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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

  2. Yeah except in most cases technology demonstrators like the YF-19 would never get that dirty to begin with.
  3. I really hope they'll offer the sap on its own, but it probably won't happen
  4. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJ for the win. Thanks everyone.
  5. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm hoping to only get one if I can!
  6. I'm a bit of a retrogrouch, but I finally watched this. I really liked seeing the Zentradi again, but overall, not into it.
  7. It definitely isn't his weakest, i think that'd be Jackie Brown, but it plays more like a whodunnit type film rather than a western. Saw it in 70mm, which was absolutely gorgeous, but yeah, the dialogue does drag on and on for three hours until the climactic finale.
  8. Holy cow, look at this leaked refit concept art! http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--a8XQhw7q--/18lsjl7zu3nqljpg.jpg jk
  9. Fair enough. Admittedly, I know very little about mass manufacturing, but it stood to reason that the poor QC issues Mr. K. talked about could easily spill over to manufacturing tolerances as well. Point taken.
  10. I wonder how much of that is due to manufacturing tolerances at the plant?
  11. I watched this. Pretty much the only interesting part was the footage of Cage in the test costumes, most of which has already been circulating the Internet. The rest was ok, but not worth a full length documentary.
  12. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh its definitely tracked, which is why I know it's at the isc center. It's just that it hasn't moved since the 20th. I'm usually pretty patient if I use slow shipping, but I elected for ems shipping this time, so it's like urrghh...
  13. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    So ah, what's the longest anyone in the US has waited for an international item to clear the USPS ISC center? Currently, I've been waiting on one of my Hi-Metal R's to clear ISC New York since the 20th of Nov. At what point do I start wondering if it got lost?
  14. I can't help but think that the bizarre half plastic/half metal hybrid design of the VF0 hips was a reaction to the call for tighter joints.
  15. I used 1/72 decals on mine.
  16. Oh I was just having a little fun. I didn't intend my comment to be serious.
  17. After getting burned with FO3 and FONV, I'm gonna wait like a year for Bethesda to sort out all the game breaking bugs.
  18. Maybe they're showing everything they no longer have licenses for?
  19. Watch out, grey is a notoriously tricky color to dye. The results can end up more purple than grey.
  20. Well, now that I've seen it up close I can say that I love the Valk, but I don't really like the paint job. Hopefully some of the other schemes will be more appealing.
  21. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    I would be more interested in a quamzin that could ride the destroid monster!
  22. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Unless arcadia does a vf5000, think this is basically the end of my 1/60 macross interests and the start of my 1/100 interests!
  23. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Canon or not, I actually like the grey better.
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