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Everything posted by Dark_Ghost

  1. Release date : 25 May 2013
  2. Relase date August 2013 Price : ¥21 000 incl. taxe Early presales May 8, 2013 - 16:00 Japan time
  3. DX Chogokin Armored Pack for VF-25S Messiah Ozma Lee Custom Renewal ver. Review by Gamu : http://imgbox.com/g/CZBCOxoFGf
  4. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Max Factory Shery Nome review : by akibahobby.net by Moevo
  5. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Me too, but in Big In Japan
  6. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

  7. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Report in spring 2013 exhibition Miyazawa Maxfactory : ▼1/7 マクロスFrontier シェリル・ノーム(2013年10月発売予定) - Release date : October 2013 Hobby Search blog amiami blog
  8. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    ACE 2013 Figuarts Zero Ranka Lee (Wish of Valkyrie) Glowing Red - release date : 04/25/2013
  9. Still no pre-sales seen ... Is the opening time of the pre-sales has been postponed, or the date was pushed back .... It happened in January already .... Up early on a holiday and nothing .....
  10. Anime Export, Amiami, Nippon Yasan, CDJapan It is a rule imposed by Tamashii Nations Japan: pre-opening sales of their products can be done before updating their site and before the first of the month. Pre-sales can not begin before 04:00 pm (Japan time). This rule has long been known by collectors of Saint Cloth Myth (myself included) thanks to people who work for stores in Japan (CDJapan among others).
  11. Tamashii Nations web site update : VF-25F Alto Saotome Custom Renewal - Reissue 価格(税込):14,700円 発売日: ※ 2013年07月再販商品 対象:15才~ 大絶賛YF-29デュランダルの技術をそのまま注入! VF-25メサイア リニューアル! DX超合金にて好評を博した「VF-25 メサイアバルキリー」がリニューアル。 魅力的な三形態変形はもちろんとして、ユーザーによる要望点・改良点などを取り込み、よりスタイリッシュにより劇中に近いイメージを再現したアイテムです。 ■商品仕様 ・全高約340mm ・ABS・ダイキャスト・PVC・POM製 ■セット内容 ・本体 ・ガンポッド ・アサルトナイフ ・専用スタンド ・交換用手首左右各4種 ※DX超合金シリーズで2010年以前に発売された、VF-25用「スーパーパーツ」「アーマードパーツ」「トルネードパーツ」は当商品に装着することは出来ません。 Preorders open 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 1 in Japan - 09.00 in Europe
  12. Hobby Japan 05 2013 Cybergundam In your opinion, it's a toy or a model kit ?
  13. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Sale at Big In Japan : http://www.biginjap.com/figurines-pvc/7004-macross-30th-anniversary-ranka-lee-sq-figure-cosplay-ver.html But who will be the fifth? Oo Sharon Apple ??
  14. YF29 30th anniversary color (reissue) release date :
  15. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    You can here : http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/4669-macross-30th-anniversary-lynn-minmay-sq-figure-cosplay-ver.html
  16. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Received today ^ ^ The rest of the photos here: http://imgbox.com/g/YJfzy9Omi7
  17. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Personally the other 3 figurines I bought on Big In Japan I forgot to say, but Ranka Lee released in July 2013 ^ ^
  18. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    JAEPO 2013 Cybergundam
  19. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Not yet, they will probably open by the end of the month, subject to a release date in June 2013. Otherwise you will be patient ...
  20. Hasegawa VF-1 model kit with a special 30th Anniversary paint scheme designed by Hidetaka Tenjin Cybergundam
  21. It was if you believe this article: http://www.macrossworld.com/4283/farewell-yamato-hello-arcadia-of-my-youth/
  22. Hasegawa VF-1 model kit with a special 30th Anniversary paint scheme designed by Hidetaka Tenjin Cybergundam
  23. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Personally I have no problem with this model.
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