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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. I was hoping that they would at least Tampo the skull on the black part.
  2. I felt like Skywarp was more tempting bc it was an updated, superior, seeker mold. I don't care enough about slight color changes to bother with Thundercracker.
  3. Question, can anyone tell if the fingers are individually articulated?
  4. The resin model comment was what made me think it was trolling/satirical.
  5. I actually thought I was reading satire. Hard to tell sometimes.
  6. That's fine and all, but it's damn hard to build an army when it's a huge PITA to even build one figure.
  7. I only opened mine the other day, but I had to put it down after 40 frustrating minutes of trying to attach the super packs. I had the same problem with the Arcadia yf-19. I think I'm just allergic to the design.
  8. In all likelihood, none of them will ever see the light of day anyhow.
  9. Well, now it's 2015, but has anyone seen this from the toynami booth at sdcc? Are those 1/18 Sdfm figures?! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-D_Eua96pRKg/VZ4axyswXPI/AAAAAAAAAyw/JDri-CJ6dr4/s280/IMG-20150708-WA0064.jpeg
  10. Do we have a count yet of how close we are to 20 in 1/60?
  11. I don't have mine in hand yet, but does unclipping the arms make the rest of it a floppy mess?
  12. I'm in for a 1/60 scale kit + Jason painting.
  13. So now Arcadia is going to do a limited edition weathering version, right?
  14. New Reflector figure from MakeToys: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=mkt10023&mode=retail&utm_source=Marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Marketing&utm_content= I wonder how it'll stack up against the Not-Reflector from Fans Toys? I can't get both, so it'll be tough to choose which one to get. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=FTS10011&mode=retail
  15. Here's the link to Kurisama's HMMs: http://www.shapeways.com/product/VY2NK5FGH/6x-relampago-shm-missiles-pylons?li=shop-results&optionId=43811101
  16. I like the roy armor, but since it's about the same cost as the 1J hi metal, I'm going with Bandai.
  17. How loose is that orange plug feeling on Megatron?
  18. I've always loved working with miniatures. Must be leftovers from my Warhammer 40k days...
  19. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Very cool Exo! Glad to see you pumping out the new ideas!
  20. People seemed to like it on the VF-19, right?
  21. Just ordered from HLJ. I really like that shade of grey.
  22. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

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