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Everything posted by camk4evr

  1. Why would we have to when HG is doing that just fine on its own?
  2. Let's not also forget that, with the mass cloning that was used after SW1 used to increase the human population (as well as interbreeding of the survivors), it's likely that the only thing japanese of many (not all) of the "Japanese" characters in all Macross series' after SDFM is their name.
  3. It's probably to limit the spread of Kaiju Blue, the toxin/disease caused by the kaiju's blood. That or there's so much room in the missile taken up by some kind of penetration aid that it doen't have any kind of guidance package (more likely the former).
  4. You'll need to have: 1) an all region or multi-region DVD player (many, but not all, portable DVD players are multi or all region), 2) a 0 region DVD player (but these can be iffy), 3) a modified DVD player or game console, or 4) a japanese DVD player. You'd probably be better off picking up the Blu-ray verion of whatever is available on BD as Japan and North America are in the same Blu-ray region. With the exception of the Macross Frontier BD set the only macross series' that is available with english subtitles are SDF Macross, Macross II, and Macross Plus due to the fact that they were the only Macross series' available in North America (their availability can be iffy but apparently Rightstuf.com has Macross II in stock and are restocking their Macross Plus). However, if you pick up the Japanese Macross Plus BDs you'll find that they have english subtitles (the OVA version even has the english audio track from the North American release). For Macross, pretty much all of the series', with the exception of Macross II and Macross Plus are relatively difficult to obtain in the US, though there are a number of online retailers, and stores specializing in importing movies that can get them for you. Just remember that the older the series is the harder it'll be to obtain them.
  5. me as well camk4evr=camk4evr
  6. Umm, You might want to check out other cartoons that aired in the early '80s again. About the only thing that Macross had that wouldn't have made it past the censors was the shower scene (and even then...).
  7. Even though watching the trailor made me want to bang my head on my desk until I blacked out (that way I could pretend it was all a bad dream) I'll probably watch it. When it's on TV (cause there's no way I'm paying to see that)
  8. I had heard that RTD had said that Romana was the Lord President of Galifrey during the Time War.That was before The End of Time, however, so we can probably assume that that has changed.
  9. Now now, it could be worse. It could be Clash of the Bionoids. That makes Robotech seam almost like Shakespeareby comparison. Unfortunately, aside from SDF Macross, Macross II, and Macross Plus, there's no other, official, dubbed Macross series (there's someone on youtube doing an english dub of DYRL), and I don't think Macross Plus would be all that interesting to an 8 year old.
  10. Subtitled? Probably not but at least the Blu-rays will play in a U.S. PS3 as North America and Japan are both part of region 1 (for BDs only)
  11. the three guns are: -Vash's cybernetic arm -his handgun -the angel arm
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