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Everything posted by Ruak
Hello Guys, its been over 10 years.... Yesterday over the 4th i was watching some Macross and just got the bug to draw something, so went to photoshop.. then decided to just go and drop it into spine.. I have no plans to do anything with this... just wanted to hop on by and share with you folks.
Hard drive crash.. grrr. just back up and running. going to see how much I lost on work I am actually getting paid for first. then I am going to see if i can recover my side projects. "klan n some valks" I try not to get to heart broken about this sort of thing though because its just an opportunity to make it better.
Yes sir I did. i had to look for them because anyone not on my list goes to junk. And thank you again. I may have some time tonight to work on a mod of Klan. We just submitted a build to Microsoft at work and I have nothing to do but wait to hear back.
These look so beautiful. I am really jealous, My 19 is setting in a box in the closet. I have yet to purchase the kit for the SV-51 sadly.
Its a really bad habit of mine to work on several models at once. After some work on Klan i thought I would go get some sleep. Instead I Did a partial Head for my VF-25 I am working on. I didn't do the displacement maps yet, And yeah I decided to just do a High poly this time opposed to my usual "ingame" models then generate Normal maps.
thanks, I just watched episode 25 again, do you remember what one had her in the flight suit? 22, 23? its been a while since i had seen the whole series
face pics would be a major bonus (for getting the head right). I was going to try to do some rework of Klan's head, and considering doing a new outfit for her. Its been a nice change from doing Valks or my normal character work. Thats not totally true. I really want to get back to my Zero and finish the textures for it then Finish the modeling work I started on my VF-25... I have way to many modeling projects http://www.youtube.com/user/Ruakar#p/a/u/1/Y89YGWcmeRc and the first animation test for her.
if you could find me enough material, afraid I don't have any source art for Grace.
I feel there is nothing wrong with that either!! O_O Going to do more work on the weekend. I finally have one free.
here are some plans for this model I hope to get around to before I have to go back into Pre-Production on another project
Sorry its been a while. The game I am working went into beta and with no free time no new models. Beta is over and here ya go. I really dont think I will do the hair in Zbrush.
heya Exo, how have you been? Yeah I had some reference photos Of a model shoot that I did a while back. So because my stuff has been allot more realistic over the past few years Klan was being influenced by that. I should go back and Anime her up some more before I do the normal maps. Yeah I use maya. I was going to make it Maya exclusive but after I finished the block in I decided to Zbrush her a little. I will probably go back to Maya though to finish her low poly and apply her maps.
Decided to do a Marathon Macross Frontier session and started a Klan Model while i was at it. I threw in another character from another project just for scale. Though I put an SMS logo on his T, it was for scale reff only.
I just want to say I love your stuff, always! I use it as reffrence modeling or painting all the time! thanks for all of your great work!!!
I love that pose! which inspired me to paint something. *this is rare btw* Rather than post alot of screens of the progress i took alot of the highlights and just put it into one image. I love that toy. but for the painting I took out the joint in the chest and cut the arm out of the image for a while, painting the whole nose section before putting the arm back in and covering up some pretty cool details. oh well. Like i said, I do love the pose.
digital painting. I use either painter or photoshop. if you like I can post the steps, I have the original psd's at home. not sure I can teach it but I can show the progress, and tell you the tricks I use. (distanceing effects and perspective.) I wanted to work on this a little more when I got off work anyway. Exo, I will get that in the mail when I get home also.
I had some free time this weekend. (which is rare) and because I am really looking forward to the release of the Revoltech release of the YF-21. I took this pic and re-drew it for a wallpaper. And thought i would share. The original is 30 inch by 20 and thought I might do a print on the work printer. I can email it if anyone is interested.
hey that is a really great start. I like the proportions already, and as for your game choices they are all my favorites as well. I am in the middle of my third play thru on ace combat 5
I am using Maya at the moment. Today at lunch I realized that I have not tried to transform this thing once so I put a rig in it, this was just a test to see if it worked. One of the riggers at work thought it was cool and he’s going to do me a new Rig, he’s pretty sure he can build in two sliders the same as you would for facial animations. Those sliders move the fighter from its different modes. This way an animator only has to do small tweaks to individual animations while letting the set driven keys take care of most of the animation. I will post more on the rig in a few days. Some things that I think are actually pretty cool in this Rig, The seat rotates back when you transform it, the intake baffles swing down then open up the same as they did on the VF 0S at the end of the first episode of Macross Zero, the fans will actually continuously spin, animation controls for the flaps if you animate the fighter and a full IK skeleton for the Battroid Soldier. This way you can drag a slider to move the controller for the gun to either the hand or the in flight position on the arm. Pretty excited about it actually, I will work on it and post some more videos when I get home. I included an Image because the playblast up on youtube is pretty low res, the seat is just going back and the baffles just came down and are about to open, Also in wireframe for anyone interested.
Its one Phong shader, I have been painting the spec and bump maps at the same time. Originally it was going to have a normal map, but I didnt feel like building a full high res Valk. when I finish/if I finish I will go back and make the parts that would benifit from a normal map. If I end up putting it into UE3 I might make some custom shaders for it. I will drop the textures (3 of them, a diffuse, specular, bump) into one map to show what I mean.
Nice to see you are still around EXO. I forgot to mention yeah this is a Real Time model. (gear cockpit flaps and all the parts included) the model is 6200 polygons.
Being a Holiday, I did some work to texture the VF-0, here is the progress. (removed gear cockpit and anything not textured In Maya, I have a slow computer at home sadly). I also am aware of some details missing, I was using the 1/60th toy as reff and its not cutting it so I downloaded some model pictures from WM Chen and will be useing his model for some reffrence too. Thanks for the comments.
I was home sick today. for some really odd reason I got the urge to model the VF-0, I got pretty far with the block in so I thought I would post again. I put it up on youtube because my blog really doesnt support video. maybe I will finish it, maybe not, I under promise over deliver now days, heh.