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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Yeah, that's what I did. My Hikaru VF-1A DRYL has some cracks, but I've kept the valk in fighter mode, so I'm hoping they don't just fall off one day. Either way, I've got a replacement set from shapeways just in case
  2. That's a pretty awesome explanation for something I always dismissed as "bizarre animation wierdness". What's the source for Itano's commentary on that?
  3. Ok, so in the topic below, poster JET7 talked about using Gundam Action Stands in lieu of the discontinued Yamato stands. http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=37426 From what I understand, the only way to make the mount work on the Gundam stand is to cut the tabs and glue it. I've never used CAD programs for model design before or put anything on shapeways, but would it be possible to design a yamato style mount on shapeways that fits into a gundam style stand without gluing or cutting? Might be a better option than paying $50 for stands. For those familiar with the gundam stands, would it be strong enough to hold a yamato valk with a super strike pack? Just some questions to throw out there. I'm new here, so if this is the wrong forum feel free to move it to a more appropriate one.
  4. Massive! You weren't kidding!
  5. They shouldn't fit, the V1 superpack connections are totally different.
  6. In SDF Macross Episode 10, Blind Game, has anyone ever noticed Max's weird VF-1 with missiles mounted on the tailfins? I wonder what was going on there? Screenshot:
  7. I guess they needed Dan O'Bannon (rip) to write the script?
  8. Yeah, definitely no weathering. A racer should have a high gloss paintjob. Beautiful build for sure.
  9. There's a stand alone Freespace2 Wing Commander mod that's pretty decent. http://www.wcsaga.com/ You don't need to own Freespace2 to play it. It's worth a download if you need your WC fix.
  10. Maybe they'll reissue the much sought after yamato display stand at the same time the VF-4 comes out? Nah, that'd be hoping for too much.
  11. Assuming it's an actual Pinarello and not a bootleg. Believe it or not, people rip off the molds for carbon fiber bikes the same way they rip off scale model kits. Wouldn't want to have a catastrophic failure on one of those during a 50mph decent...crrraccckk.
  12. You should bookmark this list from Anymoon. It's pretty comprehensive on which Valkyrie's have the shoulder problem, and which one's are safe. http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Table-1A.jpg
  13. Clarence Boddicker! Agreed!
  14. I still like the green canopy better. Less of a clash between the green on the head unit. Overall, nice valk though.
  15. Cannon or no, I like that mock paint up, Kurisama. It's a lot more like Max's original SDF Macross VF-1A, as opposed to his later all blue 1J paintjob.
  16. If they made a VF-19 in the lightning scheme, I'd definitely buy it.
  17. I figured that it's about time I posted some of my stuff. Mostly SDF Macross and DYRL stuff, with some Macross Plus and Mospeada (and GI Joe) thrown in for good measure.
  18. I can't read japanese, but does anyone know what menu/section changes the gerwalk mode controls from normal to inverted? Is that even possible? Basically I want the gerwalk to move like the fighter, so stick down = valk nose up and stick up = valk nose down. Thanks.
  19. Shoot, looks like I missed getting the Cavalier. Got the sale price on backorder. Oh well. When stuff at HLJ goes on backorder, does it actually come back into stock, or is that a thing they say when they *might* be able to get more?
  20. Looks ok. http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Table-1A.jpg
  21. The Container Store, if there's one near you, has a lot of decent (and cheap) stuff that can be appropriated for valk display purposes.
  22. I *think* I got the last Cavalier, but I'm not sure.
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