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Everything posted by LePoseur

  1. Now, this could just me talking out of my ass, but this is what I garnered from playing. The Ranks go S-A-B-C-D in decending order of greatness Many levels will give you cards after clearing them with high scores, while other cards are pretty much given to you as long as you manage to stay alive for the next level. Also, stages that you clear with a C or D rank don't seem to be unlocked for single games. Clearing single games after you've cleared them in the story mode could be the missing link some people are looking for, but that's a theory not tested yet. After scraping my way through the normal missions I have the following 1A 1J 1S 1D VT-1 VE-1 VF-4 Hiraku's DYRL colors Kakizaki's DYRL colors But I'm interested to know what everyone else has. Like I say, I've only played through both story modes and the training and kept any passing score on a level. One odd thing though, my Ai wa Nagareru damage rating was 0!!! So I got a crappy D. I have no idea why it was zero, but is it like that for everyone else too?
  2. OK, now that it's over (sorry guys, but it is a quick game) I think once we see this week's sales rankings we'll know if we can expect Bandai to expand on the franchise. I mean, the engine is already there and most of the major planes are modeled, so it's just a matter of if Bandai can squeeze more yen out of another release. While I don't expect many of these, here's a wish list for the next title, or what could have made this the killer Macross title. *Story! I know, I know, it's following the show's story, but that's no excuse for some character story ala Wing Commander II in between the missions. minor spoiler Hearing Ema say she was waiting for me as I launched off to put some GU-11 rounds in Bodolza's head was a little much, as, up until then, I'd never even known we were a potential item... unless the folks at Bandai see any female they interact with as girlfriend material. * Wingmen that do something!!! Yikes! the least they could do is talk to me.. or hell, beg for help... most of the time (like 90%) I thought I was flying a solo mission. I know it's a tall order, but once I can fight in a dogfight like in the first episode of the series, I'll know we've hit our stride. * Mission Generator * More Missions (like ones that fill in time skipped in the regular story *spoiler the mystery ship in the DYRL track for example * Vs. mode (with the chance to pilot Zentradi ships as well) * Cut scenes! (I miss them... *Realistic mode (that gives you things like a true weapons payload, but has fighters take much less damage) *Incoming missile tracking mode for the gunpod (like a toggle switch between the current auto target and a missile only version.) and the proverbial more. and on the pirate undercurrent running through this thread, I'll only say: If you pirate, go ahead and pirate, but at least don't act proud about it. Sooner or later we all have to grow up and pay full price.
  3. Man... I thought I was going to tear through this game but Ai wa Nagareru has stopped me dead in my tracks. More practice after work today. Edited for possible spoilers... sorry jwings! Highlight to read. Two other quick points, Miria destroyed me the first time, but once you get it down, she's not that hard to beat (the first time that is). Also, I loved the Miss Macross level. From Misa starting off by saying sorry, but the pilot who should be on call is late to them running bits of the TV broadcast in the lower left corner of the screen while you're fighting, it was great. Keep one eye on the target and one on Minmei. As for levels with timers, they're only there when needed. Before the fold, during the mission around Saturn. Other times there is a timer so to speak, like when the pin point barrier is getting worked over, but it's not a blatant count down style one.
  4. Haha Graham, I know the feeling! I saw it today, but also got my shipping order from Yahoo Japan meaning it'll be here early tomorrow (when I'm at work) so I'll have it tomorrow night. But I am seriously fighting the urge to buy it anyhow. In fact, I did that with the Two Towers disc, and now have one extra. Doh... must learn patience.
  5. While I don't like all the Macross music, there is a special place in hell for those responsible for bringing Robotech's "Stagefright" to millions of TV screens.
  6. Actually it really is a kid, maybe 9-11, standing in a funky CG grass field. Pitching to the kids I guess, as we adults fans are already buying. ;P As for the "it's back!" line, the beauty is it could be he's talking about the shadow of the Valk he's in, the valk itself, the franchise, or even a nasty rash. Gotta love ambiguity in the Japanese language. Personally, I took it to mean the franchise, but wouldn't be surprised at any of the meanings. While it's always great to see a CM on TV for Macross, this one is nothing to get too excited about, as I think they could have done a much better pass of hype for the game than blowing 10+ seconds on a kid in a field and silhouettes. Beside, and I might just be bitter, but nothing screams "CHEAP EASY PROMO" design by using a grass field, and not even a real one at that.
  7. Yes, but then the japanese tabloids said it was the first step of a merger, and the more gullible news outlets started reporting this as fact. But I believe it was phrased more as "Nintendo buys Bandai stock! First Stage of Merger!?" as that fits the tabloid's style more. Does anyone have the original? Nintendo could do much better than buying Bandai if it wants to shore up is video game department. Remember, Sony was funeling cash into Square for a long while (before their merger with Enix) in order to give them leverage over Square's titles. Nintendo's just doing the same.
  8. While I do have some issues with Basara, I do understand his way of "shutting out" most anyone who doesn't "get" it. I mean, I guess I'd get tired of explaining and/or justfying myself all the time only to have the people I was talking to constantly misunderstand. Notice his change around Dr. Chiba when he understands that this crazy middle aged man might just get what he's all about. Compare that to how he treats those who what to change/adapt/edit or just flat out use him. All of the Macross series' have been consistant in playing up the blockheadedness/insanity of the UN Spacy. With that in mind, I'm not really surprised he treats them the way he does. ** and about Mylene, as long as she only opened her mouth to sing, I wouldn't mind her at all.
  9. I'm with Abombz! Mylene is the most annoying thing this side of Kaifun, but hell, Kaifun's a guy so I don't feel as bad about having violent urges towards him. I dislike whinny girls in real life and in my anime as well. Nagging eye-candy I can do without, give me a female lead that is hot and cool (and legal ) and then we can talk.
  10. Hmm, hard to say.... I go back and forth on which I like better, so I guess it depends on my mood. SDF has the whole nostalgia thing going for it, but 7 leave it in the dust as far as how it makes me feel. I don't know, kind of like asking a father who he prefers, his wife or his kid. So I'll have to say I love 'em both the same, but in different ways.
  11. Man... cover print is too small to read the player number... As for DYRL vs. SDF, I expect to see them do some kind of branching storyline depending on your choices. The lines would come back together on some levels, but stay separate on others. Cue cheap "reply value" music. The package reads "Stages Synchronized from the TV and movie episodes." Not that that really gets us any further, but I'd take it to mean blended. I can't see them changing the flightsuits between story modes... but who knows. Also, here's one more cool shot from Amazon Japan, this time it's the pin-point barriers.
  12. Crawling around this site (and using babelfish) gave some interesting reads. Particularly where it translates: <<- The protagonist is inaugurated as the captain of the purple platoon! The protagonist character which becomes the offshoot of the prayer, as a 7th machine pilot of the terrestrial unified command skull battalion appearance to the game. When the game advances, it is assigned in the "purple platoon", becomes the captain.>> I've left off the worst of the Babelfish Engrish... though a bit about the "aggressive controller Emma" has an interesting connotation to it... Yeah, that's from here -> Famitsu Basically, players will play along side Eddy "You-tea-lie-nen" (That's English phonetic on the last name as I have no idea what real world Finnish name they based it on) and Bruce "Luudel" (German this time )who, along with Emma Granger, the control tower operator in charge of your squad, and the squad itself will all be new characters. You'll start as 007 in the Skull Squadron and then be promoted to commanding your own squad, "Purple Shotai" The last part notes that all the new characters were designed by none other than Haruhiko Mikimoto -- cool! Here's a picture of Eddy and Emma from Bandai's site. ** Disclaimer, I know jack about military regiment breakdowns, so here, the Japanese use "daitai" and "shotai" where the first is roughly equivalent to a battalion and the latter is close to a platoon if it were the army, but, like I said, I have no idea about naval terms. BTW the Skull is a Daitai, while the players group will be a shotai.
  13. One more thing, in digging around for the offical review scores on Famitsu's site (because, if you noticed, the Magic Box can't add) I found this interesting page. Now, Famitsu always knows more than than they tell, and they like to dribble it out bit by bit, but it looks like the players will get some influence over which story line the game follows. While the first two levels might be basicly the same, it looks like we'll get to pick if we want the TV ship combo or the Movie ARMD's for the Macross. Cool! B)
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm not sure if I should take Famitsu's review with a grain of salt (magarita anyone). I don't really care because it looks like a kick ass game. Here are the latest Japanese game review scores: PlayStation 2 Chain Dive (Sony) - 7, 6, 7, 6 (26 / 40) Energy Air Force: Aim Strike (Taito) - 8, 8, 7, 6 (27 / 40) Jurassic Park Management Simulation (Konami) - 8, 7, 7, 7 (30 / 40) Macross: Super Dimension Fortress (Bandai) - 8, 7, 6, 7 (28 / 40) Samurai Michi: Way of the Samurai 2 (Spike) - 8, 8, 7, 8 (31 / 40) Shadow Tower Abyss (From Software) - 8, 8, 8, 8 (32 / 40) Its up to you. I trust them, many games they said were, were in fact good, while games they rated low were bad. And like I said in my first post (if anyone else other then Graham cared to notice) 28 is not a bad grade at all. Very few games are rated above 30 on Famitsu, so 28 would be 7 to 7.5, which is a pretty damn good grade. I'm with Abombz about Famitsu, but I do have private reasons for that as well, so I don't know if my opinion should really count. One thing to realize, and that they unfortunately don't tell you on the web page, is who exactly reviewed the title. You see, each of the reviewers in their pool has their own likes and dislikes. This is not a secret by any means though, as each of them has a bio blurb next to their picture that tells you about it. The problem is that, while they will match up someone who loves a genre with it's title, there are sometimes reviews by people who would never usually play that title. For example, either the President of the company or the Editor in Chief are always one of the four reviewers, and while they don't have an axe to grind with any specific genre, there are some that they will favor over others. In short, Macross still got a very good rating, but it also would be helpful if they said who did the reviews. No promises, but I'll see if I can find an issue and find out for you guys. Again though, I think it's safe to say we have the best Macross game ever coming.
  15. I loath boxes, or more precisely MIMSBs. I hate twist ties! I fart in Bandai's general direction for their paranoid overpacking. I hated it even before moving to Japan, where it is now not a matter of like or dislike but solely of space. Everything I buy gets it's box shredded, and as I've mentioned before I'd pay good hard currency for a in shop service that strips the box and just gives me the toy/stickers/directions etc. In the last year, since moving to a decent sized place, I've been very lazy at crushing boxes and especially plastic, preferring to leave it languishing in the corner... but now it's getting out of control. One day soon my garbage man is gonna hate me something fierce.
  16. Kakizaki Hayao
  17. LePoseur

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Wow. Wasn't expecting a response so quickly. No kidding? Toycom? With a US release even? That Bri looks almost like a painted resin kit - at least from what you can see of him. You're not talking about these things, are you? Link Those weren't anywhere near as big as the behemoth shown above, were they? They both look almost as large as the 1/48 VF-1. Well, he might as well be a resin kit for the amount of articulation he has. While Bri is a not strictly a repaint, he has a few changes, I don't know if they're enough to make me buy another. Also, they're made by Yamato and distributed by Toycom in the U.S. About three pages back I said I thought the legs on the Guges blow. Anyone who has the manga handy wanna check? Could be my memory playing tricks, but it looks way, way off to me. Finally, there's already three out.
  18. LePoseur

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Well, I guess this picture answers the question of if the VF-0 will have FAST packs. For those that missed it, they are on the legs. And before anyone freaks, these look more in line with something that would be on an atmospheric fighter and not in space - returning to the original, real-world, style FAST packs I guess.
  19. LePoseur

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    To those who doubt based solely on the hands.... Oh ye of little faith, has not Yamato already shown you TV hands on a 1/48? Do you think our 1/60's so lowly that they too should not recieve such a gift? To Yamato... Throw in a TV Hikaru pilot and I am so, so, in baby. Edit: off topic, but besides the purple helmet (man, feel dirty just typing it ), what's up with the Gauges from Appleseed on page 9?!? I was all like "Gauges! Cool!" until I looked at the legs.... Those don't look like any Gauges legs I remember. Plus, if Yamato's gonna make me buy a new Bri, they could atlest make some more changes to 'em, give him moveable legs at least... shesh.
  20. They should all be destroyed!
  21. Wow, I admire your strength of convictions to stay limited to only two Valks Mr. March. Not that you really asked, but if I were you, I'd sell the VF-1A (and soon! Before any possible re-releases come out) and pick up the 1J with FAST packs. Then you can maximize your valks by having... a DYRL FAST pack Roy and a (not really cannon) TV 1J FAST pack or... a single TV FAST pack 1S with TV Hikaru piloting or... a TV 1S with funny dressing Roy with TV Hikaru in a 1J (or recast the TV Hikaru to make a new TV Roy and fix the funny dressing thing) a DYRL 1S plus the all important 1J for when Yamato finally decides to make a GBP armor set. The possibilities are endless... or at least just over four or so.
  22. Part One = Very good Part Two = Amazingly good ?? Part Three?? There's no part III that I know of, and don't even try to get me to believe in your shared group delusions. As for Eve, part two is the best showcase for any type of personality, but as stated before, she's just a computer program. Yes, just a computer program no matter what the unwashed hordes who claim there is a part III say.
  23. the 1J they are issuing is from the TV series, so, as such, it will have the TV style hands, Hikaru in his TV flightsuit (at least this time I hope) as well as TV style FAST packs. That being said, I do view it as an improvement though, and I wish they'd offer mail-ins for DYRL style hands. Mr.March beats me to the punch, but now, looking at that picture, the new hands make the whole arm look better (thicker) for me. Then again, it could just be the camera work.
  24. Pre-existing debt! (College loans, 7 years of credit card debt, just living in Japan in general) Yet I still was buying tons of valks until this month. I just hit my limit, many might say I hit it long ago, but when I checked my Toys R Us account and saw that since the release of Yamato's 1/60 Hikaru 1A I've spent over $3,000 there! Yikes! and that's not counting what I bought before, stuff from Sakuraya's or all the times I've loaded up at HLJ when they've had their crazy sales. I'm back to a strict $100 a month, if not $50! The crazy thing was, even with two each of the 1/48 Hikaru and Roys, I was thinking of buying extra Hikaru 1S's to swap parts... and, even though that idea has passed, I'm still working on getting one of each of the reissues. I need help! But after the end of this month, when I finally get married, I don't foresee any problems... as I won't be in charge of the money nor am I likely to get much in the way of hand outs for Valks. I mean, my girlfriend's cool and all with it, but with all the other things we need to save money for, I think she questions my buying numerous VF-1's. Ever tried to explain why you need a Valk that only different from the ones you already have because of it's color? "But, but! This one is Max's!" "yeah, whatever... and why did you need two?!" "Ah... they were... ah, cheap?"
  25. Yikes! that picture is horrid! I mean, the art itself is good, but it's not Middle Earth. It looks like a bastage child of Peter Jackson's elf armor on a generic "trying-to-straddle-the-Japan-and American-market" RPG for PS2. Not that it perfectly matches my image of Middle Earth, but you'd think they'd try to stick close to the recent movie's vision, at least as that's currently what's fresh in people's minds. They could do that one better by toning it down a bit from the movie's vision and really pouring on the Alan Lee style. As it is now though, man... I'm just not feeling it.
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