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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Of course i wouldn't like it to have a long delay (even christmas would be pushing the envelope of tolerance), but under the circumstances, consumers dont have much of a choice. As long as it arrives, and no store credit shenanigans pls!
  2. Ok sit back and wait. I suppose my HMR VF-4 from N-Y has a chance to be a christmas present to my self this year.
  3. NY is gonna be busy shipping the HMR VF-4 so you folks gotta wait for them to clear that backlog.... *j'king...
  4. ah right. Tot you were going with a roy theme.
  5. Throw in an Arcadia vf-0 Roy while waiting for the DX....heheh
  6. Posted on the other section, but in case folks don’t visit there...and it’s DX specific so here it is ....
  7. Macross in da news!
  8. Are you covering all scales? A HMR roy would be nice somewhere. If it was me tho, i would go for a valk evolution...ie VF-0 till VF-31..not vf-1S per se... btw, the VF-0 roy would also be nice somewhere, but i suppose you just want to stick with the VF-1S roy..
  9. Well, we got our answer to what is next from bandai...vf-1 DX kaki in august....which leaves....4 months of the year ie 4 slots left? And if the yf-21 and GBP are on track for this year...that leaves 2 slots... Probably the 21 and GBP are the only ones left this year, as even 2 additional near christmas may be too cramped for releases... My wallet thanks bandai!
  10. Hahaha! #STAYHOME
  11. Whats with displaying the TV 1J and 1A on the same page as DYRL kaki? Why not use the DYRL Hikkie to be displayed with?
  12. Oh this is gonna appreciated so well with your family during quarantine!
  13. HAHAHAHA!! @Tober called the black swan!
  14. still one of my fav valks, in spite of having to do some repair work on it! Love the color scheme... not that often seen in macross valkdom..
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    So, this is what working from home looks like!
  16. I ordered a couple of things from china a month back. When it arrived, i left the packages out in the sun for a bit, and then did the same once opened.... As for valks if worried... i guess you could sun ur valks, in their boxes of course! Just to ease my phobia..sigh...
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Niice. ...esp the kronos chunky pose!
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I dont have a full squad either. Got messer as a stealth 31 valk, kept arad for the surprisingly nice colors by bandai and the military-ish kairos.
  20. Beatles are timeless!
  21. Congrats to future.... Dr. Shizuka the cat.....
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine is still stuck at the warehouse, but i took the slowest option. And i think it didn't help that i paid on the very next to last day before they let orders go. But yeah i thk shopping might be also delayed with logistics backing up.
  23. Take care, best wishes for improvements in the situation.
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