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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Macross figures

    suddenly a crane seems cheap!
  2. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Lol the rest of walkure can't take away all the valk action glory from hayate! Tho messer came close, with his death scene (not scissoring) .....
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice! Open up the missile pods and extend the beam tonfa's for the ironman pose!
  4. Welcome back spanner! You got some catching up to do on the 1/48 DX line(?), but i think that's the same for everyone since pre-order madness was crazy...... DYRL is getting the 1/48th treatment at the moment, you might just be in at the right time....
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks monmar! Really liking the way the black is contrasting with chucks colors, makes battroid more striking and fierce. I thk this is a very nice alternative super parts swap combination, this and my messer with hayate packs would be my favorite alternative color combo's... Appreciate the shots, and no worries, family first!
  6. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh yes! The yellow/orange and black combo! Was a point of mine to look for it back when noel did his color swapping on the 31.. TQ for combining it!! Bumblebee-ish colors and it looks great in fighter and gerwalk. Could you post battroid? That would be what I was waiting for...
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I guess if bandai announces a string of armor parts for the walkure valks, it would be a good news for my wallet! While bandai releases them, my wallet can take a break. So please bandai, please plan to release the armor parts, and do it one after the other...
  8. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Fans of the vf-11 DX aka buyer meltdown But nothing much would come out of complaining, bandai got everyone by the ahem...wallets. Lol buying 2 wont help if bandai doesnt include attachment points for the boosters underside...thats going the extra mile for anime accuracy....which uhh how do i say it...bandai-ed...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would like bandai to release the 31A supers first, then arad,then chuck. Or here is an idea bandai.... why don't you release it all at the same time. Bandai's response: Nah, no more supers for you! The supers nazi! lol... ahem carry on..
  10. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Definitely a must! Cant imagine the meltdown if bandai only included one... As a certain dude would say....Doooittt!
  11. Dish rabbit hole staring back at me! Aka another set for battroid, another set for gerwalk.... Awesome display pieces!
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not jealous at all..nope nope..... Nice pic saburo! Automatically arad is the outstanding one there...i do wish bandai would come out with supers for arad. The siegfrieds must be waiting for uncle armored arad to arrive!
  13. Are you gonna do a final delta group shot saburo?!
  14. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh yeah bring it on babe! Is there meaning to a full set YF-21?? Full set VF-11B ftw! with armor parts! ......melted...........
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nicely lighted! Raise all the sabers and pledge allegiance to king shoji kawamori!
  16. Such a wonder that old school designs hold up after so many years...
  17. Finally a xamel!! Released after a quarter of a century? Looking good, that’s a shelf display piece more than a toy... Man as much as I want one, that’s one valk budget entry right there ...
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah i thk a recolor would bring it in nicely. So you would be removing the top guns from the 31s armor and replacing it with the radome? Interesting idea for a frankenstein vf-31A....
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the link valhary. Finally, a clear under fuselage shot for the 31e! Although still missing how it looks like from the side with wheels down. edit: posted! Really liking the fuselage sleekness from the side (apart from that gap behind the cockpit), and glad the radome seems nicely tucked in and not really breaking the silhouette too much... and also unfolding radome..
  20. p-bandai release! Guitar fast pack!! Ooo wouldnt basara want one!
  21. Oh yeah recall seeing that at earlier in the year...but i was under the impression that it wasnt weathered... Because due to Mr K's recent twitter pic, i think it showed a hint of weathering. Also the prototype shown earlier in the year seemed to be like the initial prototype seen years ago... Hmm...probably wait till next week to find out... thanks for that reminder, almost forgot abt it!
  22. They did? Wonderfest summer is next sunday...unless you are talking abt the shanghai one...any links?
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