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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. I belIeve that was also the excuse with the ent b in generations.
  2. In a world where fuel resources are becoming scarcer and scarcer, how do these gas guzzling monstrosities make any sense? Wait, they're all hybrids, right?
  3. Yeah I have absolutely no interest in this now that I've seen the trailer. Looks terrible on a scale of total recall 2.0/terminator salvation.
  4. Yeah exactly, a full transformation inspection would probably risk breaking stuff that wasn't already broken.
  5. I think that actually sounds pretty close to the right answer hahaha.
  6. I think I asked this a while back, but do the alternate levels only open up once you SS the other levels in the game?
  7. Rick Hunter cameo question answered, another cheap shot by HG: Tony Oliver's line for the "old timers scene" was taken from The Shadow Chronicles
  8. I saw Robotech Love Live Alive at the store on sale (already on sale, gotta be a hint) today and was tempted. About 5 min total of new footage, if that, and maybe 5 more minutes of new/old footage from the original Love Live Alive. The rest of the 90 min is filled with Gloval's Report style episode recaps. I didn't even catch the Rick Hunter cameo voice over or whatever it is and I doubt I've got the motivation to try and find it. Anyone know where it is? Do I even care? The newly created animation is really uneven, and I'm not talking about the new/old footage. In some places, like Lancer's space battle, it looks decent, but the epilogue looks horrendous. That's all I got.
  9. Oh wow, that's quite impressive!
  10. They need to start selling that stand! Funny how close it looks, structurally, to the Gundam stands a lot of us started using to display our valks. I wonder if someone at Yamato/Arcadia was poking around on here and decided to adopt the idea for themselves?
  11. Hey, I have another question. Has anyone ever tried using RIT dye to color the white plastic of the Yamato VF-1 build kit more of a low vis grey? Would it work on that type of plastic? I could paint the whole thing, but an acrylic paintjob would probably last all of one transformation before flaking off.
  12. Where'd you find so many mighty block stands?
  13. Is there any real difference between this and the focker yamato v2?
  14. I keep checking the date stamp up top to see if it says 1 April...
  15. Pretty close right? http://macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/fulbtzs-berrentzs/fulbtzs-berrentzs.gif vs http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/islandblogging/ibhq//images/bigrock_arran.jpg
  16. Hopefully in 1/60 scale hahaha...
  17. That should be all you need to do to cancel the order. You should get a cancellation confirmation in a day or so. If you don't hear anything in a week you can try them on facebook too.
  18. If I'm working on like, GI Joe customs, am I allowed to post that here, or is this mostly sci-fi models only? If not, I can take it over to hisstank or whatever.
  19. Man, I am liking this upcoming release more and more every day!!!
  20. Looks pretty clear here: http://www.macross.co.uk/plus/gallery/WALLPAPER_YF-19_Beaten.jpg
  21. Interesting, but that's also not technically "Macross Plus"...
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