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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. CoreyD

    1/55's revisited

    Yeah, synthetic materials like plastics are tricky and they're going to deteriorate to some extent no matter what. This is what's called an "inherent vice". Even in ideal conditions, there's not a whole lot you can do. Not too long ago I pulled out some old star wars guys that have been kept in a shoebox since the 80s and some of them are starting to get sticky, which is a definite sign of the plastic starting to go. I've seen some objects made of older plastics that are so far gone that they're actually oozing what looks like honey or syrup. Unless you're a museum, there's not a whole lot you can do about it, and even if you are a museum, the most you can do is try to stabilize it by keeping the object out of the light and in a controlled temperature/humidity environment. Unless you're Kicker, that's probably not going to happen, so bottom line, enjoy your stuff and realize that nothing last forever.
  2. The only vague reference I could find was in the locked thread where user Save wrote: dizman, on 10 Feb 2013 - 13:58, said: "Maybe, the booth was maned by there usual employees. Recently the company had brought on a hand full of young employees and they were there working." And also what you wrote later on: "Posted 13 February 2013 - 01:28 AM Well, one of my lower level contacts got back to me, he confirmed it is still the same CEO, the company hasn't been sold, they want to diversify apparently. But my contact didn't know whether they will carry on with 1/60 PV Macross toys. Waiting for someone higher up the food chain to get back to me. Grahm" So, you're right, there's no indication they're keeping everyone. But I can see where people might remember that stuff wrong after that thread started to go off the rails (I'm guilty as thinking that the employees stayed as well).
  3. Whoh whoh, they made a 1/60 Nousjadeul-Ger?
  4. We need to form some sort of 3d printer modelmaker co-op...that isn't shapeways...
  5. When I first saw that SDF-1 I thought it was the WAVE version (looks similar)...then I realized it was something much much more awesome.
  6. CoreyD

    1/55's revisited

    I think the risk in that case is relatively minimal. The biggest threat is direct sunlight or bright, direct lighting.
  7. It's clickable for me? I just added it to my cart.
  8. I know that all this idle speculation is natural given how little we've heard, but it's also dangerous. Repeat something enough and it eventually gets accepted as fact.
  9. That's actually a really awesome idea. I know I've held out on the VF0D conversion parts due to the porous looking finish on wsf material shapeways uses.
  10. Didn't someone say this was going to be a kit? You all really think it'll be the usual pre-order rush for a model kit?
  11. You must not like campy action films then?
  12. I always got the feeling that the main hero toys were always more desirable than any of the supporting characters. Whatever works though, if Rand is a steal at $100, then go for it.
  13. Probably the same reason that the Kakizaki vf1s are always the last to sell out...
  14. You need to watch G.I. Samurai. It's like The Final Countdown, but with Japanese Self Defense Force Soldiers. It's also sort of amusing because, unlike most time travel movies, their method of trying to return to their proper time involves screwing up history as much as possible! Ever wanted to watch Samurai get blasted by helicopter gunships? Here's your chance! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083050/
  15. Awesome. I really like variations on the cannon fodder schemes. There are a few in the back of the Master File books that I've wanted to paint up as customs, but I'm slightly lacking in skill!
  16. True, it's not visually all that unique or anything, but since the molds and tooling are all pretty much there, Arcadia could probably do a made to order run like the VF-4 if they need to finish the VF-1 series so badly.
  17. Yamato really is bankrupt, OMG!!! http://articles.marketwatch.com/2008-10-10/news/30694744_1_bankruptcy-protection-nikkei-securities-holdings
  18. Yeah, there's a whole lot of speculation running rampant given how little we actually know.
  19. I'd call the 2010 AvP a worthwhile $20 game. Definitely not a $50 or $60 game though.
  20. I bought AvP 2010 for about $10 and I felt it was well worth the price. The survival mode is actually pretty fun and captures the "auuuugh it's behind me!" feeling and you actually end up wildly shooting at shadows once you get to the later levels.
  21. I just realized that Tommy Yune worked on the Journeyman Project. That was a really cool game for its time. As for the Robotech movie, I'll probably watch it on netflix if it ever comes out...just like GI Joe and Transformers.
  22. You know, one of the few uses of the Gundam Action Base 2 stand is that it works pretty well to hold up a YF21 and VF22 in battroid mode.
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