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Everything posted by Dark_Ghost

  1. This is really too much just to have for Christmas. December 21 is the date of despatch of Tamashii. In addition it is a Saturday. What makes a date of receipt of stores to 23 or 24 December. With the holiday season, it is likely that stores send it after Christmas.
  2. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Arrival at wholesale stores on the 16th December: Good Smile Company - Nendoroid Petite: Macross Heroines
  3. Release date : 12/21/2013 ^^ Tamashii Web Shop
  4. Before you know the date of pre-orders, it would already know the release date;)
  5. Should already namely the release date before speaking for opening preorders.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, this is because the two sites have the same solution e-buissness: http://www.clicboutic.com/
  7. NY and Big in Japan are two separate companies. They have nothing to do with each other. Big in Japan is an old French shop who moved to Japan in 2010. NY is a new shop (also created by a French) but that was created after the earthquake of 2012.
  8. The sale of the YF-19 Monday, Oct. 7, this concerns the arcadia web shop
  9. As for the VF-1J 30th anniversary, Arcadia has created a dedicated website for the YF-19 : http://arcadia.ac/yf19/index.php wallpaper : 2560*1600, 1920*1440, 1920*1200, 1280*960, 1024*768, 800*600, 640*480
  10. Up on Big In Japan for ¥26 250 http://www.biginjap.com/modeles-complets/8211-macross-plus-1-60-yf-19-with-fast-pack.html
  11. me too pre-ordered on Nippon Yasan
  12. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    arrived yesterday : Banpresto SQ Figure Sheryl Nome costume crossover 2 ! complete gallery here : http://imgbox.com/g/ONjwgsSebV
  13. Sorry, but this is October 12, not 10.
  14. No, Cybergundam right. ¥34440 is included tax (¥32,800 without taxes). Cybergundam always give prices without taxes
  15. Here's what it is on the YF-19 at Yamato
  16. Arcadia via tweeter Released today
  17. Figure Oh 187 HQ
  18. Figure Oh 187 HQ
  19. こんばんわ、今日はバタバタしておりましたー・・・来週は「マクロスVF-1J 30周年塗装機」が発売予定!気合入れますよ!!! @ARCADIA_Co_Ltd Google translate Good evening, "30th anniversary painting machine Macross VF-1J" is released over the next week ... which had been hectic today! I put yell! ! !
  20. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Arrived this morning : Review : http://imgbox.com/g/khuigrSyaa
  21. Pre-sales started at Nippon Yasan : ¥ 18 640 http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/5567-macross-f-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-isamu-type-edition-limitee.html
  22. This is for Japanese. Stores like Big In Japan, Anime or Nippon Export Yasan should open presales today. DX超合金 YF-29 デュランダルバルキリー(イサム機) 17,850円(税込) PS3専用ソフト『マクロス30銀河を繋ぐ歌声』に登場する、YF-29デュランダルバルキリーのイサム・ダイソンカラーが初立体化! PS3専用ソフト『マクロス30銀河を繋ぐ歌声』に登場する、YF-29デュランダルバルキリーのイサム・ダイソンカラーが初立体化! マクロス人気機体「YF-19」を彷彿させるカラーリングと専用頭部、ガンナイフのついたガンポッドを新規造形!人気キャラクター、人気機体のコラボレーションを見逃すな! To appear in "voice connecting the Macross Galaxy 30" PS3 exclusive software, Isamu Dyson color of YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie for the first time three-dimensional! Dedicated head and coloring reminiscent of Macross popular aircraft the "YF-19", the new shape the gun pods with a Gan'naifu! Do not miss the collaboration popular character, a popular aircraft! Tamashii Web Shop
  23. From a certain point of view, it makes sense. Arcadia announced the reissue of a YF-19 with Fast Pack and not a YF-19 with Fast Pack & Flood Booster
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