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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Gakken85 -- I just used the fishing wire Detolf trick on my Macross collection as well! I can't remember who tried it here first, but it's a fantastic idea. Really makes the fighters POP (and saves a ton of space too!) Need to post a photo...
  2. 500,000 for a pilot and a feasibility study? No thanks. I'd fund a kickstarter to buy the macross rights off harmony gold in a secund though.
  3. I couldn't afford the one at wonderfest, so I tried to make my own... I kid! I kid!
  4. The Snowpiercer Vol 1 and 2 graphic novels are pretty fantastic.
  5. Well I appreciate the ideas, everyone. I'll let you know how it goes.
  6. Here's the blue paint spillover on my YF-25. Still think rubbing alcohol is the way to go?
  7. Sooo, mine arrived yesterday and had a little bit of blue paint spillover. It's similar to what was pointed out earlier in the thread. Any tips on getting it off without ruining the rest of the paint and plastic finish?
  8. Always loved the designs on this show. I remember the old Palladium Rifts RPG jocked the MADOX design pretty hard. http://www.statemaster.com/wikimir/images/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/7e/CS_SAMAS00.jpg/250px-CS_SAMAS00.jpg
  9. Jeez. Man that sucks. Can't wait to see what goes wrong with the rvf-171...
  10. Am I the only one who is suddenly looking for VF-25G super parts now?
  11. There's a video review up of Daca Toys Kronos. After watching the review, I changed my mind and am actually ok with the backpack coming off. Looking forward to receiving my copy in the mail.
  12. Urgh, so awesome, yet so unavailable. Wahhhh I really like the way they have the boosters oriented on the wings (in battroid mode) [edit]
  13. The 1/60 VF-0 is about the same size as a 1/48 VF-1
  14. Which site did you order yours from?
  15. Oh crazy, I think this is the first time I've realized the that antennas are different lengths.
  16. I assumed it has to do with the fact that I selected slow shipping, but maybe not.
  17. Yeah, it seems to take about a week between payment and shipping with N-Y :/
  18. Hah, that's a scheme I'd actually buy from Arcadia!
  19. Or the color is just washed out from being a copy of a photo in a magazine...
  20. The color of the fold booster pieces are the same green as the green weapons that come with the Arcadia YF-19. It's slightly darker and more olive than the green used with the Yamato fold booster, but it's not that bad.
  21. Hmmm, not that I really ever transform my...transformers...all that much, but if the backpack has to detach then that's sorta bothersome for a $170 toy.
  22. Hah, just got my payment request from N-Y. "This product will be soon in stock (Chogokin Hello Kitty)" They sent a correction right after for the YF-25. Still funny though.
  23. Looks beautiful.
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