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Everything posted by Dark_Ghost

  1. Sorry, mishandling
  2. Tamashii Nations Newsletter : □2014年11月再販情報! ・ DX超合金 VF-25Sメサイアバルキリー(オズマ・リー機)リニューアルVer. 11/2014 Reseller information! DX Chokogin VF-25S Messiah Valkyrie Ozma Lee renewal ver The presales opening August 1 2014 4 p.m. Japan time
  3. Release date : June 21, 2014
  4. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Mine was shipped by Big In Japan Tuesday. I hope to have soon.
  5. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Finally ! Good Smile Company
  6. Super parts Set for YF-29 Durandal (Isamu Dyson Color) Relase Date : 05/16/2014
  7. Release date : 05/10/2014 Tamashii Nations
  8. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Max Factory Sheryl Nome postponed again ...
  9. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Still no Sheryl Nome in the release dates of April. I'm afraid she either postponed again ... http://www.goodsmile.info/en/post/3858/Release+Dates+for+April+2014+Products.html http://www.goodsmile.info/en/post/3866/Release+Dates+for+April+2014+Products.html http://www.goodsmile.info/en/post/3872/Release+Dates+for+April+2014+Products.html
  10. Finally, my 19 was shipped this morning by Nippon Yasan. Arrival in a week ^ ^
  11. The stand is included in the box?
  12. The status of my order just went "Preparation in Progress" this morning. I hope it will be shipped tomorrow.
  13. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Bad news. Another report for the release of Max Factory's Sheryl Nome... :angry: :angry:
  14. 15,120円 2014年06月 Tamashii Nations
  15. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    No new report at this time. She is still scheduled for March. Wait and see...
  16. 【重要なお知らせ】 ◆【1/60 完全変形 YF-19 with ファストパック】出荷時期変更のお知らせ お客様各位 ますますご盛栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。 平素はひとかたならぬ御愛顧を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。 2014年4月出荷予定でご案内しておりました「1/60 完全変形 YF-19 with ファストパック」に関しまして、 諸事情により、急遽出荷が早まりました事をお知らせ致します。 尚、出荷予定は下記となります。 ・発売予定【2014年4月上旬】→変更後【2014年3月下旬】 大変ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、何卒ご了承頂きますようお願い申し上げます。 Arcadia Via Facebook [Important Notice] ◆ Notice of the 1/60 Perfect Transformation YF-19 with Fast Pack] shipment time change Dear Customer I would be pleased and that more and more of your Seiei. And look forward to your patronage untimely Hito-kata, I thank you thick patronage. I have guided in April 2014 will ship in regard "1/60 Perfect Transformation YF-19 with Fast Pack", For various reasons, I will inform you that the shipment has been accelerated in a hurry. It should be noted that the shipping schedule will be the following. ·[April-early 2014] will be released → [Late March 2014] after the change We apologize for the inconvenience, thank you for your understanding.
  17. Yes, a Starfury Mk I. A model kit by Revel in 1/72 scale.
  18. Some photos quickly made of ​​my YF-29
  19. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    Published today on the website of Good Smile Company It's been a moment they arrived, but I forgot to post: Nendoroid Petite Macross Heroine
  20. Tamashii Nations.
  21. Dark_Ghost

    Macross figures

    The following products have had their release dates changed: Changed from January to March 2014: Max Factory - Sheryl Nome Good Smile Company
  22. If I understand correctly, this will be on sale at WF 2014 winter. http://arcadia.ac/sp/wf2014w/
  23. I think, too, that this should be a VF-0. Personally, I would not be opposed to a VF-0S with ghost booster Renewal.
  24. Arcadia on Twitter 【お知らせ】 さぁ!もう少しでWFです!当日発表となるマクロス新規アイテムの配付予定フライヤーをモザイクだらけですが公開!詳細は当日、アルカディアブースでご確認を!!! Google Translate : Now! It is a WF in a little more! It is full of mosaic but publish the flyer distribution plan of the new Macross items to be announced on the day! On the day of your check in Arcadia booth for more information! ! !
  25. Preview by amiami http://blog.amiami.com/amiblo/2013/12/03.html
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