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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I work in finances, as data Bases and Asset Review Manager:)
  2. HLJ has the VF-1J in stock, at least as of yesterday.
  3. I'M FROM MEXICO!!!!!!!
  4. Does any one has a picture of the markers, just to know what I'm looking for in in order to buy oone. Thanks!!!!
  5. It's a 1/60, look at the front landing gear.
  6. You can find it on Ebay, or in The valkyrie exchange.com.
  7. Where does this image appears in the series, if it does, can you help me? Please let me know!!!!!!
  8. My first Valkyrie was a Bandai's 1/55 VF-1S Super, I bought it 10 years ago I think, I don't rememeber exactly, I stll have it in perfect shape but with some yellowing
  9. mitsuyagi


    I want a 1/48 in order to match my 3 1/48 valkyries, and yes there is enough space in my home.
  10. mitsuyagi


    HAHAHAHAAHAHAH You are right!!!!!
  11. mitsuyagi


    Well, call me a fool, but I want a 1/48!!!!!
  12. mitsuyagi


    Somebodya outhere thinks that there will be a 1/48 version?
  13. I have bought today a Roy Focker valkyrie for $90 usd plus shippment (like 20 usd), which seems reasonable to me. What do you think?
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