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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Anyone tap the nuns triangles to see if they instantly shatter?
  2. If it doesn't get funded and nothing happens, it isn't like that'll free up the macross license. 34 people have donated 11k dollars today. Deep pockets.
  3. I'd get the shoulder missile set if it was on shapeways.
  4. That sort of opaque behavior isn't news to anyone who's familiar with HG, but it's fairly disgusting while they're in the midst begging for public money. The other thing about the kickstarter, and alluded to by others, is that they've pulled in $20k between yesterday and today, but barely anyone is contributing at this point (<100 donors/day). Even the die hard fans have to run dry at some point, right?
  5. I am the only one who finds this reward tier funny? Pledge $2 or more 0 backers ENEMY SPY: Do you hate Harmony Gold? Do you hate Robotech? With the Enemy Spy tier, you can feel free to argue to your burning heart's content! (Please refrain from abusive language as per Kickstarter's rules) Estimated delivery: Jul 2015
  6. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the compliments! I'm using monofilament fishing wire. The Elintseeker shelf is my favorite too. I have an idea to customize the FAST packs on that DYRL VF-1A CF into the green arrows squadron, but I need to do some coordinating to make it happen.
  7. Possible, but Kickstarter is a business itself, so the more people or organizations that use it, large business or not, the more money they take from the cut.
  8. Well, it's probably time for me to post my setup. Apologies for the image heavy post. My partner is gracious enough to let me indulge in the basement, but she's nixed anything upstairs, so the lighting is somewhat difficult 1/48's DYRL Macross Plus and Macross 7 Macross Frontier (Saving a spot for the YF-30 and RVF-171) SDFM More DYRL More SDFM - The Angel Bird racing the Fan Racer was fun to put together Macross Zero (Saving a spot for the VF-0D) Other Stuff, Transformers, Star Wars, Robocop, Blade Runner, Doctor Who, 1/55's More ephemera, Dune, Mego, Star Trek, Neca figures
  9. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/7470-macross-f-dx-chogokin-rvf-171ex-nightmare-plus-ex-luca-angelloni-custom-limited-edition.html
  10. That's exactly it! I've funded kickstarters before where the project team did everything they could to entice people to pledge -- tons of concept art, prototypes, they actually answered questions -- everything possible to show that they actually had a feasible idea. This is literally just an idea that isn't even fully formed. It's as if HG thinks they can put up the kickstarter and coast it in. Maybe they will...barely. If you want people's money you have to bring something to the table besides nostalgia and two or three half baked sketches.
  11. Given how little HG is even addressing or updating the funders in comparison with other projects, I'm wondering if they had convinced themselves that this was gonna be an easy half million and are now realizing that they actually have to work for it?
  12. True, but I figure that Robotech has a fairly finite, limited fanbase. Question is, is that finite group going to keep donating money for a project that's asking the backers to pay for an overpriced dvd, or are we reaching saturation already?
  13. At this rate, kicktraq has them barely hitting their goal. If the funding drops off even more as the days go on, it probably won't make it at all. http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/1381502542/robotech-academy/
  14. In order for that to work, the kickstarter would have to generate more funds than HG could possibly make from another 50 years of DVD reissues. HG's a business, so whats offered has to be more than they can make by retaining the property.
  15. Didn't they use the Alpha and Beta/Legioss and Tread in Shadow Chronicles though?
  16. Given what I did in my past career, I'd probably go with the VE-1 Elintseeker.
  17. Hey, just wanted to say "thanks" for recommending the toothpick + 91% alcohol to remove the paint overspill on my YF-25. Worked perfectly!
  18. No. No you are not.
  19. If it was parts swapping on the level of yamato vf1 v1, I'd be bummed. This, not so much.
  20. And it wasn't even a well done redub. How many times did they reshow the same clip over and over and over?
  21. They work well for non fast pack vf1s, but a yf19 is too heavy to work with those stands.
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