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Everything posted by seti88

  1. lets hope for an eventual vf-11 possibility nevertheless! bandai got me hooked...... I noticed that the 1st time too, then realised the 19 somehow sits higher on its adapter, compared to the 21. Yeah, in my mind the 21 always seemed larger than the 19 somehow, but maybe am not paying attention. Maybe if they put them both on the ground standing would be a better comparison.
  2. close up of the two battroids
  3. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  4. Its still a prototype as kawamori/tenjin are still in discussions with the project lead of the 21. So maybe you might get your wish in the end! Yeah its pretty much given that bandai will try to maintain the price. Am wondering if bandai would even find it in their interest to release a less overall material valk, after the 21, with high prices in mind. I just hope we dont get into a situation where the 11 comes out bare, but still is priced high. Best case: 2 fold boosters included with the 11. Probable case: 1 fold booster. Worse case: No fold booster but priced as much as a yf-19/21!
  5. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  6. Only time will tell how much accessories will be included.
  7. Close-up of thigh rotation mechanism. And also guld looking thru!
  8. Fighter's from top
  9. Are you referring to the 29? Bandai is labelling the 29 as a full set release..
  10. Yes! Thanks for the pic post! Yup definitely bandai tweaked the proportions so that the 2 would match each other as chunky battroids! Now the question is.....................how much is bandai looking to get out of this, eh! If they label this as a full set 21, cant imagine what the sticker shock would be...
  11. I thk on the discussion of battroid, bandai’s 21 would need to be placed side by side with the 19. Hoping for clearer pics of the prototype with the 19 in the background there. i suspect bandai made the 21 design considerations so that the 2 battroids would look proportional with each other.
  12. I suddenly have an urge to swoosh my 262 draken after looking at the blue/yellow yf-21 in the pics. In fact am looking forward to be able to have a 262 and 21 fly side by side....bad boys in blue!
  13. fighter mode is a BEAUTY
  14. Not to mention the yammie got the double exhausts near the thrusters, as per art. Not sure if bandai has double exhaust exits, or its just very hidden in the slim outlet at the leg ends.
  15. TN2019 launch pics...
  16. Oh with this valk, i do it the other way around. Just move all my belongings and live there instead.
  17. Are the bandai's @ pre-order MSRP only or....?
  18. OK everyone please get into PO position.
  19. How far flat can the antennae be pivoted, is the question. As well as the clearance in the bubble packing. Too early to say yes, but cant shake the uneasy feeling so easy.
  20. This pic took my breath away. Man this pic alone can be a poster on a wall...
  21. Pls oh pls let this be issue free! Dear Bandai, Please SOLVE PACKING PROBLEM WITH ANTENNEA! thx and regards, YOUR PAYMASTERS
  22. Yes! JJ demands of it before saying that DX costs too much!
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