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Everything posted by erikos0311

  1. thanks guys,,, I looked on my account orders and Im all over the place.... I guess I was in a rush all 3 times to hurry up and checkout so I would get to place the order, that I placed one order with EMS (express), another one with AIRMAIL, and the last one with Eco-Sal Registered..... ! now that i can think straight, would i be able to switch all my orders shipping to EMS (registered)? or are the pre-orders all locked in and I can not change my shipping options???
  2. Im new to pre-ordering and NY so... i was wondering.... what is the best shipping option to pick from all the options on the checkout screen or when ordering with NY.? can you change your shipping options after you place the preorder?? Im about to email them and ask them if I can pay in Yen instead of USD.... thanks in advance guys!
  3. How long ago!?!?!? I have been checking all day and nothing.....hmmm..
  4. Thanks guys ! But I can t find the link to the vf-25f...... Found the link! Lol
  5. Which valk got cancelled? RVF or VF-25f?Thanks for the heads up Renton!
  6. yah. it was..... 30 min.!!!!!! aaarrrrgh!!!!!!! lol
  7. dont feel bad, no one knew about this one,,, the time shocked us all...! I usually get up for work hours before this, and every morning I have my morning cereal infront of my Mac to check up on emails, and MacrossWorld... etc.....and well, for some reason I didnt do it this morning, which is REALLY effing odd!! o well, I already have a preorder of one of each, but Im trying to find them cheaper and not pay the NY prices....still some chances to snatch one cheaper I think... Don't sweat it, you get your chance!
  8. go to the "contact us" link and there is an email address you can use to write to them either the link or the info on the item you want to preorder.... I guess they will email you back with an answer. I have not gotten an answer yet, but we wil see... doesnt hurt to ask... has anyone ever dealt with yokattaweb???
  9. nevermind, just preordered mine as well!!
  10. are these for the renewal vf=25F?
  11. oops!, i left the word "Fighter" out!!....! lol.
  12. is this the renewal SP parts??
  13. Hmmm....?? Maybe they did it with the U.S. market in mind ...?
  14. Very nice duymon, is this the bandai kit? I've been meaning to look into these...
  15. both the VF-171 nightmare and the RVF-25 are now open at NY!!!! get them if you aint got one!!!
  16. both the VF-171 nightmare and the RVF-25 are now open at NY!!!! get them if you aint got one!!!
  17. both the VF-171 nightmare and the RVF-25 are now open at NY!!!! get them if you aint got one!!! but i wont be surprised if they stick around open for a while!!
  18. Hey cheng, I was up last night and the only ones that opened up from NY was the RVF-25 and the VF 171 nightmare. HLJ never opened up anything. I tell you what, I scored 2 VF-25F's the other day and if you don't score one by the end of this preorder madness , I'll hook you up with one for the same price I got each for. :]
  19. Spent sometime out of the workbench, but slowly but surely is coming back around...!
  20. sweeeeetness jefuemon!! I really dig that darker gray scheme! Deffinately one of your best works!!
  21. So after a couple of months of not hitting the worktable, I finally got some time to put this bad-boy together.... still needs the rest of the Decals,post shadding,weathering and a couple of clear flat passes with my airbrush.... but i couldnt help to post some pics...
  22. Exactly the same? hmm, I wonder if its just an automated reply.... well, if its not an automated reply, It sounds very promising...
  23. yeah, Its like maybe 50 bucks more than what I'm wanting to spend, but thats how it goes....After I scored my 2 Alto Preorders, I was just too tired the next night, and thats then HLJ opened up theirs and I missed out!! o well..... I actually wrote to HLJ ealier today about when they would open up their Preorders and this is what they said... Hi, Thank you for writing in. Those items are currently in "Order Stop" status, and are not available for order at this time. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN964807 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN980713 There actually is a brief explanation of what "Order Stop" means on the item page itself. Here is a more detailed explanation: "Order Stop" We have taken all the orders we think we will be able to fill for these items, but there is still a chance we may be able to secure more stock, so orders are temporarily stopped until we can confirm that. If we can get more stock, orders will be reopened. If we cannot get more stock, the item will go to "Discontinued" status. The timing of this varies, so we cannot predict when this will happen. (NOTE: Previously placed orders are not affected. Just not taking new orders!) So, as you can see, we do not know if we will be able to get more stock...that's the whole point of an item going to "Order Stop" status. I hope that explains it! Please keep checking the site for new release info! Thank you for shopping at HobbyLink Japan! We appreciate your business! Best Regards, Brian KeaneyHobbyLink Japanwww.hlj.com So I have some hope they will re-open them tonight,,
  24. nice!! got it!,,,, dang,, its still open! This will do for now, but Im gonna stick around hLJ to hopefully snatch one up for cheaper! :ph34r:
  25. got it!!!! A lil' over what I am considering to spend, but we will see if HLJ hooks it up tonight and I can get one for cheaper!!
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