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Everything posted by seti88

  1. are we talking about the PF release itself? Or are we discussing the fact that there is a non-PF and a PF version?
  2. Yeah, although the 24 is listed as sucessor to the 25, i see kawamori-san revisiting elements of his designs and incorporating them in new designs. Latest case in point, simplisticly speaking, is the 31 armor packs incorporating the gatling guns of the stampede valk design. In a way also, as i think, realistically getting releases of past designs is highly unlikely. So incorporating elements of older designs into new releases would be a way for kawamori-san to get those design elements out into the wild. IMHO.
  3. Price went higher(?) after delta aired and folks saw the 31A, which became a fan favourite. Being the valk the 31A kairos evolved from, the 30 has a similar silhouette.
  4. Fully tampoed angel birds pls!
  5. Anytime now...
  6. november! Missiles must be very difficult to add or orders may have been overwhelming..
  7. This is the video that got the speculation going on the 21 and 11(?) cos it appeared under the DX section of the vid... (though looking at it again am not sure of the plane in the foreground is a vf-11....) ..posted before by sanity in the yf19 thread... https://m.facebook.com/logged_out/watch/?video_id=1470780579701589&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FMechaAlliance%2Fvideos%2F1470780579701589%2F&_rdr Tamashii nations valkyrie project! Will it be showing more than just a VF-1 this time?
  8. Nicely done. If only there was a SV-262 armored add-ons eh!
  9. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Hopefully it is macross.
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yup, as soon as we get the kairos super parts. cmon bandai! Bandai shot themselves in the foot by not including add-on parts in valk releases that they have to find slots to release them...
  11. I tot abt the bots accounting that delay in. Main purpose is to make the bots drop out and go over the same process again. Maybe giving chance for regular users to get some in? but your captcha idea could be combined too, if after a set of time the bot is forced to go through a captcha test if it was below the set time threshold. Hmm prob just theories but if someone from the site happens to read this, well maybe it’s an idea.
  12. How feasible is it for an anti bot script checking purchases completed say within 30secs or so are instantly dropped? Ie time logging the time ipaddress/account logs in and completes the entire purchase process...
  13. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/japans-new-stealth-fighter-yf-23-black-widow-ii-78911 C'MON JAPAN LETS DO IT! MACROSS PLUS 2!!
  14. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I think its the way bandai structures their macross p-bandai releases. If they can release both p-bandai and regular releases concurrently, then we wouldn't have a shortage of release slots for macross. Macross releases are split right in the middle between 5 valks and 5 add-on releases this year. Compare with 2018 when there were 10 valks and only 1 add on part with a single SHF sheryl.
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Still too early to even speculate on line being dead... This year; valks; 2 (max+hikkie)1/48 DX releases. 2 (1d+4g) 1/100 HMR releases. 1 (chuck) 1/60 DX release add-on's 2 (armor + messers draken) DX add-on part releases... 3(missile+SSP being a double release) 1/48 DX add on part releases. Doesn't seem like a dying HMR line, more like the add on's taking up slots to support previously released valks.
  16. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Just wait 7 more weeks! I wouldn't mind more vf-4 variations tho...
  18. Its the protagonist from the gundam unicorn series. The animation is outstanding imo. Storywise, its gundam, so lets just say there isn't any singing walkure involved.
  19. Nice bird! Am envious too..
  20. Wow awesome art! The next valkyrie sortie book would be much anticipated!
  21. Nice double pickups! Which one do you open first is the question now...
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