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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Glad to see that you're working on replacement hands. I know I'll buy a pair as soon as they're posted. One of my Legioss' hands just disintegrated today. Bloody worthless.
  2. Saw the gray valkyrie and got real excited for a minute, then I read the caption Besides, no way they'd start doing non tv/movie schemes before they finally release the Alaska Guard (hint hint). Easiest scheme to produce ever.
  3. You know, I actually enjoyed Regeneration.
  4. My joints seem fine, but the cockpit nose section keeps working it's way forward from the rest of the airframe when in aircraft mode.
  5. Oh ok, the tray looking thing. I found it in my copy of the MF. Thanks!
  6. I can vaguely picture what the gunpod loading cart looks like. Anyone have a screencap? And yes, I'd probably buy one
  7. In the macross ps2 game the VF4 gun pod was internal. Is that a correct depiction?
  8. Where'd it break?
  9. Mine arrived today along with the SSP's. Haven't had a chance to unpack it yet though.
  10. Yeah, I started the thread, so it makes sense that I'd be one of the first to grab the adapter. I don't have a VF-17, but I have a VF-11 and a YF-19 with super pack if you want me to give those a shot?
  11. CoreyD

    Macross 30

    $85 for a game that I can't even read...sure, why not.
  12. Dang, that's awesome great news! Thanks for going the distance, Exo!!!
  13. Man, I'd love a Cat's Eye, but I don't think I could bring myself to paint what will probably be a pretty expensive model (my last "good" model paintjob was probably around 1994...)
  14. So, most of us will have a new VE-1 and new super strike packs headed our way shortly, as well as a new VF-4 in Dec. Realistically, has anyone heard anything about an updated VT-1 Super Ostrich? It seems logical for the next re-release, right?
  15. Pretty b.a., Exo. Looking forward to seeing how the adapter turns out.
  16. Yeah I was going to try it on some CF V1 yamatos.
  17. I used a yamato stand for my YF-19 with super pack and fold booster. Putting the support launch arms under the 19's legs were the only way to keep the thing from falling apart!
  18. Shapeways server is back up and running. Thanks again Exo.
  19. As long as Yamato has the VFX license, then I'm still hoping they'll do this variant of the VF-11.
  20. Awesome, let us know because I'm totally on board to pick some up. Thanks EXO!
  21. I suppose we could try taking the silicone heads out of the stands entirely and then cutting new tips using unmounted rubber. Should be able to get some at an art supplies store. http://www.nettally.com/palmk/RubberStampMaterials.html
  22. My VF-1A Cavaliers was on backorder and they just shipped it last week.
  23. These seem pretty reasonably priced to me? Certainly cheaper than trying to scrounge up an OOP yamato stand. http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/ban948216.html http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/ban950540.html
  24. CoreyD

    Macross 30

    Yeah, I'm with you. I had no problems controlling the Valk in the PS2 game, but the hybrid back DYRL game just seemed...awkward.
  25. !!!
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