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Everything posted by CoreyD

  1. Ok, here's the unboxing: Production photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.652335231508860.1073741929.143098519099203&type=1 Optional soundtrack:
  2. Yeah, I'm waiting for HLJ to stock it and hopefully it'll be slightly cheaper. Wait, will HLJ stock this release, or no, b/c it's an exclusive?
  3. I think if these stands had gone up 6 months ago, then I would've bought 4 or more. However, the Yetistand has really upped the game, so a this point I'll probably only get one Arcadia stand.
  4. Damn, that is massive(ly awesome!)
  5. Look what just arrived in the mail?!! Art Figure-AF 015 Heavy Armoured Special Cop 1/6 Figure aka Judge Dredd!
  6. Fair enough.
  7. Guess we're getting back to that pre-Vietnam no a/c mounted guns mentality.
  8. Eh? That chart says that the B and C variants don't have an internal gun? Is that right?
  9. YES!
  10. Obviously what you posted above was the dual arms stand, which one was the xl?
  11. Sign Me Up
  12. I couldn't help but order one. I've been looking for a 1/6 2012 film Dredd for a while now. I'll post a review whenever it arrives.
  13. Has anyone else seen this? (I can repost in the 1/6 figure forum if it's more appropriate there) Art Figure-AF 015 Heavy Armoured Special Cop 1/6 Figure aka Dredd https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.652335231508860.1073741929.143098519099203&type=1
  14. If i recall the 0D prototypes, those exploding arms are going to be die cast this time around.
  15. Venturing a guess that it's over the T-Rex YF-19 super parts?
  16. At first I was like, "whoh, how is it still in stock?!", then saw the price...
  17. Uh, why is this still listed for sale: http://www.anime-export.com/product/22158
  18. I'm probably going to sell mine for what I paid if you change your mind.
  19. I've never tried CA with baking soda, but that's not a bad idea. I've sanded CA glue on Warhammer figures and I usually start sanding before it dries, which seems to work well. I suppose that the dust from sanding was actually acting like the baking soda and filling the gap as the glue dried. Hmm.
  20. That's the answer then. Thanks. Too bad bc I've always liked the way Model Master turns out when brush painting.
  21. I just impulse bought the 1/72 wave armo soldier kit to practice.
  22. Well...I'm in with HLJ. Hoping to re-up my order on Black Friday.
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