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Valkyrie Magnus

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Magnus

  1. I guess I am wrong. Arcadia is back in the game:)
  2. I agree that 1 VF-1J doesn't qualify as back in the game, but it does bring hope. If I can get a Valkyrie at Msrp I will. No regrets if I overpaid on something that might be rereleased, but then it may not be rereleased and we get more of the same.
  3. I totally agree! I Iove the auto correct on my phone, and it is common for Valkyries to accompany me in the bathroom and sleep next to me too! only the Bandai 1/55's though because they can handle any punishment.
  4. Not really since there were a few Valkyries I paid over $300 for but everything else I bought sooner than later.
  5. Lol I know what you mean I feel the same when I see other people's collection and I see the Valkyrie I want
  6. I was tempted to get a 2nd one also because the price is so good. Yes this is one of my favorite Valkyries too.
  7. Thanks Astro! This is how it came out of the box I did not modify it at all. This is my favorite Kakizaki Valkyrie.
  8. Here are some pictures without the fast packs Btw have you tried HLJ.com they have it for a good price
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Nice paint accents David! Nice Grimlock Jet7
  10. I already have the FP armor for my classics UM as seen in my profile pic. $170 for an add on for an okay deluxe figure? Easy pass. Yeah for that price to match the FP, it would have to have actual silver and gold on it.
  11. It was the same for me too. I had my 1/48 collection and that was enough for me at the time, but the 2 seaters of the V2 1/60's started me on a slippery slope of starting a new collection.
  12. When I first joined Macross World last year. I added anymoon and Veefs pages to my favorites along their YouTube videos. I pretty much memorized the list of Valkyries with bad shoulders but have since bought spare shoulder parts from Veef
  13. Thanks Kicker i do like my yamato's better than my Bandai's too I was wondering if anyone would notice. Lol I have an extra VF-1S Hikaru and VF-1A Max but no VF-1A Hikaru so I switched the heads of the 2 so my weathered VF-1S Max is still in plane mode. I positioned the gunpod so the number 13 wouldnt be seen on the Max. I do like the blue heat shield better on the VF-1S Max anyways.
  14. Wow thats too bad the Type R will always be an iconic car. Too bad a lot of them had their engine stolen and put into Civics. I myself have an 08 SI with the K20 but I know it isnt a type R though I still wish. I cant wait to check out the magazine to see the Macross refference.
  15. SuperStreet is hard to find in my area now but I'll look for it. Btw I never had a Type R but my buddy who had one was too drunk to drive so I took him home. Nice to know the needle can go up to 9000 lol
  16. I voted DYRL but there were many good and funny points. The knife fight should be dead last if you had to rank them. 1 DYRL 2 SDFM 3 Video Game Lastly the knife fight in the park never to be seen again. I like the Max Murdock theory the best. Hilarious!!!
  17. It seems like no one likes titaniums anymore and I am seeing people in the Seattle area dumping them. I still like them and I am curious to see your custom Magnus. I might be interested in buying it.
  18. I got a lot more Valkyries since the last picture to finish my collection of the 1/60 V2 VF-1's. at this point the Super Ostrich is going more than I am willing to pay. Thanks Macross world members who helped me get the missing Valkyries in my collection and fulfilling my childhood dream over 20 years ago.
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