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Everything posted by erikos0311

  1. Sooooo. pre-orders start tonight at midnight? japan time??? anyone got info on this?
  2. Good to hear that brother! I say if you haven't gotten a cancelation notice by now, you should be good to go.
  3. Slight mark-up! Not bad.
  4. Oh! Sorry plasticgoose, I think you misunderstood. I still have my order with HLJ. I was able to process the purchase in the 1-3 minute window. This text message from HLJ was from a macross Facebook page that someone posted. Apparently someone else that got a confirmation email around 5-10 minute window, received this email. I just double checked my HLJ and the VF-31 is still there. still.... HLJ hasn't solved this system failure/automatic confirmation/ response email, which makes people believe they scored a unit when they really didn't. HLJ is such a heartbreaker!!
  5. Just checked mine and its still there! pew! I think i got mine within the first 2-3 minutes of the window, but we will see if its still there by next week. just saw this online on one of the FB Macross pages. This is Mark Kutsugi at HobbyLink Japan. Thank you for your order for Bandai's BANN06298 DX Chogokin VF-31J Siegfried (Hayate Immelmann). The stock status of that item was regretfully Order Stop at the time you placed your order. A bug in our system allowed it to stay in your shopping cart when it was no longer available for order. The bug is being corrected now. As the limit of orders for the amount of stock we expect to receive was already reached, this item will be cancelled from your order within 48 hours. You have not been charged for this item. BANN06298 DX Chogokin VF-31J Siegfried (Hayate Immelmann) is expected to be released on or about 12/31. If supplies are sufficient, we will accept more orders for it at that time. In the meantime, if more stock becomes available, more orders may be accepted. We do not currently have a system to alert you if that happens, but you're welcome to monitor its page in our online catalog:
  6. Yeah it was nice while it lasted. I went ahead and cancelled it and logged out and back in and I still have my first one. I would like to snag a second copy with NY for a cheaper price if I can. During the PO madness, I had both HLJ & NY open but after I scored my 1st copy with HLJ,I got distracted with my wife and baby, that I totally forgot about NY. O well, I'll keep an eye out in the next couple of days for NY. I'm glad almost everyone got a copy thou!! If you didn't, don't loose hope cuz I'm sure they will open again, just gotta stick by the computer for a long minute!
  7. So after all this madness, I just checked my HLJ shopping cart account and there was a VF-31 just chillin' there. So I went ahead and continued with the purchase, checked out and it looks like I have 2x VF-31 now. Ooops! I got the first one on the 3rd minute of the window, and now this one, almost 2 hours after. I even got a confirmation email! I wonder if I can get away with it? . Should I cancel it??
  8. NY will open up soon, but with a slight mark-up I bet.
  9. Got confirmation!! Too bad it's limited to 1 per customer!!
  10. So loopaza already has the VF-31 available for preorder, does anyone know if you have to pay up front for this? Or pay when they release it? I have never purchased from them.
  11. planning on getting rid of some stuff, but been out of the selling game for a bit. I have a Bandai DX Chogokin RVF-171 that is MIB and has never been transformed. How much are these going for nowadays?
  12. Wow , lots of mixed reviews..... I'm sure I'll have my very own by next week when I get mine from HLJ... ! in regards to HLJ screwing people with the cancelled PO's , same thing happened to me with the release of the VF-25s Ozma, I had gotten a PO and then HLJ emailed me saying that they had run out of stock. It pissed me off but I got over it quick. crap happens and I get that sometimes HLJ has issues with their system. But they still have the best customer service from the rest of the pack so I still choose to buy from them over all.
  13. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN992012 Still Open!
  14. Low stock on HLJ!!!! Goooo!
  15. This keeps getting better and better ! 0_o. HLJ , don't fail me now!!
  16. And Boom goes the dynamite!!
  17. Shipping Notice from NY!!!!!! Ever since I moved to Japan, shipping from HLJ and NY have been Super Duper Fast!! I give it to the end of the week and mine should be here!! WooooooT!!!!
  18. 2 WORDS: Max - Milia
  19. Wow, last time i saw this thread I wasn't convinced with this YF-19 looks and aesthetics , owning the Arcadia Yf-19. But with these recent pictures, Im beginning to see the light!!!!! Comparing both versions, I have to say the DX looks sleeker in comparison to the more chubbier Arcadia release. I think i like the DX's lines better but kind of scared of the transformation with prior experiences with Bandai's stuff. OH and the included fast-packs are definitely a plus!!!! Now I have to see if i can even score a pre-order on this baby.... (fingers crossed...)
  20. I did a double take bruh!! lol Hopefully the "1" and the yellow crotch tampos are included as decals. (just read the post above) ooops!!! i'm more concerned about the pink shade of white on the Valk itself, but it might be a form of camera fliter used to take the picture. what do you think Saburo?? you are are expert with toy photography...... Im sure its possible right? Please say yes!! lol lol
  21. Very weird, but regardless, Im super excited about this since it will be my first GBP armored Valk!
  22. so no "1" tampo ????? booooo!! guess im gonna have to work up something to fix that.
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