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Everything posted by erikos0311

  1. RIght on Skullmilitia! Looks like your set-up will be epic once its all done! but man, that VF-4 is scaring the crud out of me!! it looks like its about to flip-back and crash into your Hikaru!! (that happened to my VF-4 when i had it tilting up like that on one of those crappy flimsy Gundam stands!!) no harm done but i've never been so damn scared in my life!! lol
  2. Got some goodies in the mail yesterday! My 1st Resin kit & tigertrack mp! Really looking forward to this build & I've got a couple diorama ideas brewing up in my head!! Hopefully I can get it started before I go out on leave for the holidays!! O_o !!!
  3. Awesome jefuemon ! Can wait to see the end results !!!
  4. good price all around. My renewal was MIB, with everything sealed, I had it up for sale for a while on the forums but got no interests, all of a sudden I got an offer for a straight up trade for a Takara starscream MP(grey/dark version) which in my opinion was a pretty decent fair deal, so i went with it & got to say , Im pretty satisfied with the deal. I just recently started to build my MP collection but Macross takes priority!! lol
  5. That's pretty dang quick! I didn't know you where looking for one, I just traded my 2nd copy renewal like 2-3 weeks ago! O_o lol If you don't mind me asking, how much?
  6. That's awesome!! So when did you first notify them about purchasing one ?? I sent them a message back in May thru their Facebook page and still have not recieved any emails or messages of them reserving one for me.. I also emailed them on their web page back then and have not heard from them at all. Did you email them on their web page address?? Facebook?
  7. ITs Monster Madness!!!! Awesome!!!!!!
  8. Oye Cool8or!! Donde conseguiste la maqueta 1/72 Miria Queadlunn Rau? ando buscando una para un projecto que tengo en mente!
  9. And....... BOOM goes the dynamite! Such a crisp & clean box! This bird is sooo Super Slick!! I'm one happy camper now! Big shout out to Skullmilitia for the early Christmas present!
  10. I was just at ikea yesterday getting my new light system and thank goodness it's only like 35 min. away. I didn't even go by the detolf section cause for me, these baby's are convenient but a little pricey for my taste. I always see them on craigslist so it's just a matter of time until I scoop a 4th one. I scored my 3 detolfs on Craigslist for a whooping 90 dollars for all 3!! What I think I'll end up doing is stacking my TF mp's detolf back with the other two, and just move my TF's to the bottom 3 floors and use the rest for all macross... Hmmmm....... ?!?!! Decisions,decisions.....
  11. ha ha!! you know it!! I checked the tracking and i was sooo pumped this morning when i woke up, then i realized it was Veterans Day!! Fuuuuudge!!! lol its all good, I got today and tomorrow off work so it will be like a little christmas tomorrow around noon!! Thats why im going a lil' crazy with the space situation because I think the high-end-rare valks should deffinately have their own floor to give them justice and make them shine!!
  12. LOL!! I was going more for a mirror image effect! Im REALLY running low on space and its getting really hard to find clever ways to display my collection without making it look like a macross locker room!! lol I really dislike the clutter-effect, and i think more than 3 valks per floor is pushing it! ha ha I have been glued to craigslist searching for a 4th Detolf because Im deffinately not spending the cash for a new one.... I found one a couple of days ago for 30 bucks including lights, same color (black) and when I texted the lady, she said that she literally had just said goodbye to the person that bought it and had come to pick it up!!! arrgh!!!! lol kind of sucks cause i have a couple more rare valks/TF MP's coming my way these next couple of days so Im gonna have to re-arrange my whole collection all over again! FML!
  13. Are you missing the blue light on the right leg ?
  14. Just got to the post office in time to pick up my goodies!! Got to say this is my first set of super parts and I love how detailed they are!!
  15. Hey guys! So it's been a while since I updated my collection pics, Thought I'd snap a few with my phone! Over the past couple months my Transformer MP collection has grown & I've decided to devote 1 of my detolfs to it. Now things are getting a little tight in my Macross heaven. Looks like I will be looking for a 4th detolf very soon, but until then, things will have to remain a little snug!
  16. Here is my 30th, autographed by the man himself...Tenjin!
  17. A little late to the party but here ya guys go! Was gonna wait on posting this until I got my vf-25g super parts but NY takes for ever and a day with their shipping ! Lol
  18. Soooo. I never got to post my haul from this past CON last month. Was lucky enough to get Tenjin to autograph my Macross Calendar and my 30th anniversario VF-1J!! Gotta say he's one cool guy! Really glad I got to meet him in person!
  19. LoL. Sorry. What I meant to say is that the "free" shipping is only in the U.S. .... I will look into and find out about international shipping case by case. I want to be able to offer this to international buyers as well!! . So don't sweat it guys! I'll try my best to cater to all. Just gonna need some time to find out details.
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