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Star Dragon

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Everything posted by Star Dragon

  1. Heh Just saw that VA comments trailer posted and whole heatedly agree with the very last line, "we need to kidnap them and make a new one". WOW just ... I consider myself a hardcore RT fan (yes I know the irony that it's a hack job) but after all the $ I spent on RT crap for them to almost totally screw over SCREEN and Novel continuity makes me consider RT:SC an alternate universe and my fanfiction and Mod projects EQUALLY VALID! In fact it may be my fan projects are MORE CANON then RT at this point... Anyhoo, Aside from when I replaced my aging VHS collection with the DVD's not one penny more will be spent on RT! I'm curious about RT:SC only for purposes of better weapon placement on REF MESHES. Since it's going straight to DVD soon no doubt it will find it's way through less than innocent channels eventually... Here's an ironic tangent: I work in the CD/DVD creation and replication industry in PA and Walmart legally sells "DVD Ripper 6" for like $9.99... BTW: Basara owns everyone, except me Getter Robo...
  2. That's right, the long time mod in development is nearing completion and this is something to both tide the masses over as well as prepare you all for the BSG: BTRL mod also well into development. This is a STAND ALONE game meaning you do NOT need FS2 to play, the installer does it all for you. Here is the link to page 1 with the DL link as well as the instructions. http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php...c,44277.25.html So enjoy and kill some Kitties for Earth! Incidently this mod shares some features with BTRL like slide Physics so get some practice in if you feel like taking on toasters when the mod is ready... HUzzah!!! And don't forget to support your local FS2 mods!
  3. Yes it is. I posted the link on site long ago but I guess it got moved... I'm heading up the RTmod II effort (building on and expanding the original to be Macross TV and Mospedia). Since it's a starfighter sim at the moment we cannot do ground stuff so Southern Cross will have to wait, However, with mods like Star Fox and others in development and the (now) open source engine upgrades it may be possible in the future (like gravity ect..) Like i mentioned, a new member found my thread and posted his models but sent me the wrong one first, but since they were both constructed similairly I converted it to test while awaiting the Macross TV one. Plus the other version he had was 4 times bigger (over 240km). I was reluctant to try a model THAT big. I'm simply amazed the first one worked so well. I may have to talk him into redoing our StarBase for trek as it causes MAJOR slowdowns in game when it is on screen compared to his Bodolza base (smooth as silk)... I'm hoping in the future to convince him to model a Factory Satelite. Just wanted to get the Team's thought's on the Macross model.
  4. Soory if the first pic is too dark. That's in game shot and looks 10times better than the pic. It's like around 80km wide/22km high,33km deep I think... For a test to see if it would run on my system I had the Trek 15km Doomsday machine attack it. (the creator gave it too many hit points it didnt even get scrathed by the Macross Cannon - 0% dam). Then when it exploded it took 22mins to finish exploding! lol Here's the model without glows. I turned gun display on so you can see teh tunnel the cannon fires from, incidently it;s sized for a 1km SDF-1 to fit inside. Thre is a huge bubble interior with a command control tower seperate area. 6.4k polys Any chance you could impliment this kind of model?
  5. (last visit dec 18th 2003) It was too quiet on Relic, so I came to see the screenies! BTW do you have a Gorg Boldoza Base yet? I met a new guy who made both, but he sent me the DYRL one by mistake...
  6. Some fantasy comedies you should check out are The Slayers (it's like D&D "light") were Lodoss was serious this is a 180! The other is Sorcerer Stabber Orphen. Also The Sorcerer Hunters is half comedic half serious. Ranma 1/2 is pure comedy (and way better than FLCL INHO) plus we had it liek 15 years earlier to boot! HA HA! As for mecha MG Giest had some as well as Genocyber. The Guyver is a skinsized mecha suit (but the live action movies are hilarious!), Bubblegum crisis had mecha as well. Forget Giant Robo the animation go for 1967 REAL Giant Robo! I swear Iron Giant is nothing but a huge rip of it! Battletech the series SUCKED (yes worse than wing but at least I can watch it as opposed to SD gundam!!!!) Shin Getter Robo the 3 part DVD set was realeased 2 years ago so check it out , it is old skool robot stomping with surround sound and a good mix of 70's cheese with teh hard core storylines also preserved. PLUS it was made by Go nagai (the father of transforming robots) Go created dozens of robot titles inteh 70's like: Getter Robo, Getter G, mazinger Z (tranzor in US and HEAVILY CENSORED!), Great Mazinger, and recently MAZINKAIZER!!! Just as great as ShinGetter , mazinkaizer picks up teh story that was left off with great mazinger. (anohter MUST SEE), Grendizer, gai King, Danguard Ace. Brave Raideen and one of the OLDEST whoopass robots of all time GUNBUSTER! you kids are so deprived today (though I admit I like a lot of the new stuff) as these classics are often overlooked or not given enough exposure to today's market. No mecha I can think of but you should check out Star Blazers, captain harlock, and Captain Tylor as these are as good as Nadesico but came out WAY earlier and are a LOT more serious Oh and I think the Armitage series had some mecha as well as Ghost in the shell.. Did I forget any? (probably)
  7. Yes and since it IS the R word if I mention it this post will be moved so I will simply say PART 2 is alive and well.... AA if you're willing those models you gave me are excellent but most of all I need the SDF-3, this is crucial for the mod PLUS the joining link for the MEGA mod (all mods in one for TV sci-fi/ and TV anime) if you're willing that is.. L8tr..
  8. Actually to tell you the truth if you watched all 24 episodes the story ended well. The chigs look like they got thier butt handed to them in the final battle, I don't want to ruin the plot for new people but a major mission objective is completed adn some shocking events happen in quick succession. So yeah it leaves you in an emotional lurch. BUT at least I could live with it.. A success... Rather short but a good solid series worth tracking down if none of you have heard of it before or seen it all... BTW: Chig on your 6! Jink JinK Jink! (Easy as pancakes)
  9. Like it or not it's better than nothing! Here's the gunstar I tried to convert for FS2... BTW my version of Death Blossom fires 125 Photon torpedos, guess I can change them to Tri-Colbalts if some REALLY pisses me off! http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-5-...&pg=1&ro=4&co=1 My death blossom Now if only I could find someone to do teh Kodan ships and the Starfighter base MAYbe we could ge t a real mod going?
  10. Santa is missing! Aparrently the Grinch kidnapped him, you and Rudolph must find him or Christmas willbe ruined! No worries people me and Rudolph are on the case!
  11. I read this whole thread before posting... you guys sure quote a lot... Anyway the biggest mistake is underestimating how much the FANS of BSG would be upset at a "remake" or "re-imagined" storyline as we have and will ALWAYS want a Continuation of the original, but up to date (BSG the econd comming) so we can see 20 years of changes and Commander Apolo leading teh Galactica to Earth (Finally)! Plus we can see how much tougher teh Galactica becomes from a warship to a dreadnaught! Plus the new Scarlet Vipers are to die for! At least IMHO... I knew this was a bad idea to start (it would have been much better to make a totaly new sotry with new characters, no BSG name ect..) BUt this is Ron Moores personal fantasy HE is the writer it's mainly HIS fault. Now don't get me wrong! I sat down last night and watched both episodes back to back cuase I didn't have to work I pretended I never heard of BSG before and this was the outcome... I LIKED IT! It had good effects, I respected teh newtonian physics, though personally I don't give a frack about flying realism since I am an arcade joystick guy for combat.. The cylon evolution and tech evolution of colonial gear was cool, the chicks were hot! Boomer is a freak and I love it! Strar Buck works, dick head Apollo works, Adama is awesome, the drunk XO works... overall I give it 7-8 outta 10! it IS worth seeing! Now the bad: Constant little throw-ins from the original series that distracts from enjoying the new one on it's own. Look if they just said teh cylons looked like the new CGI ones it would have been better, and then today 40 years later are human, but they go and show you the original cylon inpapers and museum , bakas!.. Then the music (you can BARELY hear like 5 secs of it) for the decommissioning ceremony is teh original score, like did you HAVE to remind us? USE NEW MUSIC for christ sake! While the story isn't over sexed, it sure takes a precedence over teh combat or tech of teh show. In fact I think Ron Moore is going for the chick audience more cause he is really pushing the soap opera emphasis of the human experience more than normal formula sci-fi. The battles are good BUT there are so few and of short duration. It's over before you can really enjoy them. As mush as he butchered teh original story (like Boxey being an orphan adopted by Boomers character)? It works but JESUS! change his name! Did it have to be Boxey ?( The SON of Appollo and SERENA HIS WIFE! YOU remember the wife who just after they finally got married is killed by cylons on an away mision?) Plus there were no cylon power play! Lucier and Specter were constantly at each others throats trying to outdo the other to keep Baltars favor (not as overtly as humans, but for cylons it was ruthless! and I loved the hate!). It wsa great Baltar went from pathetic parnet to prisoner to co-ruler of the cylon Empire! "By your command"... The new baltar is such a sissy, the only thing I do respect is that he says "I'm on MY side!" so that does pay tribute to when Baltar helped teh colonials when he was a prisoner for release... He does what he needs to survive. I am curious if they do continue the series later on what tehy have in mind? a multi-part journey that concludes with finding Earth? They NEVER find it and die isolated? Do we even care enough to want to know?... Sure Why not... I hated how they bastardized teh original with galactica 80 and wolfman jack and the human cylons becuase the original cylons would KILL them! Hell teh original cylons would kill the new cylons in a heartbeat cause they are practically HUMAN! "they are the same as us down to our blood" - Adama... All in all I prefer to think as teh mini-series as an Alternate Univers. Basicly I think they did this to prevent a continuation of the old one. Hell look how hard it's been for us fans trying to convince the PTB (powers that be) what WE want! They've been petitioned for over 20 years! Money talks and bullshit walks, you wait two generations and release anything and teh unsuspecting public will buy it. No doubt they are enough new sci-fi fans out there that maybe never saw the original, or because they didn't grow up with it and became loyal fans they don't understand the nuances adn quirks that made it a cheesy, yet enjoyable show that had some thought provoking ideas for it's time and an interesting story no one else had... I think there are as many people out there who hate teh original as there are peole who hate the new one. I say this, why can't we as sci-fi fans all get along? I am teh biggest otaku/fanboy I know yet I was able to contain myself and give teh new one an honest try. So you out there should like wise give the original piot movie and series (only the first season!) an honest try and then you'd totally understand where we were comming form! Oh as for lack of women incombat role? Bullshit! Remember that one episode where 90% of the pilots got poisoned so to fill the slots WOMEN became pilots! Of course you had Serana and Sheba and some other women that were ALREADY fighter pilots (so you see no new ground broke there or lack of women in combat!) BUT now you had women from NON-combat roles like shuttle pilots, transports, hell even maintenance getting crash courses in basic flight, and combat theory from teh veterans. It was a kickass episode! So a lot of these arguments of "they didn't have this , or this is revolutionary" when they talk about the new one don't hold up, cause they already did! Thehy just never watched the original so they don't know what they are talking about! My last and (totally valid gripe): Ron Moore... This individual has ripped off blatant plot devices from other shows for HIS "re-imagination". Gee like he re-imagined the chip in the head phantom, like Farscape didn't pioneer that first! (I loved Scorpious in Crithos head!). Or the constant references to ID4... I thought this was supposed to be an ORIGINAL piece of work? I saw some other examples posted but after 8 pages I forgot Anyway look at all this in perspective and I think you will agree he had a good idea but just really did a bad job trying to bring it across, and his attitude toward hard core sci-fi fans during his interview on "BSG teh lowdown" was totally inappropriate"... Basicly I don't care this is my vision. Good statement, wrong way of saying it so coldly. He could have said, "I understand the history runs deep and this may disturb core BSG fans, but if you give it a chance and when you watch it from the viewpoint of this is how it started, I think you will enjoy it." Plus if he mentioned htat he woundn't mind seeing a contiuationof the original it would have gained him major points with the fans! nuff said.. BTW someone mentioned BSG versus robotech. Well I had 50 vipers go against 50 asorted rt fighters and we only lost a handful, our lon snage missiles really slaughtered the vipers! then we just sat back and watched the sdf-1 blow away teh battlestar 2 or 3 at a time with the macross cannon, BTW they barely scrathed teh sdf-1 (like 2% damage at end of battle) heeh sorry but it was an experiment. No disrespect to BSg or Macross/Rt people! enjoy! http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/4-5-...&pg=3&ro=4&co=4
  12. You didn't post it there by mistake. If isn't not Macross it might be moved.
  13. Opps I posted in wrong section! This was supposed to go under GAMES as in computer adn all those listed were fro macross only.. LOL! Well there are LOTS of things going on Especially since I am doing an all mod (as more models get done they get thrown in also), as well as like 5 other mods at teh same time mostly BY MYSELF but there is a stand alone ROBOTECH II project... I am also making missions with he original mod only so you can get a complete feel for the first series, of course it will feel like robotech, but it's part I. I am skipping part II until teh ground combnat can be done (or simply use anohter engien I can learn to mod, but it sucks cause I am NOT a modler and have to mod with the kindness of strangers who donate models or show me where I can accquire some.) Part II is my REF mod, this will be going to Tirol, freeing the innocent populace of Fantoma, as well as liberating 9-11 other worlds and forming of the Sentinels. again ground combat will be skipped unless things change and make it possible, if it does happen I will then include CYCLOES!! YES! As for anime in general I have been watchinh exclusively anime since 1976 and the two biggest influences on me were Go Nagi and Leiji Matsumoto (Go Nagai made like several robot series that gave birth to transformers and elements of Gundam, while Leiji introduced Battleships in space, long before it was cool.) So basicly I watch starship or mecha animes with the occasin fantasy or comedy like Ranma or slayers or lodoss war or even HELLSING! I stay far away from FLCL or pokemon or digimon (they waste my time and my neurons) THUNDERCLESE ATTACK! Yes they are stupid but AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE OOWNZ! Now as for origal Robotech I did almost 1 gig of voice captures, that shoud be enough! I erased the two missions the team did and re-worked it so the two zent ships get blown up JUSt like in the series while YOU are in a veritech patrolling the Armds (so you get a great view of the beam comming fro no-where and obliterating them) you even get to hear fokker and glovals speeches as you fly around on this boring and "routine mission" lol then prepare to see Earth get B-slapped! hard... nuff said.. L8tr! Modlers mail me please! (my last whine I promise)
  14. I am working on a Robotech II Mod for Freespace2 using the original RDF mod created by max Sterling's team at ROBOTECHLAN.COM His mod is basicly so you can use teh editor to make your own robotech missions! You are provided with hte models, weapons, and texturs so allis handled automaticly with teh drop down windows interface. I am scouring the new to find modlers who like robotech or macross (or any mecha/starship anime at all!) for help with my project as well as other projects like GUNDAM, STAR TREK, NEXUS (including thesuper robot of the 70's like Star Dragon (AKA Getter Robo G), STAR BLAZERS, CAPTAIN HARLOCK, ect... Even though FS2 is like over 5 years old it still kicks ass (as the only possible successor to the WC series as far as combat flight sims go), and tons of mods have been done or are being completed for it. such as: The Babylon Project (second release - fight the battle fo the line! It's awesome!!! Wing Commander SAGA (Wing Commanders 1-5 planned) Star Wars Battle Star Galactica (mini-mod is now rewvived from a small skirmish of 3 ships o a whole mod project now for ORIGINAL SERIES!) and many others for the FS2 contiuation campaign using the mods made by users and FRED the mission editor. Major FS2 campaign just released INFERNO!! Yes almost 2 years in the making you get all 140 NEW ships now even though only the first 15 missions have been scripted (chapter 1 of 4 planned). They are fairly far into chapter 2 as I speak). If you make 3dmodels (or know someone who does) then have them respond here or better! Write me! Stardragon1@hotmail.com here is a link to the main FS2 modding site http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~freespace/hlp/ register and say hello! here are some screens of wip's and other tests from the REF mod as well as other stuff! Like my getter beam test, Enterprise-F! and other cool ships kicking a$$ all over the univese can you figure out what these are without me telling you? http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-2-...&pg=1&ro=1&co=3 Yes that was me! I am KHYRON! Die you Micronian SCUM!!! http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-4-...&pg=1&ro=3&co=0 Got Beams? http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-2-...&pg=1&ro=1&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-2-...&pg=1&ro=1&co=0 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-1-...&pg=1&ro=0&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-1-...&pg=1&ro=0&co=0 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-4-...&pg=1&ro=3&co=1 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/2-4-...&pg=1&ro=3&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-1-...&pg=2&ro=0&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-4-...&pg=2&ro=3&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-3-...&pg=2&ro=2&co=3 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-5-...&pg=2&ro=4&co=3 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-3-...&pg=2&ro=2&co=0 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-4-...&pg=2&ro=3&co=3 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/3-1-...&pg=2&ro=0&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/4-3-...&pg=3&ro=2&co=3 Yes! My Gundam WHITEBASE! http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/4-5-...&pg=3&ro=4&co=1 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/4-2-...&pg=3&ro=1&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/4-2-...&pg=3&ro=1&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-1-...&pg=5&ro=0&co=3 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-1-...&pg=5&ro=0&co=4 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-4-...&pg=5&ro=3&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-1-...&pg=5&ro=0&co=0 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-3-...&pg=5&ro=2&co=1 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-2-...&pg=5&ro=1&co=0 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-1-...&pg=5&ro=0&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-1-...&pg=5&ro=0&co=1 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-3-...&pg=5&ro=2&co=2 http://photo.starblvd.net/Star_Dragon/6-5-...&pg=5&ro=4&co=4 Lastly this is teh passenger liner from WXA, I hope Star Wars fans will forgive me but I liked my re-texture and instead of holding a few hundred, I made it a LOT bigger and now it looks like it can hold 1 million civillians easy! this ship is HUGE and takes forever to fly over to get at enemies attacking from the other side! I think I made it around 4km long... Anyway if you haven't figured out yet Freespace 2 (FS2) is a space fighter sim where you are a pilot of a starfighter. You go on missions to defend resources or to attack the enemy. Only in space, unless you get teh robotech mod , then you can add a 360 degree atmosphere as ground combat/interaction is something being worked on... Oh and if you think it's not worth waiting for? With the release of the source code and new people flooding in cause of teh FREE DOWNLOAD yes the stripped down version of teh game that you can still add mods to is available from the modding site. BUT I sincerely recommend buying the normal full version to get teh quality and the cutscenes all in one shot. Here is a link those INSANE coders and modlers are toying with. IE teh game is designed for capital ships no bigger than 4-5000 pollies... here are 14,000 ST ones with bump mapping, glow, shine, and all teh bells and whistes. Gee Makes me feel like I could just beam over huh? MAKE IT SO! (BTW this would never run on my P4 1.8g 32mb video!) http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~freespace/for...&threadid=19432 I hope you enjoyed my pics and please forgive me for posting so damn many! GETTER BEAM!!!!!!! L8tr!
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