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    Orlando, FL
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    TFW2005 ID: BulletSponge

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  1. Got mine in from Yoyakunow yesterday and there's a very minor bend at the end of the head laser. I haven't kept up on the thread like I should, but has anyone here tried a heat gun to straighten it out? @chriswoo, that ghost is awesome. Which kit is that?
  2. I don't come here as much as I used to (mainly active on tfw2005), but Yoyakunow still has a couple available. I just shipped a few Metal Builds from them and 3 day shipping was only $30 USD. https://www.yoyakunow.com/en/robots/21719-dx-chogokin-vf-25s-armored-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom-revival-ver.html $252 + $35 = $287
  3. I got two Vf-31AX from them that came packed very well, but those are the only two orders i have with them that have shipped. The other is the super parts for the 31ax, so i can give another update once those ship.
  4. If you are in the states, you are better off with the stores that have it at 219 with free shipping (entertainmentearth.com, Thechosenprime.com) I discovered this with the metal build Justice Gundam. Works out to be about $10-15 cheaper even when using the cheapest shipping option. Then again, I'm in FL, so maybe less if on the west coast.
  5. @Pontus EXACTLY why I rarely ever use it Plus the range is pretty lousy. I have to stand the Gundam figures almost against the back for it to work correctly. And as you mentioned for safety purposes, I always keep it unplugged and only pull out the modded Gundam kit when I want to show people a nifty low effort upgrade. BUT it works!
  6. Sqidd is correct https://www.showzstore.com/gomo-wireless-led-lighting_p1850.html (I have one of these and it works pretty well)
  7. What are the odds that the vf-31s gets a reissue? i missed the boat on that one, and now im kicking myself.
  8. I need to get one. i didn't know replacement parts were even available. When you got your set, how was the quality? $25 for something with a comment starting they weren't good is not making me feel warm and fuzzy.
  9. I just found out about the preorder for the 31F a minute ago, so i'll ask him tomorrow to get me the details. He doesn't order these unless someone makes a special request. I'll post back once I have an answer to your other questions. I haven't organzied a group buy on these yet so this may be the first. Stay tuned
  10. Lets say i knew a guy that was able to get their hands on a few of these. They run a retailer in the states but are not allowed to sell them on their site. How many of you would be interested? (The price would be competitive but not as cheap as HLJ preorder window, but CHEAPER than post release NY)
  11. hasn't opened up yet
  12. At least you got a confirmation email... I emailed their help and got THAT message instantly, yet I'm passing 45 minutes on my order conformation. I'm getting a bit concerned at this point
  13. Got my order in at HLJ back in the first minute, and still don't have my email confirmation. The site says email confirmation was sent. Hoping my email service is just awful.
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