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Everything posted by SterlingMax

  1. Is anyone planning to get the 9-Disc set from Bandai Visual directly for ¥ 70,200 where they ship the volumes as they come out? Also is there any way to get this to USA? Link https://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/cont/item/BDOT-0210
  2. Does anyone know the name of the Chinese cosplayer that was on the frontpage as Lynn Minmay? If memory serves correct she was in front of a starry backround. I miss the format the frontpage had to show cosplay I tried to use the back feature but none of those posts are avaialble now. I know the pic was from a facebook fanpage created for her since facebook is not available in China. Also if you post the pic here forever thanks
  3. I understand they locked the newer threads
  4. after other studios have had their chance at developing the material, Sony is now up to develop it. the 300 producers/writers are going to produce and write it for screen. quote from article The project will be overseen at Sony Pictures by Sony Pictures Entertainment Group President Doug Belgrad, Columbia Pictures Production Chief Michael De Luca, and Sony Pictures Vice President of Creative Production Matthew Milam. “‘Robotech’ is unique in that it has always been a marriage of spectacle with human characters that seem drawn from life,” said De Luca. “That’s why we are so excited to be working with Mark and Gianni as we move forward on this project. With a history that offers an epic love triangle, a renegade hero, and a world on the brink of extinction, ‘Robotech’ offers a wide scope and a rich and impressive universe where the story possibilities are endless.” Source:Variety What are your thoughts? here's the link to the Variety article http://variety.com/2015/film/news/robotech-movie-sony-tv-series-anime-1201460191/
  5. Disappointed no Blu-Ray as it looks fantastic, the Japanese release price is too high without subs. I've never purchased a Discotek release but their prices on the site are reasonable.
  6. Just saw this http://www.fandompost.com/2014/06/17/discotek-media-acquires-super-dimension-century-orguss-anime/ Just announced Orguss is coming to US DVD only first series from Discotek subbed including the Dub from US Renditions for the first 17 episodes.
  7. Just saw this for preorder and I have been more strict on my valk purchases. I would definitely like to add this to my collection but even with the sound booster it's too much maybe for $50-75 less.
  8. Was trying to post my latest Macross haul but it looks like I'll need to upload to a site. Anyways since First Macross is my favorite but I like Macross Frontier I picked up Macross 30th Anniversary SQ Figure Lynn Minmay Kosukoro. Let's see if this photo load works Cool it works my camera on my phone always darkens the pics for some reason, going to get new one in a couple weeks. Also debating to put back up my Ichiban Kuji Premium Klan Klang figure since I'm running out of shelf space.
  9. So while Macross Frontier will probably never be broadcast on US TV on Sy Fy channel they started up season 1.5 for Heroes of Cosplay. I included a link and it has Yaya Han dressed as Sherly Nome in her Kimono outfit at 9 sec and 16 sec in this promo for episode 7. Not sure if you'll need a VPN to view it and SyFy may put up the full episode in a day or two. Keep in mind the show isn't the greatest but it puts exposure into Cosplay and Macross Frontier in a minor way at least. Link http://www.syfy.com/videos/Heroes%20of%20Cosplay/Promos/vid:2782200 Here's the link to pics of the costume she wore on her site as the video is real fast http://www.yayahan.com/portfolio/costumes/sheryl-nome-oiran-garb-macross-frontier
  10. Hope they put something up as it would be interesting at least and perhaps informative for this year's con.
  11. Not sure to be honest, it just sounded that there were at least some stories of their trip to US that would have been substantial in length, that was tabled at the end of Ep. 11.
  12. SterlingMax

    Macross figures

    Debating getting Sheryl or a Valk.
  13. Not sure if this is the right subforum but I've been going through the Podcasts and at the end of Episode 11 it was mentioned one of the guys escorted Hidetaka Tenjin across the US. I'm not sure if it was just to the convention but it sounded like it was deserving of at least a mini-podcast episode. Thanks and if the SpeakerPODcasts are discussed on a different subforum, apologies in Advance.
  14. Just finished the movies, an interesting take. I probably prefer the TV ending versus the 2nd movie ending but I did like the additional music. Plus the characters were more felt in the tv series.
  15. Got mine this morning but had to work so just now pouring over the extras disc. I installed on my PS3 and the PlayView it was fine for what it was however don't be mistaken look at the disc itself for way more content. Loved both book, will be going through them more leisurely over the next few days. Switched the extras disc to my PS4 and it showed the PS3 game(PlayView) as an additional icon Unsupported Disc, as a side note. The Masenbo alternate case cover was a nice unexpected addition. I always use CDJapan, gotta use my points and FedEX always gets it to my house in the morning in excellent condition. Plus if I ever miss the truck, FedEx is a couple minutes drive to pick up. Will post more still devouring, I mean viewing.
  16. Was on the fence about buying it since no subs confirmed, but I saw the commercial and the print is immaculate and the animation and character designs hold up well. More money gone it looks like.
  17. Wanted this so bad, ordered the movies instead. Merry Christmas, can't wait for the unboxing videos to post.
  18. Sold out at CD Japan not sure if this is just day one release or that's it.
  19. Does it show a price or release date ? Any word on Orguss 02? I wish I bought those US Renditions tapes when my local anime rental shop closed back in the day.
  20. Ordered mine and it's on the way, wasn't aware of the shoddy subs and none on the OAVs. Seen it so many times on VHS the DVD, never had the chance to get the LDs though. Someone will make a video with Manga Ent./STARZ dub for the 4th episode and even proper subs for the OAVs, but I really do want a BD copy on the shelf next to my DRYL. Just curious will the Orguss BDs have the English dub that appeared on the US Renditions VHS and ImaginAsian Entertainment DVDs for those first 17 eps.? I still like the Orguss 02 DVD man is that a beautiful anime.
  21. SterlingMax

    Macross 30

    I got mine this morning but was hoping the box was the original displayed design.
  22. Mine was supposed to be delivered today however the shipping in Japan was slow to catch my FedEX connecting flight. What really burns me is that I'll have to wait through the weekend looking at that FedEX Building down the street from my house since it'll probably arrive there tonight. That what I get for not opting for Saturday delivery. Time to connect the VCR to watch my Kiseki and Century group versions.
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