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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Even knowing that it's not Hayter, I found myself not really minding. I think it'll be good. Will definitely buy it when it comes out.
  2. The aircraft numbers for the A and S models are different.
  3. It doesn't count if you keep it in a nitrogen filled chamber!
  4. I have a bunch of V1s myself, they're all in pretty good shape as far as I can tell (cannon fodder's included). It could be a combination of any number of variables, storage conditions, light, inherent nature of the plastic used in that batch. Plastic isn't made to last anyhow, so I'd imagine a lot of us will be complaining about disintegrating valks in 2040 regardless
  5. Agreed.
  6. Personally, I'm fine with plug in hands. The 80% solution is still better than the crumbling Toynami hands.
  7. There are a lot of display and airshow aircraft around the U.S. that are painted to look like a specific aircraft, but aren't in fact the actual aircraft (one of the airshow B-17 Memphis Belle's is an example). Hikaru's VF-1A is likely no different...it's painted to look like and commemorate a famous VF1 pilot's aircraft.
  8. Do you mean the 1/60 or the 1/48 DYRL Kaki? I recall the overall green shade on the 1/48 is a bit brighter/lighter than the 1/60, but I don't own the 1/48 so I can't comment on the figure's helmet. I have the 1/60 dyrl kaki valk, and his helmet is green.
  9. The figure that comes with the CF VF1J is a green CF pilot.
  10. Oh nice Kicker! I still have the McFarlane toys Kaneda and bike on my shelf.
  11. He prob just meant a repaint to fix the battle damage.
  12. I don't know if it's "valk desperation" or what, but every time I take another look at it I think, "well, it's actually not that bad".
  13. Oh man, I think a massive bubble just burst.
  14. Wow, that's a hell of a valk. Looking forward to the other hasegawa/arcadia releases in the future (BLACK ACES! BLACK ACES!)
  15. True, but in the Army the commander's vehicle is usually the one with the most radio antennas sticking out of it, so he's generally right about the command and control aspects
  16. Licensing aside, I always thought it'd be a big hit if Yamatocadia just sold blank gray plastic assembled VF-1s with different decal or sticker sheets available separately.
  17. Alright, I just saw it this afternoon. The short of it: I didn't really like it. Maybe a "C" overall. For the record, I'm not a hardcore trekkie, but yeah, I would consider myself a fan. Also, I really enjoyed the first Abrams Star Trek film and ended up seeing it several times in the theater. I even bought the dvd and watched that a bunch of times. I definitely can't see myself seeing this again or buying the dvd once it comes out.
  18. Has anyone removed the old tinted canopies without damaging them? I was thinking of swapping one of my tinted ones with the one on my cavalier valk.
  19. I pretty much only want the VF1As so I can paint a videogame Max and Milia.
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