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Omega Prime

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Everything posted by Omega Prime

  1. On TFW2005, the prototype of Ginrai is up! http://news.tfw2005.com/2016/06/11/takara-legends-ginrai-prototype-images-316917
  2. And a significant remold of Titans Return Optimus Prime into Ginrai!! http://news.tfw2005.com/2016/06/10/takara-legends-ginrai-confirmation-details-316879 Also some Diaclone v2 love! http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/takaratomy-diaclone-reboot-tokyo-toy-show-reveals/35581/
  3. Looks like they also announced Masterpiece Thrust! http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/official-images-of-masterpiece-thrust/35552/
  4. Too bad the "Concering Harmony Gold and Robotech" thread is closed. Cause I have a question regarding the SDCC Jetfire lawsuit and Harmony Gold's license. To setup my question here is what I know: Tatsunoko Productions which Harmony Gold got it's license became a subsidery of Takara-Tomy in 2006 which has been a partner with Hasbro since the 1980's. So my question is this, isn't Harmony Gold's license set for renewal with Tatsunoko in 2018 or sometime in the near future? Wouldn't HG suing a very profitable partner of Takara (Hasbro) be insentive for Takara's subsidiary Tatsunoko not renewing HG's licenses for ALL (Macross, Southern Cross, Mosepeada) the animes that comprise Robotech? Or at worst Takara makingTatsunoko terminate HG's license agreement? In effect isn't this kind of suicidal? Or at the very least make the contract between Harmony Gold & Tatsunoko public and weaking its ablity to intimidate other companies? And most importantly why WAIT almost 6 weeks after the toy was announced and after the convention to sue? If this was to build attention to Love Live Alive why didn't they do this 6 weeks ago when it would had some impact?
  5. And why did HG happen to sue the day that they released Love Live Alive? Someone pointed out "Advertising" and considering they haven't gone out of their way to advertise that, does make it seem a bit too coincidental! Just out of curiousity, would the fact Hasbro got the license from Bandai to make Jetfire before Robotech aired have any weight?
  6. I found this interesting picture: http://news.toyark.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2013/07/SDCC-2013-Voltron-015.jpg Is that Vehicle Voltron in the center of the picture transformable?
  7. Also saw it today in IMAX at the Metreon in San Francisco, it was pretty good. But not to mix threads, I thought they would have the first 9 minutes of Star Trek attached to the IMAX 3D version of the Hobbit?
  8. Just in case anyone has Amazon Prime membership, "Falling Skies" Season 1 and 2 are available for streaming!
  9. Here is the complete episode pasted together from the Mercedes site:
  10. And to add to that, and also hoping this won't come off as political, but in the early 1980s it didn't seem that the Cold War would end the way it did nor did it seem that the Soviet Union disappear in less than a decade. And keep in mind the Cuban Missle Crisis was only 22 year prior to when the first Red Dawn Came out (1984). If memory servers the Cuban military was the boots on the ground in the movie. So as contrived as the first movie was it at least had that sense of continuity with the geopolitical landscape. As for the modern remake... I just can't image the North Korean army launching a invasion that would drawf D-Day. And wouldn't that risk large amounts of NKPA defecting and NOT fighting for the North Korean Army?
  11. Um... it looks like he's now the spokesmen for Mercedes Citan now.... No... SERIOUSLY! And they are producing MacGyver "episodes" See the trailer for yourself... http://www.macgyver-...#Film%20trailer It looks like the "full" episode will be released September 18th. Here is the the same trailer but on youtube:
  12. I hope so to! Was there any word from SDCC if this will get a second season?
  13. Just saw this link for Tron Uprising "Scars" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RkTuMYi0T8
  14. I have the sneaking suspicion they might avoid the 'Mr Robo' moves, especially since we have robots that are more approaching natural walk strides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MnD7LqisBhM
  15. Mech_Dude what are you using to do the 3D modeling?
  16. I think that version is possibly the Canadian version (I think I can see a mix of English and possibly French on the box). Plus I concur with David Hingtgen, the KO makers go generally after the vintage version to copy not a version that differs greatly from the original (larger missles, short smoke stacks).
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