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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. What are we all going to talk about once this kickstarter is over?
  2. Bad a$$!!!!
  3. What's to say that they won't pre-screen questions?
  4. Well, once you've banned all dissenters, it's pretty easy to delude yourself into thinking a certain way when all that's left are yes-men.
  5. So the big reveal at comicon is that the children of zor are fairy lemurs, eh?
  6. Alright I finally got it. Thanks everyone for the friendly help
  7. Ok, so I've got the part on the right of the photo above pulled out and now the wheels are spaced about the same. However, NOWWWW that right wheel is flopping all over the place at the circular joint you pull out and rests on the back of the engine. Is it just supposed to hang loose like that, or should it have some tension? Sorry to be a PIA about this. This transformation almost had me feeling YF-21 levels of frustration.
  8. Here are two photos of what I'm talking about. Something just looks off on the right side wheel...
  9. Hey, question about the Beagle/Toynami ride armor -- Are the two wheels supposed to fit symmetrically in armor form? One of the wheels locks just fine. The other just sorta floats back and rests on the engine. I can make them almost even if I push the one wheel strut in so it locks, but then look offset from the front. Is this the way it's supposed to work or did I miss a step in the overly complex transformation process?
  10. Latest update is that rick hunter will be in the pilot. Anyone else recall the same bait and switch they pulled in LLA when tony oliver chimed in for less than 5 seconds of off screen dialogue?
  11. I can't tell what scene that's from? Any hints?
  12. I got my daca toys kronos today. I'm sorta bummed. The paint on the die cast feet was all dinged up and one of the hands was missing a pointer finger. It didn't break or fall off, it's just not there. I contacted tfsource about replacements, but yeah, pretty bummed on this purchase.
  13. I've been seeing a lot of high-level pledges coming in while most of the western hemisphere is asleep. For example, right now there are whopping 3 pledges totaling over $6,000. Is there big non-western hemisphere interest in Robotech? I wouldn't think so, but it seems like big dollars seem to come in later at night? In the end it doesn't really mean anything. It'll either get funded or it won't. Won't really change much either way.
  14. Probably because they have a bunch of leftover posters in a warehouse somewhere and want to offload them?
  15. Rahvin -- Yes, Yamato issued separate Super Strike Parts for the VF-1 twice. Arcadia has not re-issued them yet, though it's a likely possibility.
  16. But what will they do with Beta Ray Bill?
  17. Obviously a dead horse at this point, but here's a new kickstarter for some action figures where they very clearly state where the initial funding is going. (Look near the bottom) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/549582372/amazing-heroes-retro-style-super-hero-action-figur And they're only asking for $30,000!!!
  18. This.
  19. That battlesuit is one of my favorite designs. Do it!!!
  20. Hah true. Narrow mindedly, I think I just want my dyrl blu ray with subtitles
  21. Possible. But even if this ends up being the end for Robotech, it doesn't mean that suddenly there will be macross readily available in the US.
  22. OH DAMN!
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