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    Sagamihara, Japan/ U.S.APO AP
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    Macross, Valkyrie mecha construction & custom Toys

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  1. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the covers off. But honestly, I wasn’t impressed with the work and that’s why I decided to cancel my premium and go for the basic SDF-1.
  2. Me too, i saw it live at wonderfest and pretty much it’s just a plain weathering paint job and glow in the dark paint. That’s it. Sheesh I can do that on my own. So I went with the regular version.
  3. so kind of late to the game, but where is the cheapest one can buy the sdf-1 the cheapest?
  4. Well, just cancelled my HLJ regular Miria..... lol , never thought I would ever cancel a Miria PO. Premium should be worth it!
  5. So , I take it this is one of them??? looks like a work in progress......! https://world.taobao.com/item/544837870129.htm?spm=a312a.7728556.201601086188259.4.3xdZhf&scm=1007.12679.24488.544837870129
  6. I totally see your point Jenius, I too have been blessed with the QC fairy a couple of times with Yamato/Arcadia/Takara. And all those times I've gotten great customer service from the companies I mentioned. I am aware that QC issues will always be present when we are dealing with thousands of items mass produced. I guess my point was, that even thou I've had figures literally fall apart in my hands, I've acknowledged the fact that figures this expensive, delicate and fragile, are bound to not be 100% QC free, and that in this hobby, one is bound to receive a visit or two from the QC fairy at one point or another.
  7. I agree guys, the thing about it is in regards to most high end "collectibles" is that... well, they ARE collectibles, not toys, and are meant for display and the utmost delicate care. I think people have this misconception that the higher the price tag, the more they can withstand inpatient-rough/man handled transformations by inexperienced collectors. Hence all the bitching and complaining of stuff breaking in their hands. Giving toys bad ratings and so forth. I treat all my figures as if they were made out of crystals and do as much research before I even attempt to transform them. Hell, I even have some figures that I have never transformed because to me, it's not worth the risk. That, and well, I can't afford most of the time a second copy to mess around with. As a "semi-pro" modeler and customizer (if I can call myself that) lol , I've learned over the years that treating your high end collectibles with care, caution, and appreciation is a must in order to avoid hating or dishing out bad reps to companies, due to anger and frustration caused by the act of breaking your new "toy". Ok, rant complete....
  8. Almost forgot about this bad boy! Regardless of what other collectors say about QC issues regarding him, I think he blows the 3P megatrons out of the water! His aesthetics are impecable!!
  9. Not macross related.but just I have been slowly building up my vintage TMNT collection. Japanese version of the mutatin' mutations turtles. MIB
  10. Got this a while back and now just got some time to display it and show it off! Really looking forward to the rest of the Delta lineup!
  11. Oh and forgot about Dirge!! And , well I finished these two TF Customs after almost a year in the making, so I guess they count as new loot!!o I guess they count as new loot!!
  12. Wow it's been sometime since I've last posted here! So here we go! Lots to catch up! This has been my loot for the past 2 months! Didn't even get a chance to open my Draken & Megatron today!!!
  13. you planning on getting 2 Mirages Saburo???
  14. Dont do it!!! I know Benson was looking for one!!!
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