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About camk4evr

  • Birthday 09/03/1974

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    Metro Vancouver

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Destroid Armour Waxer

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  1. I admit, I only watched Macross 7 once (I can't remember where I put the bootleg dvds). I started rewatching Macross 7 last week and found that I still like it. I still think any episode can be improved by someone beating Basara about the head and shoulders with a 2x4 for a few minutes.
  2. Weird. I double checked the link in the first post of this thread to see if Dynamite was listed and it turns out it isn't. Though it does say all Macross series' made after 87 will be available. Could there be a rights issue with the music? Did someone forget to license it?
  3. She also has a few moment where her fingernails don't point in the same direction as her finger. There's also a point where she does something with her hair and it looks, to me, like her hand came up from behind where her shoulder she be (but I could be mistaken).
  4. Some of the faces were very good. Others were..Ahh back foul demon!!! according to the AI, Minmay has six fingers on one hand while the other was deformed and someone broke Ranka's hands.
  5. They've added Macross Zero, Macross II, Macross 7, and Flashback 2012 to Disney + Canada. Just need Macross 7 Dynamite. I just wish we'd get DYRL and SDF Macross
  6. Only a couple of closets at my place. But that's because I don't currently have any place to display them right now since my brother and his, now, wife moved on with us six years ago (for two months they said) and they and their carp have taken over every room except my bedroom.
  7. I wonder if the release date of Feb. 10, 2025 is so Disney+ can be the exclusive source to watch it for a couple of months?
  8. The game is Starbase and Mechross is one of the ship packs,you need to have the gamepass to access (I think, I don't play it I just looked it up on youtube).
  9. A rather familiar looking air craft carrier appears in the latest page of Atomic Robo
  10. I assume the rather piecemeal release to D+ depends, at least in part, on how fast the licensees can translate and subtitle the various series. I have no idea why Canada got it before the US.
  11. Disney+ (Canada) has just recently added Macross FB7, Maceoss 7: the galaxy is calling me, Macross Plus, and macross plus movie edition
  12. Well, as you can see, I don't use an avatar ('cause lazy). My user name is just my initials scrambled and with 4evr added because I wanted to use my initials on my email account and spent a stupid amount of time trying to find an ordering that didn't have 100+ other users. So, on the last one I enter camk4evr thinking that someone would have already chosen it and was mildly surprised that it worked. I've been using it on forums, and as my PlayStation handle, ever since because I just can't be bothered to come up with something new (and, for some stupid reason, it always seems to work).
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