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Everything posted by seti88

  1. take my breath away ...
  2. TOP GUN 3: an alien spaceship drops from space and the f-18 becomes transformable...maverick then trains a young roy to pilot the new plane..err...VF.... paramount: sure, use NUNS instead and beat the IP...
  3. I think its a high possibility for a VF-22 DX gamlin, looking at strong demand for the 21 DX at the mo. good sales of the YF-21 lead to a VF-22 gamlin and with an inevitable VF-19 DX, hints at a VF-11 MAXL... and then all roads lead to a VF-11 isamu...which will be a p-bandai 😆... *wakes from dreaming*
  4. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks man..do the ends fit into bandai's HMR valks and bits snugly? and the extreme side...have you tried it for DX valks (base reinforcement and c prong handles required i would think)? the itty bitty Y joint here, looks to be the game-changer, compared to the usual knock-offs...
  5. yeah it seems better than JP shops which limit purchases, if you can avoid looking at the price, which isnt that far off. Though i wonder if they can really handle the load, do kappa usually have a cut-off as well if orders come in heavy?
  6. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    any links? thanks!
  7. hopefully more stores will open up... at the very least no fuss...current BBTS prices are indicative of JP scalper prices.... more stores with cheaper prices may pop up...
  8. attach frickin laser beams and we got a deal!
  9. make a scarf too and complete the look...😉 and for the extreme makeover get a mini elvis wig! 😁
  10. Look what you did bandai! Implement pay upfront more or increase distribution channels...or god forbid reduce the price... as much as i know its in bandai's favor but in the long term restricting/making products hard to get ..well......is negative to branding cos there is a tipping point where folks wont care abt bandai no more... IMHO. not looking for a debate...
  11. 😁 yea no reason to be down......part of collecting is being able to hunt it down post release too esp since this is WWM shouldnt be too difficult to find.. who knows there could be another freaking release with the fold booster!!!
  12. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    bandai only releases em if you say you dont want em...🤣
  13. not to mention bare basic packaging if indeed the order goes through....but yeah i understand the compulsion to get one in hand... hmm no comments on the toy bit 🤣 but yeah more sites coming up!...😵
  14. Yea that wasn't nice! Still, i got cart-jacked at hobby genki. Was a little surprised at the price jump but was willing to go ahead anyway.. Didnt hear much bad news from YYK but then again i havent bought from them.
  15. lol..i wasn't the one who requested product shots...😂
  16. Ack now i cant unsee it...😵 bandai shld just have made a DX out of the HG 🤪 ...parts swapping..perfect transformation...bla bla...🤭
  17. am here just for the articles...
  18. Yeah you are right, that 262 color scheme sure has its advantages. You know that first hand unboxing feeling? I dare say the 262 took my breath away first time unboxing it, more than any other valk. More so than even a fully tampo-ed VF-1 DX. Those sharp gold lines, the deep blue with the windermere insignia's (especially on the cockpit cover!). One of kawamori-san's design masterpieces IMO.
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