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Everything posted by north-exit

  1. Just looking over the pictures again... they've really nailed the chunky aesthetic these '80s bots are loved for.
  2. Pre-orders are still open everywhere, wonder what the strategy is on manufacturing these? It's nice not having to stress buying a toy; especially expensive ones.
  3. It's looking to easily beat anything that's come before - very pleased with the printed decals too.
  4. They're pretty good, just don't try cancelling post 7 days of your pre-order, they get real pissy. HLJ is probably best for foreigners overall, native English speaking staff is a real plus too (for when things go wrong).
  5. Pre-orders up on Hobby Search.
  6. Unfortunately it would appear that far too many Yanks aren't adept at being savvy with international shipping. Vendors frequently ignore lower cost options like First Class mail, which has a pretty robust options set, and instead go straight to Priority mail etc. I see this all the time; thankfully some vendors will offer cheaper shipping when asked.
  7. Received mine today & it's exactly what I expected; heavy and tight with clean QC all round. But could someone chime in on why it's priced about 30% higher than it should be?
  8. Thanks for the pics. Relieved to see the Garland has been done some justice. Think I'll be giving mine some light weathering and adding extra paint detail to really make it pop. It comes across like and old gokin toy with its clean basic paint aps, it's kinda nice. It's a costly piece but sounds like materials and scale are spot-on, really dig this size for gokins, not too big or small. Wonder if the box art is display worthy?
  9. Looks like the Legioss just can't catch a break in the toy world. I understand the manufacturing process; small companies, production costs blah, blah, blah. But even with a hefty discount, it strongly appears that Evolution Toys' Legioss will still be overpriced; its weaknesses/QC issues not pertaining. Totally get some hardcore types will drop their dough on this; I seriously dig the Legioss design myself. But for the moment I'll be sticking with the model kits and pretend this toy doesn't exist.
  10. Are the shots of a prototype? because it looks kinda crap. Really hope the reviews allay my fears, because I'm a big fan of the Legioss and was hoping this would turn out... Wait and see.
  11. Macross Delta, isn't Macross. It's merely another hollow vacuum of utter tripe, just like the majority of Japanese animation of the last two decades.
  12. The VF-2SS was an obvious failure, just by looking at it the problems were evident. Though I still wouldn't mind one as I'd only display it one mode, and I don't really handle my expensive toys much. With the Alpha Fighter: even if they only pull off a great bot mode, I'd still be down for one. But considering how basic the transformation needs to be, I think they'll do better this time around. In any event, it can't be worse than any of the junk that's come before, surely.
  13. Unreal.
  14. Is this the right place for this? New Legioss... http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/%E4%B8%8D%E6%96%B7%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0-2016%E5%B9%B47%E6%9C%8824%E6%97%A5-wonder-festival2016%E5%A4%8F-evolution-toy%E5%B1%95%E5%93%81/
  15. north-exit

    Hi-Metal R

    I've had great success with Testors Dullcote on all sorts of "hard" plastics; I'd also recommend Tamiya's TS-80. My Yamato SDF-1 was finished with Tamiya TS-80 about 4 years ago, and it's perfect to this day, pretty sure there's a number of different plastics on the SDF-1, too.
  16. north-exit

    Hi-Metal R

    Is this something you are considering doing for yourself? as speaking from personal experience (over 20yrs worth), there's virtually zero danger in applying a microscopic layer of solvent based clear-coat, to one of these toys. You'd need to do something pretty silly for the plastic to be "attacked" by the clear-coat. If you were talking about automotive grade paints, then we'd have something to talk about; but even then, it would still be doable if you know what you are doing.
  17. north-exit

    Hi-Metal R

    Testors Dullcote is solvent based, and should never be used on "soft" or pliable plastics - PVC Vinyl etc. The HMR toys (so far) are constructed of a "hard" plastic styrene of sorts, so the results are perfect. As a rule of thumb, hard plastics are usually OK, but anything soft requires acrylic water-based products. Here's some points... - Remember to take it easy with the coats, you don't want to "pool" the clear-coat on the surface. - Mask off any portions you don't want to "dull" - clear visors, lights etc. - I probably wouldn't do the hands on these HMRs, they seem too soft, and it doesn't stand out anyway, - Keep approx 25cm away from the surface, and make brisk passes with the can, but not too fast, or you'll end up with "dry" paint on the surface. - It's actually a rather forgiving process and pretty easy to master, so don't be nervous, the results will be awesome. But even so, do some practice runs first. - Wipe the surfaces free of any mold release agents before commencing, even though the solvent in the clear-coat will ensure an excellent bond anyway, it's a good habit to form. Hope this helps, and apologies if you already knew most of this stuff.
  18. Hot! so beautifully realized, if the engineering is up to snuff, this will be a dream. Hope it's available before 2017...will probably get released 3rd quarter 2016, is my guess.
  19. north-exit

    Hi-Metal R

    A nice coat of Dullcote on these HMR's really enhances their aesthetic; kills the sheen and gives a crisper overall vibe, especially helps the fighter mode, which I feel is the weakest mode; relatively speaking. I really enjoy handling these High Metal R toys, by comparison my 1/60 scale Valkyries have spent their life in one mode, as I'd have a small panic attack every time I transformed them, and the plastic seems to feel more brittle with every passing year; although that might just be in my head. Plus I still need to purchase two sets of shoulder-hinge replacement parts...the shapeways flat rate international shipping charge, is a massive turn-off. Anyway, so far so good with the HMR line - dig the price, love the upcoming range; scale and engineering, I can't imagine Bandai will drop the ball with the non-transforming Zentradi mecha. Just hope that Glaug pod can hold its own arms up.
  20. Can't wait to see some finished examples.
  21. Words can't express how gorgeous I think this piece of art is. My SDF-1 looks so poor to my eyes... even more than I thought it did before seeing this masterpiece. I might just have to shake the rust off my modelling skills & do a bit of detailing on my plastic brick SDF-1. Thank you for the inspiration & the effort you've put into making this build available for all to see.
  22. One of the most impressive models (can't call it a toy anymore) I've ever seen. I just can't stop looking at the pictures.
  23. Gorgeous.
  24. north-exit

    VF-1 toy advice...

    Every time I handle my Yamato 1/60 scale "toys", my heart skips a beat... The 1/55's are by far the way to go.
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