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Everything posted by erikos0311

  1. i tried going thru paypal but it wouldnt take it, so i immediately took out my CRedit card and after typing all my info down it send me to this fipping page that said the page was not available, canceled the whole thing and when i tried going back to my cart it was gone ,, just like that,,,
  2. son of a gun!!!! 2nd one Ive lost tonight!!! I even got to pay for it with my credit card and it kicked it back and it emptied my cart!!! argggg!!!!! this is seriously getting anoying!!!
  3. is there anywhere in South Korea that you can just go and pick one of these up?? like Seoul or a big city??? I have a buddy of mine in Seoul now and will be back to the US in a couple of months...... wondering if i should ask him to look for one for me??? anyone? or are these just online exclusives??
  4. you think they will open tonight?? or should I say this morning???? lol
  5. any word on AE or hobby search??
  6. i thought you did!?!?
  7. what do you press to buy? i dont know japanese!!
  8. lol haaa haa!! thats awesome!!! well, i feel pretty lucky tonight, so hopefully i can snag my first Bandai!!
  9. how you get your computer on auto refresh?!?!? I am sooo behind when it comes to tech stuff!! lol Thats why i got a mac desktop, cause the easier the computer is, the better!
  10. what does the F5 Key do for you guys?? I have a Mac Desktop! lol oh, wait, I DO have an F5 key!!!! Refresh maybe??
  11. do you guys have a favorite?? i think im gonna stick with amiami, HLJ, NY...
  12. sweet, just to make sure,,, I too want to be ready for this one!.. so I will have AmiAmi in one window and Nippon-Yassan in the other side by side. What are other websites that will host this tonight?? those are the only ones that i know off.
  13. I live in Tacoma Washington (west coast) so, what time(my time) after midnight will the pre-orders begin?? anyone?
  14. when is the window gonna open exactly?? tonight?? or tomorrow night?? which one are you looking to get VF-Zer0S??? VF-25???
  15. nice! how much you think these pre-orders will be? last? I appreciate the help there !
  16. So whats up with this VF-25F??? I dont get it.... will the renewal pre-order be cheaper than this?? http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/2455-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-version-.html
  17. i figured..... thanks xrentonx!
  18. need some advice...... I found this on Nippon-Yasan, http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/2458-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25s-armored-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom.html is this a renewal? or the crappy 1st version??
  19. Sakura Sakuracon???? where was that at? how was it?? hmmm. just googled it and I missed it!! so there where not that many Valk vendors i take it....?? i gotta keep more of an eye out for con's around this part of town!! if you know of one, let me know and maybe we can meet! Me and my wife missed Comicon this year but we attended last year and it was a blast! even scored a Robotech pod for decent price!
  20. guess who's VF-4G came in the mail last week????? This guy right here!!!!!! This has got to be the best thing that ever came out of Yamato since the First V2!! I haven't even transformed it once and its been a couple days since i got it!! not that Im afraid I might break something but its just to awesome to be messed with!! lol Now i know what the big hype is about, the lines on this beauty are breath taking!!
  21. any Idea on the prices???
  22. to each their own,,, I switch stuff back and forth all the time, just depends on my mood and what i feel like transforming that day! hey Manguns you are from Seattle??? I'm down here in Tacoma !! anywhere in Seattle to go shopping for Valks?!?
  23. Lol it really isn't that big of a project.... If you look at the beginning of this thread you will see how it's done. The detolfs have to be bolted together at the top/ bottom and you remove whatever side you will leave open to connect with the other side. Once side by side and bolted, the detolfs will be better supported and you can fit more valks across the shelf!! Check it out!!
  24. yep, yep, well, the way I have my Detolfs in a curved corner, I have not bolted them together and removed the side glass like others here. That, and I really don't have a huge collection like many here, but I dont know, over the past 2 months, my collection has grown so eventually i will need to remove the side panels and cram more than 2 Valks in each floor.! I still have room way at the bottom but thats where i Stash my boxes cause my little aussie sheppard likes cardboard!!
  25. oh, oh no!!!,, ha ha,, no sweat.... my valks are always in the shade,,, that light is from this low dimmed,paper lamp..! that and i live in Tacoma,Washington and trust me, sunlight hardly ever sticks around!!! that and I always have the blinds closed!
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