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Everything posted by erikos0311

  1. Now taking commission orders!
  2. I have an extra chronos if you want it! I got an extra one because I thought the 1st order had not gotten thru...
  3. Well it's only $10 buck mark up, so this is better than nothing... I got an extra one by mistake if anyone wants to trade a YF-30 PO with a YF-29 Ozma... Pm me!
  4. NY go go go! NY go go go!
  5. Score!!!!! Got 2!
  6. aint nobody got time for that right now brother!!! lol Keep your head in the game!! T-13 minutes!!
  7. Hopefully being in Korea gives me a head start on this Pre-order race!!
  8. Chronos is up on Amiami...! Do you guys know if you can choose the "pay later" option when ordering from them? Price: 17,250 jpy
  9. So which website do you guys think will have these up for PO first ?? (HLJ Amiami NY) there is nothing posted on all 3 pages. Is this only on the tamashi website ?
  10. GOT IT!!! Now all I need is a HLJ Ozma pre-order!!!! LoL!
  11. Haaaaaaaa!!!!! LOL that is the funniest shite I've heard in a long while!!!! But yeah, this is getting old! Enough with the VF-25F!!!!
  12. I'll buy it off you if you like!!
  13. where do we sign up for these baby's??
  14. This Valk looks really promising!! It will be my 1st YF- 19!! So, I got mine from HLJ and I recently moved to South Korea (APO) and I wanted to have my package delivered here but HLJ does not ship to APO?!?! What should I do? I was thinking of just have it shipped to Texas (parents house) and then here but I was wondering if there is another way for my package not to make a trip all the way across the ocean and back. LOL any suggestions??
  15. Yup, saw that too! Too bad it was for over 300 bucks!
  16. So I take it I'm really really late to the party huh?!?? Anyone have a spare HLJ order they would like to pass over to me?!?! . Anyone ??? LoL.
  17. Hey guys. Sorry that it's taken me some time to do an update. I am currently on leave/vacation at my parents house in Texas and between flights and Christmas shopping , i have been swamped with things to do. I will be going over the new and updated uniform pattern with my mother these next weeks and I will try to post pictures ASAP. I have created a list with everyone's information and orders and will post the members name + number of orders and details. This is the busiest time of the year for my mother at her job so I will be helping her with most of the production. I will post more as things come together!! Hope everyone has happy holidays!!!!!
  18. Hey Jefuemon! you working on this yet?!?!?!? LOL
  19. Hope they fix the arm/shoulder issue, I had been looking for one for a while, and after a couple of deals on the forum fell thru, with out being on the look out for them, I got lucky at the MW con in Oct. and got to pick up both the VF-0a & VF-0S for 70 bucks! They where loose with the exception of a gunpod and both valks fast packs!! (Leg magnet attachments). The VF-0A had the shapeways forearms airbrushed installed and the VF-0S had the broken forearms with a pair of shapeways replacements In a Baggie! I guess it payed off to volunteer at the CON cause we all got to go in the Con before everyone else did!! :)
  20. This is probably the best DX Bandai Design in my opinion!! I told myself i would hold off on any pre-orders for the rest of the year but , I think this calls for exception if it becomes available before the year ends.....
  21. thats a pretty decent price thou, Hope you can get it fixed so you can at least have it displayed in fighter mode next to the upcoming PO Yf-19, I got mine on pre-order with HLJ and Im really looking forward to it as this will be my first Macross Plus Valk! Ive held out on the yf-19 due to all the flaws on the V1 desing.... Its a really killer looking valk but too bad the design is weak. I think arcadia will pull thru on this upcoming design!!
  22. If you dont mind me asking Skull... how much did you pay for the broken YF-19??? did you buy it used??
  23. -I got this email earlier today: the prototype still in making.. save your email and will email you when it is ready... US$239 including shipping fee.. been very busy with many helmet projects now.. need time to do one by one. -So after emailing them since May, this is the first email that states the price, which I believe is in the first 200 slots!!! So I take it I'm good to go !!!!!!!! Now all I've got to decide is which color I should get !!! Focker or hikaru!?!??
  24. Big craigslist score!!!!! 4 Detolfs (mint) for 50 bucks!! Not bad hu?!? I've been looking for a 4th detolf for over 2 weeks now and two days ago I saw this post for 1, and the lady wanted 40 bucks for one, I got her down to 30 so I was expecting a half broken shelf with baby slobber all over the glass, well when I got to their house,(45 min. Away) she opened her garage door and there where 3 detolfs there, so I started thinking I could probably get 2 from her for around 50 bucks, well after wheeling and dealing she said that she only had 4 of the small floor glasses and that she had another detolf inside! After back and forth for 10 min. she pretty much just said she wanted them gone for 55 dollars which was a weird number if you ask me. .... I said. "I'll just give you 50 bucks for all of them" , and she agreed. So I got 4 detolfs(same color, dark brown/silver structure) & 4 small pieces of floor glass for 50 dollazzz!!! I stopped by lowe's last night and got 8 pieces of non tempered glass for 3 bucks a pop. The only thing is that the glass itself is not as thick as the original and can't hold too much weight, but I figured I could put them on the bottom of each shelf just incase. I tested one out this morning on one of my current set ups and it held 5 small TF MP's (prowl,sideswipe etc..) so now that I will have PLENTY of space for 1 Valk per floor, I'm sure the glass will hold up just fine. I also dropped by Walmart and picked up two rolls of black magic 5% VLT tint film for the back walls of the shelfs. I kind of like how the tint in the back give the shelfs a bit of a sleeker look instead of just seeing right thru your wall. So since my current set up is all black(wood/metal structure/etc.) And I want to keep that look, I will be customizing all 4 detolfs to match them. I decide to go with black satin krylon fusion (non-prep, super bond paint) I tested it out on the bottom part of the bottom wood shelf and the color is close enough! LoL So now all I've got to do is convince my wife that I got all 4 detolfs because it was a great deal that I couldn't pass up and that it does not mean I will be going on a Valk purchase rampage!! LoL!! I will post more pictures once I get things going! Now I'm off to the paint both!! :)
  25. you didn't know that?!?!?! I knew that before i got my first Valk!!! lol, that's only cause I watched transforming tutorials on youtube over & over again!! Then when i got my first valk, I was a bit nervous when I attempted to extend the knee/leg joints for the 1st time hoping it wouldn't snap & blow up in my hands..... (my 1st Valk was 1/60 weathered edition Roy & weathered super strike parts)
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