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    Mospeada, Robotech, Studio Scale Models, Macross, Aircraft,G.I. Joe, Jesus.

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  1. I think you could, chopping it very gently, but the Matchbox Cyclone is just too big for the 3 3/4" figures. It feels like those huge BMW bikes! The CM´s Mospedas would donate better parts for a 3 3/4" figure, although they are a little too small. I believe the Matchbox bike is more like 1/15th or 1/16th scale tan 1/18th scale like the 3 3/4" figures.
  2. Thanks a lot for the comments to every one. And... I have got the custom figure to go with it! I will show it soon.😉
  3. Hi there, I wanted to share some pictures of this Matchbox custom Cyclone I did. It has several modifications, new resin windshield, new engine, new front light and new armament, all of them of my design. The wheels belon to the IMAI 1/15 Armour model kit. I hope you like it!
  4. Thanks guys! Well, that is my profession, I studied fine arts, although my taste has always being heavily inclined to comic and sci-fi more than fine arts. But here in Chile, back when I was younger there was nothing else you could study if you wanted to learn how to draw professionally. But I learned lots of stuff that helped me find my own artistic way. For the last 6 years I have being more into making resin models now, what has taken all of my time and have never again drawn a serious aircraft illustration again. If you want to see more of my stuff or my models you can visit my web site: http://www.nexus-models.com/ Back to Mospeada, it would be cool to make a serious Legioss illustration, like the F-16 above. But I need to get a Legioss model first. I like to build a model and then take several pics looking for a cool angle. I haven’t got one because all of them are just so ugly, I do not know why they keep making the same transformation error every time they produce a kit or a toy! The mistake is with the huge legs, and it is so easy to repair. I agree that the Mospeada line art shows two possible leg positions, but it is obvious that the transformation position that even the Masterpiece Alphas selected is the wrong one. Here is what I mean: As you can see, the legs in the second transformation method allow for the robot’s foot not to be protruding away from the end of the aircraft so awfully as most of the Legioss toys do. Also, you can see how the Beta is supposed to be attached to the Alpha while the white sections of the leg are separated from each other. Plus, even though the official line art depicts mostly the wrong leg position, the frames of the animation mostly portray the correct position: What do you think?
  5. Thanks a lot for the nice comments guys. And yes, a cool Alpha or Legioss illustration would rock. I have been illustratin aircraft for a while now, but I have only done real aircraft, here is an F-16 from the Chilean Airforce I illustrated back on 2010, before I started pouring all my time into Star Wars studio scale resin models: It took me whole month to finish ti, I think I spent a week and a half just on the drawing. Special the cockpit. A Varitech Alpha illustration of this caliber would be really nice, but it would take me ages now a days.
  6. Ok, here it is: It took me ages to have time to finish these illustrations, the Rook and two of the Cyclone drawings are part of a bigger New Generation illustration I am planning. I hope to finish the rest of the drawings I need to finish it soon. I have another Rook illustration looking really hot on her Mospeda. But it still needs some touches here and there. I need to draw a Grab Invid now, those mechas are so cool. It is a shame there is no good toy of the Invid designs. The best ones I have seen are some resin kits produced by really talented members of this forum, well, back to work!
  7. Yeah! I uploaded that one some years ago, on a Mospeada line art thread. Back then I had not finished with the paint job. Now it is finshed. I will upload the final version later OK? That Rand Cyclone and Rook are part of a bigger New Generation illustration I am working on.
  8. Here is a fix of the sketch from out 84. I cleaned it a little bit and joined both pages as best as I could. enjoy
  9. Hi guys, thanks for your words! As Seti88 said: "always remembered drooling over the cyclone tech sketches when young..." Well I still do! I love Cyclones. And yes Jenius, those Cyclone illustrations are classical ones. But they are always small prints or low resolution scans. Even in the art books they are very small pics. So, based on the original drawings, I re drew them big enough to make a high-reso illustration. I even corrected some perspective issues, especially on the wheels and added some extra detail here and there, but not too much, as I wanted to keep the feeling of the original works. I am right now doing the same for a Cyclone sketch that appeared in the OUT84 magazine. It is the coolest Cyclone sketch I have seen! Showing all the gears and mechanisms inside. I just wanted to have it in color. So I am just starting to ink the drawing, here goes a pic of the sketch I am talking about. As you can see, the wheels need some perspective correction, but most of the prespective issues of the bike itself are corrected now. I now have to ink it and correct the wheels on Photoshop, it is a lot easier that way. Bests: Rod
  10. Hi there guys, I just finished an illustration of Rook. I want to make a series of Mospeada illustrations of these kind, I love Mospeada and there is not much to see, isn't it? These Rook illustration is a part of a bigger illustration. I am working on Scott next and some cyclones. I think I shared some years ago one of my Cyclone drawings, I'll share them again here. Rod
  11. Hi there guys, I just finished an illustration of Rook. I want to make a series of Mospeada illustrations of these kind, I love Mospeada and there is not much to see, isn't it? These Rook illustration is a part of a bigger illustration. I am working on Scott next and some cyclones. I think I shared some years ago one of my Cyclone drawings, I'll share them again here. I hope you like them!
  12. Thanks for the support! 1/6 scale, that would be huge! But would be awesome. I am thinking in building a Cyclone from scratch, the Imai mospeada is to thick and the "fuel tank" part curves do not look as some of the Mospeada line art I have studied so I have started new blueprints for building a Cyclone bike that looks like this classical line art I have re-drawn and painted: My goal is to build a Mospeada that looks just like that one above. I've been drawing and studying Mospeadas from the original series line art and making caps from the DVDs to try to get the feel of the bike. The Imai kit is not a good starting point but I can use some parts to save some work and time. I will finish the conversion of the Imai Kit first I'll post more as soon as I have advances bests: Rod
  13. Hi, thanks guys. Here are yesterday's advances: I made the suspension with bronze tubing so it is quite firm. I had to re size the air intake behind the front wheel. Even though in the original line arts seems to be as wide as I had done it the size of it forced the weapons at the end of the suspension to be too far apart from the center of the wheel's thickens and looked like most of the toys and model kits. So I arranged that by making the intake smaller, the exact same solution applied by Beagle thus making each suspension closer to each other and the missile launchers can be closer to the wheel looking more like the classic drawings of the TV series. I also had to paint the interior details I added plus the bike handles I took from a 1/12 Honda bike model kit before pasting them. Here it is: Bests: Rod
  14. Hi! I joined Macross World not long ago and I posted some Macross illustrations I made, now I want to post some Mospeada illustrations I have been working on lately as my love for a anime re appeared recently thanks to the Yamato T.V series remake. The topic treated here of the amazingly beautiful Mospeada classic line art is a kind of drug for me. I love those classic sketches, specially the Cyclone ones. I re drew the classic Cyclone Type 21 form those old line arts in a big size and in high reso. Now I am working on Rands type. I painted it and included the decals, so it is not exactly the same as the original. I also corrected some lines that should had been horizontally parallel and the wheels that were a little off. So here it is: Waters 7 said Waters 7: I am very good at joining scans, as I allays make very big drawings and scan them by parts. If you like, I can paste together the scans if you send them to me, and I'll send them backj to you so you can post them with out having to get a huge scanner. I'd love to see those pics in a better reso :D . Bests: Rod
  15. Hi guys. I am customizing an Imai Mospeada in bike form. I want to make it look as similar as possible to the motorbikes seen on the T.V series even if I need to eliminate the chance of making it a transformable model kit. I will also modify the pilot to make it fit properly in a cool riding pose on the bike changing the huge boots of the 1/12th scale Imai pilot for the boots of the Imai 1/15th armor Cyclone kit. The engine sector of the 1/12 kit is very different from what we see on the Mospeada line arts so I will try to build a full engine for my model. I also reconstructed the front part of the bike and the engine Intake and added handles form another motorbike kit of the same scale. Well pictures speak better so here they go, this is what I have so far including the blueprints I drew to apply these changes to the kit, hope you like it: Bests; Rod
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