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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Yeah I couldn't even get the stompers to load, let alone cart jacked. I also picked up the loot crate. I wonder what the NECA figure is?
  2. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine just shipped, so we'll see if I got a stand or not.
  3. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    That's about the same cost for me, though I ordered early enough that I'm supposed to get the stand. (I probably won't end up with a stand)
  4. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered early. Got the stand. Paid when prompted. Paid again for the extra shipping. Still waiting.
  5. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    I think M&M might be the first HMR release that I'm gonna sit out. I'll save the space for more brownies.
  6. I gotta say it, but all you folks who use tamiya tape to protect their Valk canopies should remember that Tamiya tape is also making tape and will eventually leave the same discolored residue.
  7. I wonder if they meant 1/17 scale? The prototype is difficult to gauge in terms of size, but 1/17 would seem to be a more manageable scale.
  8. Looks like pre-orders at the end of April.
  9. CoreyD

    3P SD VF-1S

    It's pretty difficult to enforce a lawsuit across country lines...unless you want to invest a lot of resources in lawyers. It'd probably cost more than HG would stand to gain. The simplest answer is that Toynami bought a bunch of the SD VF1s and shipped 'em over.
  10. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Does CDJapan adjust pre-order costs for price drops if you already ordered?
  11. Ok, well I'm curious to see how this turns out.
  12. The animation style doesn't quite match up with the narrative. Otherwise, cool.
  13. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Those acrylics look similar to liquitex brand paints. If that's true, then the consistency will be too thick for model painting.
  14. Mine finally arrived today. I don't have a whole lot to say that hasn't been said already. Reminds me a lot of the CM Legioss. It's ok, but pretty disappointing.
  15. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    I've always wondered why Max's gun was mounted the wrong way in that scene.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/?showtopic=32369
  17. Are they resurrecting the britai softbrai figure?
  18. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    Didn't some of the regults in the macross 30 game have that shark mouth too?
  19. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

  20. I actually want the SAP version more than anything, but I had a non-cancellable order with Anime Export for the Sylvie version. Would have lost my regult order if I bailed, so now I'm stuck waiting for the stand-alone pack...assuming that actually happens at some point.
  21. CoreyD

    Hi-Metal R

    The scout pod is what I'm really waiting for.
  22. Thanks folks. I was hoping for a lead on the Epoch figure, since it's hard to beat the 300 yen price vs the figma cost. I'll check it out though.
  23. I saw these Epoch figures over on TagHobby and they looked pretty cool. I figured maybe I could use it as a base to build into a meltran or zentran figure for my Hi Metal R valks? Unfortunately, my rudimentary searches didn't find anything. Does anyone out with with a better working knowledge of Japanese see a place to order/preorder these figures? http://tinyurl.com/zs9l27w Thanks!
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