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Everything posted by royard

  1. I think they recently tweaked the system or something. I have most my orders in yen, but I do have one in usd. When I tried to "almost pay" today, the bill was for the original usd amount back in the day when usd-jpy was low. But this was not what happened three months ago--back then, when I tried to pay an usd bill, I was given a bill that reflected the new usd value based on the old yen price.
  2. Relax. HLJ sent you a "Order Acknowledgment" email because you ordered more than one item in the same order. They will send you a order confirmation down the road, possibly on Monday.
  3. No need to be sorry. I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything. Just wanted to clarify the situation a bit.
  4. It's more of a "never quite sold out at NY." They opened an hour ago with 30 items in stock and that hasn't been exhausted yet.
  5. NY has 5 rvf-25 left at 18500.
  6. Hmm. Maybe, although I think it's pretty unlikely - they already did a round of order reduction after the first preordering of VF-171. I think the reason that 171 and rvf lasted so long is that no one other than MWers were expecting their release and wasn't actively F5ing for it. Your tip was truly invaluable.
  7. Nah, not bothering with a full report this time. They are selling way too slow and I have better things to do. began at 05:33:30 - 30 left 05:36:00 - 29 05:38:30 - 28 05:41:35 - 27 left 05:53:35 - 23
  8. Wow. When did VF-25F open/close?
  9. I guess their left hand doesn't really know what their right hand is doing, then. Anyhow, thanks again! Good job! Can't believe an HLJ preorder lasted 25 minutes. I guess no one else was expecting the re-opening, because they didn't see Tober's tip!
  10. Thanks for the tip! I was able to get a rvf-25. But I thought the email you posted said Vf-25F "was a bona fide "Order Stop""? Also, can't believe rvf-25 and cf-171 are still open. Your tip truly gave MWers an advantage.
  11. RVF-25 at HLJ still good! http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN980713
  12. RVF-25 at HLJ!!!!!!!!!!!11 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN980713
  13. Report #4: NY began 2nd round of 21000 yen preordering (14000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20500, 21000 are known prior rounds) around 02:32 (EDT), with 28 items available at 02:35, 14 items available at 02:44, 5 items available at 02:51. Ended at 02:56:32. ---End of Transmission---
  14. NY reopened again.
  15. I updated the report with your info. Thanks!
  16. Interesting. I have been talking to N-Y about re-combining orders and canceling orders and they have been pretty responsive.
  17. I think you are confusing the names--I was the one who did it.
  18. Report #3: NY began 1st round of 21000 yen preordering (14000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20500 are known prior rounds) around 00:47:20 (EDT), with 31 items available at 00:48:09, 20 items available at 00:50:24, 12 items available at 00:51:46, 5 items available at 00:53:07. Ended at 00:59:20. ---End of Transmission--- David Hingtgen, thanks for the info!
  19. Report #2: NY began 1st round of 20500 yen preordering (14000, 20000, 20000, 20000 are known prior rounds) around 06:24 (EDT), with 31 items available at 06:25:10. Ended at 06:28:40. ---End of Transmission--- Personally, I'm really surprised that they haven't gone up to 24000, or at least 22000. Doesn't selling 30 units in 3 minutes tell them something about the desirability of their product? It's more "the first guy send his wisdom via PM, so we are gonna do the same thing." I think it's more of a "being polite to the originator of the idea" thing.
  20. Simple--I just added 100 items to my cart and saw how many were there. I wasn't going to order any, so I figured I'd do a real-time observation to see how quickly these go. It really is frightening. Note: I knew adding these to my cart won't screw other people up, otherwise I wouldn't have done it.
  21. A report: NY began 3rd round of 20000 yen preordering at 05:47:10 (EDT) with 28 items available. Ended at 05:53:40. ---End of Transmission---
  22. Not a clue. But they are legit and I haven't heard much bad words about them.
  23. http://www.anime-export.com/product/13526 gogogo!
  24. http://www.anime-export.com/product/13526 gogogogogog!
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