth more than $15.
  12. Hell, I'll complain then. If you think under ten bucks with only two trailers is close to a ripoff, consider that what you get with the FX version is 100% of what I got with the R2 PLUS subtitles. Well, I guess I did get a post card and a customer satisfaction post card too. Bandai/Emotion sucks. If they don't release a 20th Anniversary DYRL with at least new sound and a decent transfer they suck even more (if that's even possible). Hey, how about they go against the grain and release a DVD with a commentary track?!? (Emotion executive's mind) Hey, how about not? How about not even getting a stinking reversible cover for your almost 8,000 yen? Extras? Ha! Whatever? You'll swallow what we give you and like it little fanboy. Sure, sure, go ahead and make your little wishlist or whatever, see if we care. Now go and buy some more Gundam! (/Emotion executive's mind)
  13. If the machines and their weapons relied heavily on the sun, and a majority could be wiped out by blocking it out, then it makes sense to do so. Humans could survive by growing plants with lightbulbs. It might mean that the majority of the human race would be wiped out, but some would survive rather than if the machines won, no one would survive. The only reason that the humans did survive, was because the machines kept them around. While I think I understand what they (the directors) were going for, the scene in Revolutions when Neo and Trinity fly above the clouds served to undercut the whole "Big Bad Genius Machines" that were in the story. You mean to tell be they can't just float up a couple of blimps lined with solar cells to draw power from? No microwave transmissions from satellites? Hell, they are robots, why not just live in orbit? Bah... I actually thought the trilogy wasn't that bad (lots of missteps, but no more than many other movies) but this one scene really drove home how much I dislike movies based on faulty premise Sure the Human army was stupid... but what accounts for the craptastic way in which the machines countered it?
  14. Now, I know you won't heed my warnings, but here goes anyway: "Space Gandam V" should be avoided at all costs. Before I saw that monstrosity I thought it'd be fun to sub it (even MST3K style) and release a copy... but knowing what I know now, I don't think I could ever be as morally bankrupt as someone would need to be to spread that kind of pain around. You have been warned.
  15. GodMedia (who's not around so much anymore) had Mecha Graffiti dumped onto DVD that he offered to anyone about two years ago. (thanks again for that!) But it would be nice to have an (un)offical MacrossWorld DVD. Maybe with a video tour of Shawn's model collection too. :drool: While we're at it a new DYRL R2 from Bandai with a improved transfer, subtitles and, heaven-forbid, a commentary track with Ishiguro, Kawamori, Miyatake and Mikimoto would be awesome.
  16. Amesome, you too? And here I thought it was just me. DYRL and any of the original Star Wars just put me out like a light (Star Wars in less than 20 mins). I can't tell if it's cause I'm bored or it's like comfort food that makes me go all sleepy inside, anyhow it's good stuff to know when you can't sleep. BTW, After years of searching (hey anime used to be hard to find in the midwest) in 1989 I finally saw DYRL... seems like only yesterday.
  17. They are trading figures. A lot of new "franchise" lines are pushing over the 500 yen price point. Macross is one of them. And as long as people keep buying them, they keep raising the price and selling them.
  18. At least they had the sense to not make the Invid the enemy again, unlike the RPG , and there by undoing whatever message the Invid/Inbit series had. Here's to the Invid having to come to save mankind's butt at the end again. Still, lame ass name... although I would have busted a gut laughing if it was "Sound Force." ...and "test the limits of their shadow technology ?!? By design, wouldn't Robotech shadow technology only be useful against the Invid or creatures that targeted by protoculture? Or are they taking the Mospeada verison of the Shadow fighters? I'll watch a show or two to see if I like it, but my expectations are set at zero.
  19. Not that it really matters, but while Sakurai Kyoko must now be getting close to legal age, she is most definitely not in that picture. Like I say though, it's not like she's doing p0rn or anything. Here's a pic of somebody who is. This is full-time AV star, part-time cosplayer Ogura Arisu. I'd give you a link for her website, but since it's more than a little risqué (not surprising considering her job) I'll just leave it up to the smarter folk. I mean, www, no spaces and .com are pretty easy... the hardest part would be that she spells her name like a foreigner. As for yet another Santa girl... what can I say? I like 'em.
  20. I agree with all here: DYRL Minmay is hot (especially the check dress) and much, much, MUCH better than the TV version, although if I had to give a single reason it would be this part from ewilen's post "They had to truncate the teenage angst portion and go straight to the conflict." I think we can all agree that truncated teenage angst = GOOD. At least for the over 20's crowd. I mean angst is something I laugh at now, same as adults did to me when I was a teenager.
  21. That's Ashley Scott (Birds of Prey, SWAT), in case you want a name for dreamcasting a live-action Ghost in the Shell. I'd say a better match for Gally from 銃夢 (Battle Angel), but oh well.
  22. Awesome. It'll never make it to Japan until the DVD comes out, but I loved the series and am glad they are still flying.
  23. Here you go. Shinozaki Mina is the name she goes by. Here's the site it was lifted from
  24. Say... LePoseur you wouldn't have anymore more pics of that cosplayer Kasumi would you? OK, a few requests here. First off, Yoshi, I found the homepage of the girl in the Kazumi picture. Her stage name's Nonoe Karin and this is her homepage. Hit the button that says cosplay (in Japanese, picture below) for her pictures.
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