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Everything posted by camk4evr

  1. Oh thank god. That looked nightmareishly horrible. Mind you, I'd still watch it.
  2. I'll have to go with Nyan Nyan as well. You just can't get that one out of your head.
  3. No, Seto's right. I've read that it was to be added to DYRL as well because runtime constraints prevented it from appearing in the series but, once again, they just did not have the runtime for those events to appear.
  4. Yes. The problem is that HG claims that they have the license that they have to SDF Macross gives them the rights to all of Macross (total BS by the way) and they will go to court to protect these rights. Thanks to the fact that HG has more money than most anime licensors, and the trademarks that they filed, most companies either can't, or won't bother to, fight them. Hell, it doesnt actually have to get to court as they could just ask for a continuance whenever they are supposed to come before a judge and let the legal fees kill the other company. It would take a major company (ie Warner Bros., Universal, or Sony) or Big West itself to sue HG (and most companies won't believe it's worth it) or for Tatsunoko to refuse to renew HG's license for us to see any more Macross series officially subbed or dubbed outside of Japan.
  5. Pretty much, yes. After Macross Plus came out Harminy Gold Trademarked numerous terms/names from Macross and most anime companies don't really have the money to fight HG in court. There's probably more to it but I've only just gotten up and can't think about it right now.
  6. As I understand it the anime that do have an English subtitle track are for an international release (it's cheaper just to put an English track than multpile different language tracks) and most anime are made for the Japanese anime market with little to no expectation of an international release. Of course this makes little sense for Macross which has a good sized international fanbase who can only legally get the franchise direct from Japan thanks to Harmony Gold.
  7. you forgot Millia which is notable as she's the first female valkyrie pilot we see.
  8. My favorites, in order VF-2SS Valkyrie II VF-25 Messiah VF-1J Valkyrie SDF-1 Macross (TV version) Battle 7 (all New Macross class ships really) Quadlunn Rau
  9. Yes. It was part of the Destiny bundle. They might make another run of Limited edition white (or other colour) PS4s. Eventually.
  10. And assuming the hydrogen slush they use for fuel is as volatile as regular hydrogen... you'd better not ignore the 'no smoking' sign. Seriously, I was at the Abbotsford airshow one year and there was a fuel leak and a bunch of morons were smoking around the spilled jet fuel (the clean up crews were cleaning it up while people were puffing away watching).
  11. I don't know about that. I remember Small Wonder (almost) fondly while Battlestart Galactica 1980 still makes me want to scream profanity. I guess that's what you get from a show where nearly everyone who worked on it had no desire to do so.
  12. True, but Macross (and Zentraedi) are made up words created by Big West and I believe the city built up around the Macross, after the battle with Bodol Fleet, is called Macross City.
  13. No. U.S. Renditions (then later Manga ent.) licensed and released Macross II.
  14. Here's a stupid question: Would they even be able to use the words "Macross" or "Zentraedi" (we already know that they can't use the designs without being sued) since they are words made up by Big West??
  15. Merry Christmas everyone!!
  16. I did not know that. I knew he was a programmer though.
  17. Okay, I must admit that I am impressed with how badly they did yesterday as they now need to $26,331 a day for the next 12 days not to fail. Is it wrong that I find it amusing watching this train wreck occur?
  18. Carl Macek also blames the Tatsunoko-supplied writers on the comentary track for the Sentinels in the Protoculture Edition boxed set (of course the comentary is him reading from the Robotech Art books)
  19. Really? Huh. Now that I think about it, it should be leagally actionable by anybody who supports the kickstarter as well, should it succeed, since they are making fraudulent claims to secure funding. Yeah, I stopped reading after their claim about owning the rights to Macross` derivatives.
  20. Went to have a look at there FAQ on the KS page and got annoyed when I saw: The part I bolded is utter BS. So it amuses me to no end that it looks like the KS is going to fail. According to kicktraq it looks like, as of now, they're going to be short by ~$48,000
  21. Too bad you can't make negative pledges. After the crap that was Shadow Chronicles and LLA, I figure HG should be paying me to watch this
  22. I used my PS3. A region 1 blu-ray player should play them as well
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